Civilizations Inferno: The Rise and Reform of Industrial Cities Flashcards
Chicago City
Designed buildings that enhanced not hid vertical prowess of skyscrapers, electricity provided safer night activities.
Mutual Aid Society
Members pay dues and receive support in case of death or job injury. Functioned like clubs based on ethnic groups.
Race Riot
White mobs triggered by fear of violence or rumors of crime
Buildings that held 20 or more families. Fostered disease and high infant mortality rate.
Vaudeville Theater
Walk in any time to see continuous show of many acts. Movie theatres became even more popular and more “proper” than vaudeville.
Music popularized by black musicians. Steady beat combined with syncopated off beats. Introduced at Chicago World’s Fair in 1893.
Spoke of hard work and heartbreak. Part of what brought African American music into popular culture.
Yellow Journalism
Derogatory term for mass market newspapers. Seen as “gossipy”. Had scandalized stories.
Theodore Roosevelt’s name for journalists who focused too much on the negative.
Political Machines
Party bureaucracies that had major power through elected and appointed officials.
National Municipal League
Wanted cities to have small councils and professional city managers. (as apposed to party bosses giving their friends jobs)
Movements that set to fix problems caused by industrialization.
City Beautiful Movement
Push to add parks to urban areas.
Social Settlement
Community welfare centers raised funds to address needs, help community, and advocate for its members. Many had a religious affiliation. Completed investigations on lead poisoning and pushed for reform in juvenile justice system.
Hull House
One of the first social settlements. Spark plug for political reform that began with helping the poor.
Pure Food and Drug Act
(1906) Created FDA
National Consumers League (NCL)
Progressive organization for reform.
Women’s Trade Union League
Financed by wealthy women. Banded women together to advocate for suffrage rights.
Triangle Shirtwaist
Fire in factory, doors locked to prevent theft. 146 workers died. (1911)