Class 5 - Drug Classifications Flashcards
**therapeutic classification
what is being treated by the drugs
** pharmacological classification
how the drugs works in the body
-many drugs fit in multiple groups
medications in the same therapeutic class often share similar:
- mechanism of action
- assessment guidelines
- precautions
- interactions
- patients teaching requirements
prototype drugs
- individual drugs that represent groups of drugs
- used to compare other drugs in the same pharmacological class
- well researched and understood
- have known action and adverse effects
- give foundation of side effects - might not be widely prescribed, newer drugs will replace prototypes.
chemical name
predict physical and chemical properties
generic name
assigned by manufacturer that first develop the drug
trade name
designed by company to market drug
dosage and routine
-drugs each have a specific therapeutic level which makes dosage important, based on drug side effects routines need to be in place so that a drug which causes frequent urination could not be given at hs
is a situation which makes a particular treatment or procedure inadvisable
are used to put both likely and rare adverse reactions to prepare, treat and manage effects - precautions should include how to minimize a reaction with care information
to decrease toxicity and bad effects when two drugs are taken at the same time
what do you need to know before administering digoxin
take the pulse of the patient and it needs to be over 60
categories of drug action
stimulation, depression, irritation, demulcent, replacement, inhibition or killing of organisms
the rate of cell activity or the secretion from a gland increases
cell activity and function of a specific organ are reduced
non selective and often noxious effect. irritate the inner wall of the colon. (suppository)
oily or mucilaginous agent used to smooth or soften an irritated surface especially mucous membranes(cough syrup)
replace essential body compounds (insulin)
inhibition or killing of organisms
interfere with bacterial cell growth (antibiotics)
thought to affect the limbic system and reticular formation to relieve anxiety. they have the potential to cause psychological and physical dependence
the are 2 basic groups in this classification; one group acts on the CNS to produce amnesia and unconsciousness while the other decreases nerve transmission in the area of injection or application
medications which interfere with the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and/or epinephrine in order to prevent or relieve depression
stimulant laxative
substances that chemically stimulates the smooth muscles of the bowel to increase contractions and relieve constipation
this classification of medications includes both insulin and hypoglycemic agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
bulk-forming laxatives
this classification of laxatives works through the ingestion of non-digestible substances that pass through the stomach and cause an increase in the bulk of the stool
this classification includes several subgroups of medications that act in a variety of ways to lower blood pressure
used for cancer treatment, these drugs slow the disease process. They are cytotoxic, interfering with normal as well as cancer cells because they multiply more rapidly. healthy cells most affected by these drugs include bone marrow, GI mucosa, and hair follicles
used to induce vomiting
non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
used for their anti-inflmmatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. they are irritating to the GI tract and should always be given with milk or food
act by neutralizing or reducing gastric acidity thereby increasing the pH of the stomach and relieving hyperacidity
this classification of drugs is used to increase the oxygen caring capacity of RBC’s
given to stimulate antibody production, this classification of drugs causes a temporary or permanent resistance to infectious disease
this classification of drugs slows or prevents blood coagulation. because of the high risk of hemmorhage, dosage is dependent upon specific lab tests
used to relieve pain, it includes drugs that act on the central nervous system (narcotics) and drugs that act at the site of pain (non-narcotics)
classification of drugs that is capable of producing sleep
relax contractions of the smooth muscle of the bronchioles to improve ventilation to the lungs
a broad term used to describe medications that have the ability to destroy or interfere with the development of a living organism, they are used in the treatment of infections
used for the control of chronic seizures and involuntary muscle spasm. they do not cure but do control seizures without impairing normal CNS function
this classification of drugs is used for the treatment of allergic conditions and is known as histamine receptor blockers. they act by competing with histamine for histamine receptor sites, thereby preventing or reducing capillary permeability (decreasing itching and edema) and bronchospasm
trade name: Lanoxin high alert drug an antiarrhythmic used for people with heart problems side effects : arrhythmia's take apical pulse before administering do not administer if it is less than 60, then contact a physician
trade name: nyaderm, nystop
decreases symptoms of fungal infection
side effects: skin irritation
high alert medication trade name: coumadin anticoagulant management of heart attacks, prevention or treatment of blood clots, lung blockages. side effects: bleeding
TN: cortate, coticane
class: corticosteroids
management of inflammation
side effects: skin irritation
helps with blood clot