Class #2 - Resilience/homelessness Flashcards
Resilience def?
Bounce-back. The capacity to positively recover from adversities/challenges/trauma.
Resilience origin?
70s, studied child with schizo. parents. Shift from deficit model to strengths
Vulnerability factors vs protective resilience factors?
Vul: Conditions/critical incidents increasing possibility that person develop a problem.
Pro: Conditions that buffer/interrupt/prevent problems from occurring. =>Strengths
Resilience levels:
1-Problem-solving skills, social competence, cognitive skills, self-esteem.
2- Effective parenting, persistent role models, harmony, socio-economic ressources
3-Social support, ability to extend network, school experiences, opportunities to engage in social life
Stage of development of resilience concept?
1- Locus of resilience: factors outside individual
2-Static vs Fluid: Research shows its fluid, can be learned
3-Across all challenges or not?: Resilience manifest differently from adverse events, not uniform across all circumstances.
Internal locus of resilience?
Idea that I can affect change
More effect? internal character or envir.?
Environment, one adult is enough to help child develop resilience.
Iran refugees study shows?
- Task oriented coping = more helpful in resilience
- Low harm avoidance (taking risk): Good resilience coping
- High cooperativeness = Facilitating resilience
Criticism of concept?
Ambiguous definition and limitation to measurability. NO celar definition of positive outcomes.
Resilience research lacks cultural sensitity
Socio-ecological levels in developing resilience?
- Upstream: better outcomes
- Familiy: support, attached relationships, optimism and humour.
-Organizational/institutions: Resilience improved when good communications across local systems
Individual: powerful identity, control, belonging, cultural adherence
Nurses 5 strategies develop personal resilience?
1-Building + professional relationships
2-Maintain + with humour, optimism
3- Emotional insights: don’t neglect self-care
4- Balanced life to give one’s life meaning
5- Become more reflective to find emotional strength
Stats of women homeless? Mtl 2015 homeless count.
- 3016 total 24% were women
- 7% were unsheltered -39% of immigrants were women
- 45% women between 31-49 years old
- Reason for homelessness?: 27% financial, 22% abuse, 12% mental health
Strengths/vulnerabilities homeless women?
-Structural: Financial assistance, affordable rent, subsidized housing.
-INdi: social network, coping skills, emplyment, cognitive skills, home ownership
-Structural: LAck financial assistance, low income, high rent, lack support programs.
-INdi: poor social support, no job, conjugal violence, divorce, mental health Dx, substance abuse, immigration
4 different types of homelessness?
1-Unsheltered: streets.
2-Emergency sheltered: staying overnight
3- Provisionally accomodated: Couch surfing
4- At risk: precarious situations
Homeless vulnerabilities?
lone-parents, unattached indi. between 45 and 64, disabilities impede working, <10 years immigrants, aboriginal living off-reserve
Strategies to counter homelessness?
- Housing first
- Emerg. shelters
- short/medium/long shelters
- Food bank
- Improve access to health
NUrsing interventions?
- Community empowerment
- Use technology to contact clients
- Street nurses
- Guide toward resources
- Screen for STD
Food insecurity def?
“the inability to acquire / consume adequate diet quality, or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways
Or the uncertainty to…
Nursing role in food insecurity?
- Assessing: Predictors = low income, aboriginal status, renting, lone-parent.
- Intervention: Guide toward resources