class 1 - major social theories & research methods Flashcards
name that theory:
society is complex, made of many people working together to maintain solidarity, order, balance, social stability
who is known for Functionalism?
Is functionalism a macro or micro-level theory?
emile durkheim
social structures working synergistically toward solidarity results in
common consciousness (durkheim phrase)
Durkheim believed dysfunctions in societies are caused by anomie which is
mismatch bn wider social standards and individual standards
i.e. a state of few to no moral or social guidelines
difference between manifest and latent function (durkheim)
manifest = obvious, intended function of a social structure latent = less obvious, unrecognizable consequence of that social structure
name that theory:
society is a competition for limited resources
conflict theory - concerned with imbalances in wealth, power, prestige among major groups
who is known for conflict theory?
Is conflict theory a macro or micro-level theory?
karl marx & max weber who refined Marx’s assertion
according to conflict theory, imbalances create a class struggle between who
those who control production and those who provide
economic system where all means of production are publicly owned in order to benefit all members of the society & who is known for it
socialism (karl marx)
ecxonomic system that encourages private ownership in order to produce profit and wealth & who is known for it
captialism (karl marx)
karl marx describes members of a subordinate social class that are actively aware of themselves as a group being exploited by the wealthy
class consciousness
karl marx describes people who are unaware of themselves being exploited & instead they see themselves as individuals instead of an exploited group
false consciousness
Marx argued that what holds back the workers’ unity and revolution is the presence of “false class consciousness”, where workers mistakenly identify with the interests with the capitalists.
T/F: Max weber believed there’s only one source of conflict in society: income
F - could be > 1
agencies of nonelected officials that administer the laws of society
incr efficiency in pursuit of rational self-interest and away from traditional religious standards of spirituality and morality
___ and ____ can exert a very powerful effect on society (max weber)
ideas and beliefs
who are the founders of sociology
durkheim, karl marx, and max weber
name that theory:
people act towards things based on the meaning those things have for them and these meanings are derived from social interactions and modified through interpretation
symbolic interactionism
who is known for symbolic interactionism ?
Is symbolic interactionism a macro or micro-level theory?
george mead (I and me) & Charles cooley (looking glass self) micro
George mead believed the self is developed in 3 stages. What are they, what are their age ranges, and what do they entail
prepatory stage (0-2) = children learn to use language and symbols but only mimic those around them (imitate) play stage (2-6) = kids learn to play the role of others in pretend game (role taking) game stage (7+) = kids start to understand the generalized other (organized and generalized attitude of a social grp)
According to george mead, individual develop a social self called ___ and a response to that social self called ___
me –> I
personal identity and individuality - is this “I” or “me”