class 2 - social institutions, demographics, social class and inequality, social interactions Flashcards
standardized sets of social norms organized to preserve a basic societal value & preserve the collective ethic of a society
social institutions
stability of these social institutions help guard against
anomie which happens when societal values do not adequately guide individual or group behavior
7 social institution exampls
education family religion gov econ health medicine
formal process where knowledge, skills, and values are systematically transmitted from 1 individual or group to another
more education is assc with
less inequality
hidden curriculum
unintended lessons taught in school about social norms, values, beliefs
teacher expectancy
expectations about student performance can change teacher behavior and result in conformation to expectations (pos or neg) ex. teacher thinks girls are worse at math so they start doing worse
what theories (2) best explain teacher expectancy
symbolic interactionism
social constructionism
socially defined set of relationships between at least 2 people related by birth, marriage, adoption or some other agreed upon relationship
what theory is assc with family
beliefs and practices based on sacred obhects and ideas
what would Durkheims approach to studying religion be ? what would Karl Marx approach be?
- keeping order, balance (functionalism)
- keep people in their -place (conflict theory)
citizens are allowed to regularly participate in the selection of government leaders
citizens not free to choose where they work or live i.e. requires complete subsurviance to the state (dictator like)
strong central power and limited political freedoms, can be dictated by military affiliation
arrangements by which a society produces, distributes and consumes goods, services and other resources
institution trusted to make and enforce rules of a society
law of oligarchy
all forms of organziation will eventually develop oligarchic tendencies, esp in large groups and complex orgs
rule by few
ideal bureaucracy according to max weber (5)
- written rules and expectations
- officials hired and promoted based on technical competency
- neutrality / impartiality
- hierarchial structure
- division of labor
when principles of fast food industry dominate over sectores of american society aka chain mentality
social process where human conditions (behavior, physio, emotional) come to be defined and treated as medical conditions
sick role
theory that people who are ill have certain rights and responsibilites to society
what are the rights and obligations in sick role
right - exempt from normal social roles
right - not responsible for their condiiton
obligation - try to get better
obligation - seek treatment and cooperate with med professional
explain how sick role & cooley’s looking glass self would interact
- might see self as more or less sick depending on how others respond to you
- likelihood someone will conform to sick role based on how they’re perceived
when a social structure engages in discrimanitory practices against an individual or group
institutional discrimination - MUST be systematic and integrated into the societal structure (not the result of individual choice
what are the 2 critical aspects of healthcare delivery
availability = presence of resources accessibility = ability for someone to obtain existing resources
law to increase health insurance rates through a private insurance marketplace, medicaid expansion, and subsidies for the purchase of health insurance
affordable care act 2010
study of social determinants of health and the use of social concepts to explain patterns of health in the population
social epidemiology
social condition: when populations benefit from __________ the overall quality of life also tends to be favorable
favorable condition factors
social condition: when quality of life is negatively impacted they’re known as
social problems
social isolation
complete or nearly complete lack of contact with others in a society
socioeconomic gradient in health
there’s a proportional incr in health and health outcomes as SES incr
suggests: 1) its from top to bottom ranks of society and 2) context and level matter
major determinants of health disparaties annd healthcare disparaties in society (5)
JIGLE Job status income geography language barriers education
is age a social construct
malthusian theory of demographic change
hypothesized that unchecked popln growth would quickly exceed carrying capacity, leading to overpopln –> w/o pop control, pop would decrease by catastrophes (famine or war)
demographic transition theory
- what it is
- explain the pre-industrial stage, industrial revolution, and post-industrial stage
societies transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates
- pre-industrial = high birth and high death rate
- revolution = high birth and death rates start to decr –> pop growth
- post-industrial = low birth and low death rates –> pop stabilizes
gender identity
extent to which someone identifies with a gender - often shaped early in life by social interaction
diff bn sex and gender
trans=identify as another gender AND wish to transition
inter=born with ambiguous sex traits
sexual orientation
social construct
exists on a continuum with extremes being exclusive attraction to the opp gender or sex (hetero) and exclusive attraction to the same (hoo)
kinsey scale
aka hetero-homo rating scale
-estimates vary widely depending on demographics like age and gender
diff bn race and ethnicity
race=physical characteristics (biological but still social construct)
ethnicity = shared cultural traditions/common nationality (cultural)
what are the positives and negatives to net migrant flow
positive = economic opportunity, connect with relatives, diversity negative = political, oppression, xenophobia
change of poorer neighborhoods thru renovation and capital investment and moves the poor out
group action to promote, resist or undo a social change
social movements
populations moving from rural to urban aread
incfreased contact bn different cultures