Class 6 Flashcards
Define Work System Design
specifying the content and methods of jobs. focuses on what will be done and how. Includes:job design, methods and motion analysis, work measurement, compensation
Define Job Design
the content of the job
Define Efficiency school
systematic, logical approach, focused on labour cost reductions
Define Behavioural school
emphasized satisfaction of worker’s wants and needs
Define Methods and motion analysis
How a job is (or should be) performed
Define Work Measurement
The process of determining how long it should take to do a job
Define Specialization
The design and development of jobs with a very narrow scope
Define Job Enlargement
Assigning worker a larger portion of the total task
Define Job Rotation
Having workers periodically exchange jobs
Define Job Enrichment
An increase in the level of responsibility for planning and coordination
Define Work Team
increasing authority, responsibility and trust of workers
Define Methods analysis
Analyzing how a job gets done, in order to make the job more efficient
Define process chart
A chart used to examine the overall sequence of an operation by focusing on the movements of the operator or the flow of materials
Define Worker-machine chart
A chart used to determine the portions of a work cycle during which an operator and equipment are busy or idle
Define Motion study
The systematic study of the human motions used to perform an operation
Define Principles of motion economy
Guidelines for designing motion-effective work procedures
a) Principles for use of the body
b) Principles for arrangements of the workplace
c) Principles for the design of tools and equipment
Define Therblig
Basic elementary motions that make up a job
Define Simo Chart
A chart that shows the elementary motions performed by each hand, side-by-side, over time
Define Work Measurement
The process of determining how long it should take to do a job
Define Stopwatch time study
An approach used to develop a standard time for a job based on observations of one worker taken over a number of cycles
Define Observed Time (OT)
The average of recorded time
Define Normal Time (NT)
The average observed time adjusted for the workers performance
-PR=Performance Rating
Define Standard Time (ST)
Normal time adjusted for factors such as personal needs, unavoidable delays, adjustments and repairs, waiting for materials, talking to a supervisor, rest breaks, etc
-AF=Allowance Factor
Define allowance factor
Can be based on either job time or time worked
Define Location break-even analysis
Identifies the least (fixed and variable) cost location choice based on quantity to be produced
Define Factor rating
A general approach to evaluating locations that includes quantitative and qualitative factors
Define Center of gravity method
A method to determine the location of a distribution center that will minimize total distribution cost.It treats distribution cost as a linear function of the distance and the quantity shipped
What is the equation for Observed Time?
What is the equation for Normal Time?
What is the equation for Standard Time?
What is the equation for Allowance Factor?
What is the equation for Number of Cycles?
For a given accuracy
For a given target maximum error
What is the equation for center of gravity
List the 4 activities in work system design
1) job design
2) Methods and motion analysis
3) work measurement
4) compensation
List the 2 schools of thought in job design
1) Efficiency school
2) Behavioural school
List the Strengths and Weaknesses of Specialization
Strengths - high productivity with low unit cost, and largely responsible for high standard of living in industrailized nations
Weaknesses-monotonous, a source of much worker dissatisfaction
List the approaches used to improve the quality of work life
- leave the job as is, but employ only people who like a rigid environment and/or routine work
- leave the job as is, but pay the employees more
- mechanize and automate the routine jobs
- redesign the job
List the Objectives of motion study and the Techniques used
- eliminate unnecessary motions
- determine the best pattern and sequence of motions
- combine activities
- reduce fatigue
- improve arrangement of the workplace
- improve design of tools and equipment
- Analysis of elemental motions (Therbligs
- Micromotion study
- Simultaneous hand motion (Simo) chart
List the 3 Major classes of motion economy principles
1) principles for use of the body
2) principles for arrangements of the workplace
3) principles for the design of tools and equipment
List the 4 steps involved in completing a stopwatch time study
1) Define the task to be studied
2) Determine the number of cycles to observe
3) Time the job
4) Compute the standard time
List 3 reasons why a location decision is important
1) Infrequent decision
2) Long term commitments and costs
3) Significant impact
List 3 reasons to locate/relocate
1) Expand capacity
2) Defensive (to protect market share)
3) Decrease costs and improve access to raw materials, power, water, infrastructure, workforce, suppliers, distribution, supply chain partners, and markets
List the 6 steps involved in making a location decision
1) Decide on the criteria
2) Develop location alternatives
3) Evaluate the alternatives against the criteria
4) make selection
5) Sanity check
6) Prepare business case to explain and justify the selection
Calculation question
last pages of lecture 6