Class 7 Flashcards
Test 7.1 Question
Manual standpipe system relies exclusively on the (NFPA 14, 2007 — S-11,
Fire department connection
All two-way fire department connection signs shall be permanently marked and shall be constructed of weather-resistant metal or rigid plastic materials. All interior signage shall have a __________ background with minimum 1-inch high white letters. All exterior signage shall have a __________ background with a minimum 1 - inch high red letters (NFPA 14, 2007 — S-29, 4.10Q)
Heat is a form of energy identified by a temperature difference or a change of (Notes — chemistry & physics of fire)
a solid is a structure without an internal cavity that has a definite (Notes — Gases)
size / shape
A liquid is a substance that flows freely and that a definite volume but (Notes — Gases)
No independent shape
Liquids are only (Notes — characteristics & hazards of water)
Slightly Compressible
A gas is a substance that has no definite volume or independent shape that tends to (Notes — gases)
Expand indefinitely
Gases aree (Notes — Gases)
Sensible heat is heat that can be measured with (Notes — Gases)
Thermometer / Sensed by a person
An accepted standard unit of heat measurement is the (Notes — GAses)
British thermal unit
A British thermal unit (BTU) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of (Notes — chemistry and physics of fire)
One pound of water 1 F
temperature is the measurement of a degree or intensity of (Notes — Chemistry and the physics of fire )
A glass thermometer is a graduated glass tube that is filled with a substance, such as alcohol or (Notes — Chemistry and the physics of fire)
heat transfer is the movement of heat from one material (Notes — CHemistry and the physics of fire)
To another
The greater the temperature difference, the (Notes: Chemistry and physics of fire)
Greater the heat transfer
Heat transfer that occurs when currents circulate between warm and cool regions of fluid is known as (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Temperatures in boiler operation are commonly expressed using the Fahrenheit or celsius scale. The Fahrenheit scale use 0F as the freezing point of salt water and provides a larger number of increments between the freezing point of fresh water (32F) and boiling point of freshwater (212 F) compared to the celsius scale. The celsius scale uses 0 C as the freezing point of fresh water and 100 C as the boiling point of fresh water. Sometimes it is necessary to convert temperature readings to different scales. When degrees Fahrenheit is known, degrees celsius is found by applying the formula (notes — chemistry and physics of fire)
C= (F - 32) / 1.8
When degrees celsius is known, degrees Fahrenheit is found by applying the formula (notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
F= (1.8 x C) +32
A heat transfer that occurs when molecules in a material are heated and heat is passed from molecule to molecule through the material is known as (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Heat transfer that occurs as radiant energy ( electromagnetic waves) without material carrier is known as (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
To sustain combustion (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Heat and oxygen are required
Fuels are commonly used for combustion such as natural gas, fuel oil, and coal are fuels formed by plant and animal remains taken from the ground is called (Notes — chemistry and physics of fire)
Fossil fuels
Air from the atmosphere supplies the oxygen and nitrogen and additional elements. All of these elements become involved during combustion. Air has (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Oxygen (20.95%) & Nitrogen (78.08)
A powder composed of small particles, usually of sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, urea-potassium-based bicarbonate. potassium chloride or monoammonium phosphate, with added particulate supplemented by special treatment to provide resistance to packing, resistance to moisture absorption (caking) and the proper flow capabilities (NYC. Bldg. code 2014 — 201, 902, definitions)
Dry-chemical extinguishing agent
A system supplying carbon dioxide (CO2) from a pressurized vessel through fixed pipes and nozzles. This system includes a manual- or automatic-actuating mechanism (NYC Bldg. code 2014 — 902, definitions)
Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems
Test 7.2 Questions
The automatic drip device between the check valve and the outside hose coupling prevents water from building up in the piping. This connection is not blocked by _________ which has _________ in the piping (NFPA 14, 2007 — S-28, (i) ) (Note — Overview of sprinkler and sparkler systems)
Water frozen
A connection from a reliable public water works system of adequate capacity and water pressure is _____________________ primary supply for automatic sprinkler systems (NFPA 14, 2014 — S-70, 9.1.5Q (1) — NFPA 13, 1989 — 2-8, 2-3.1.1*)
The preferred
Fire department connections must always be accessible. Each connection should be fitted with a (NFPA 14, 2007, S-28, Q (h) — NFPA 13, 2007, 13-91,
Check valve
The automatic drip device between the check valve and the outside hose coupling prevents water from (NFPA 14, 2007, S-28, 8.2.2Q (i) — NFPA 13, 2007, 13-91, 8. 17.2 .6)
Building up in the piping
Two-way fire department connections are to be colored coded, that the caps of each two-way fire department connection to an automatic sprinkler system shall be painted (NFPA 14, 2007 — S-26,
The two-way fire department connection serving a non-automatic sprinkler systems shall have the entire connection painted (NYC Fire Code 2014 — 120, 912.4(3))
Where temperatures drop below freezing, ordinary wet pipe system cannot be sued. There are two methods for using automatic sprinklers in places exposed to freezing temperatures. One method is to design a system where water enters the sprinkler system piping only after a control valve is opened. These are dry pipe systems, deluge systems, or pre-action systems, the other method (NFPA 13, 2007 — 13-18, 3.4.1 — NFPA 13, 1989 — 3-6, 3-5.1.1 and 5-12, 5-5.1)
Antifreeze sprinkler system
The use of antifreeze solutions shall be conformity with (NFPA 13, 2007 — 13- 38,
State and local health regulations
An automatic sprinkler system should (Notes —- Overview of sprinkler systems)
