class 4 - NOT DONE Flashcards
What do the sub categories mean:
Ontology - nature of reality
Epistemology - nature of knowledge
Axiology - ethics
Methodology - method of research
(evidence based and scientific method based) empiricists
Ontology → reality is objective, there is only 1 reality and can be measured
Epistemology→ knowledge is empirically confirmed or disconfirmed
Axiology→ all inquiries should be value free
methodology→ quantitative research
(ways people try to make meaning)
i) Phenomenology: What seems true may be very personal, not based on universal laws.
ii) Hermeneutics: the meaning from text
Ontology→ no ONE reality, no ONE identity, and no ONE truth. Everything can be fluid.
Epistemology→knowledge is subjective
Axiology→your own values carry into your research
Methodology→you want to understand people’s experiences
Ontology→reality is based on history and who controls where you live
Epistemology→knowledge lies in the struggles of those who are oppressed
Axiology→social justice
Methodology→using research to inform and create awareness
Ontology→ whatever works for people
Epistemology→whatever knowledge helps people solve their problems
Axiology→what will help you and the participant reach a goal?
Methodology→mixed methods