Class differences in achievement INTERNAL factors sociologists Flashcards
Becker (1971)
Labelling theory
- Did a study in Chicago High school
- Teachers judged pupils according to how closely they fitted an image of the “ideal pupil”
- working class students were far from the “ideal pupil”
Dunne and Gazeley
Labelling theory
- Schools persistently produce working class underachievement
- Teachers “normalised” the underachievement of working class students
- Due to labelling
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)
Self - Fulfilling prophecy
- Studied a California primary school
- They told the school they had a new test specifically designed to identify the pupils who would “spurt” ahead. This was untrue
- Researchers picked 20% of the students at random and told them they were “spurters”
- A year later , they came back and found that almost half of those identified as spurters had made significant progress.
Gilborn and Youdell (2001)
Streaming and educational triage
- Teachers use stereotypical notions of “ability” to stream pupils
- Teachers are less likely to see workint class students as having ability therefore placed in lower streams.
- Denies opportunity needed to gain good grades and widens the class gap in achievement
- A-C economy = this process is the educational triage
- System where schools focus their time and effort on those pupils they see having the potential to get five grade Cs so boost the schools league table position
Lacey (1970)
Pupil subcultures
- how they develop :
•Differentiation - Process of teachers categorising pupils according to how they perceive their ability to, attitudes and behaviour
•Polarisation - Profess in which pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of the two opposite poles or extremes
• Pro - school subculture = pupils placed in high streams tend to remain committed to values of the school
• Anti- school subculture = Those placed in low streams go against values of the school
Archer (2010)
Pupil identity and achievement
- Interaction between working class pupils identities and school , and how this produces underachievement.
Draw on Bourdieus concept of habitus = dispositions taken for granted ways of thinking , being and acting that are shared by a particular social class.
- Working class pupils felt that to be educationally successful , they would have to change the way they presented themselves.