Not be shut off and drained to avoid freezing during cold weather
The method used to supply water to sprinkler systems are the same as those for (NFPA 14, 2014 —- S-69, 9.1*)
Standpipe systems
The minimum supply of extra heads that should always be kept in a sprinkler cabinet are ( NFPA 13, 2007 —- 13-28,*)
Automatic sprinkler systems shall be monitored by a central supervising station. THE EXCEPTION to this (NYC Bldg. Code 2014 —- 199, 901.6.1 (1) (2) )
A central supervising station is not required for automatic sprinkler systems protecting one- and two-family dwellings / Limited area sprinkler systems serving FEWER than 20-sprinkler heads
The stock of spare sprinklers shall be kept in a cabinet locate where the temperature to which they are subjected will at no time exceed (NFPA 13, 2007 —- 13-28,
100 F
The best way to put out a fire is to spray water from a sprinkler head (Notes —- Automatic sprinklers)
Downward / Horizontally
The spray pattern of a sprinkler head _______ ________ prevent the spread of the fire (Notes —- automatic sprinklers)
Will also
The force of the water against the deflector creates a heavy spray which is directed (NFPA 13, 2007 —- 13-19, —- Notes —- Automatic sprinklers)
Outward and downward
The spray pattern of the water discharged from the sprinkler head is determined by the deflector (NFPA 13, 2007 —- 13-19, —- Notes —- Automatic sprinklers)
The newest kinds of sprinkler heads allow the sprinklers to be placed farther apart, need lower flow rates to give coverage to an area. These new heads offer more effective fire protection and are less likely to cause water damage than the: (NFPA 13,2007 — 13-19, — Notes — Automatic sprinklers)
Old style sprinkler heads
The spare sprinklers stocked in the cabinet provided shall have a special wrench provided within the cabinet to be used in the removal and installation of sprinklers. sprinkler wrench shall be provided for each type of sprinkler provided: (NFPA 13, 2007 — 13-28,
Automatic sprinklers shall have their frame arms, deflector, coating material, or liquid bulb in accordance with the temperature requirements that have various temperature ratings which state the temperatures at which they will fuse. The temperature rating of all solder type automatic sprinklers is stamped on the solder link. For other heat sensitive units, the temperature rating is stamped on one of the releasing parts: (NFPA 13, 2007 – 13-27, -13-28, Table
Sometimes conditions exist which cause a build-up of foreign material on sprinkler heads. This may prevent the sprinkler head from working properly. This buildup is commonly called: (NFPA 25, 2014 — 25-87, A. (2))
If the build-up on the sprinkler head is hard, it may prevent the sprinkler from opening. The best practice in fixing these sprinklers is to: (NFPA 25, 2014 — 25-87, A. (2))
Replace with new sprinklers
Deposits of light dust are less serious than hard deposits. Dust build up may delay the operation of sprinkler heads. However, it will not prevent the eventual discharge of water. Dust deposits can be blown or vacuum off. Scouring or acidic liquids are likely to damage the sprinklers and should not be used for cleaning. Hot solutions of the mildest type: (NFPA 25, 2014 — A. (5))
Should never be used to clean sprinkler heads
A certificate of fitness holder shall maintain a detailed record of all inspections. A record card with the date of each inspection, the certificate of fitness number, and the signature of the fitness holder shall be posted: (Notes — Sprinkler & Standpipe systems)
Near the main control valve
All defects of violations shall be noted on the report. (detailed record) Records shall be made available to any representative of the: (NYC Fire Code 2014 — 14, 107.7)
Fire department and kept for 3-years
The certificate of fitness holder should report all major defects immediately to: (NYC Fire Code 2014 — 16, 113.2 (2))
The local fire company / The owner or manager of the building / The bureau of fire prevention
Test 7.3 Questions
If a flammable gas with a specific gravity greater than one escapes from its container, it will typically: (Notes – Chemistry and physics of fire)
Sink to a low level and travel considerable distances to potential
Propane (C3H8), which has a molecular weight of 44, is heavier than air and, if leaking from a cylinder will: (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Will, accumulate near the ground
The density of a gas will decrease as its temperature is: (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Hot products of combustion will: (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Tends to rise
Because of the very low temperature of Liquefied natural gas (LNG), The spills can be very dangerous, as the vapor: (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Can spread over a wide area with little dilution
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), the vapor: (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Heavier than air
Because molecules of a liquid are always in motion (the amount of motion depends upon the temperature of the liquid), molecules are continually escaping from the free surface of the liquid to the: (Notes — Chemistry and physics of fire)
Space above
Extinguishment of a fire involving a continuously flowing combustible gas often is difficult. The best tactic is to: (Theory of fire extinguishment)
Shut off the flow of gas
Which agent is used in extinguishment of a fire involving a continuously flowing combustible gas, it should be projected: (Notes — Theory of fire extinguishment)
In the same general direction as the burning jet or plume
Application of water or foam to the surface of a smoldering fire is not always effective, because water: (Notes — Theory of fire extinguishment)
Cannot penetrate the hot interior where the combustion is occurring
Application of any dry chemical agent on electrical fires is: (Notes — Theory of fire extinguishment)
The specific gravity of water (liquid) is equal to: (Notes — Flammable and combustible liquids)
A liquid with a specific gravity of less than one will: (Notes — Flammable & combustible liquids)
Will generally float on the water
The specific gravity greater than one indicates that the water will: (Notes — Flammable & combustible liquids)
Float on the liquid