An Emerging World Power (1890-1918) Flashcards
American Exceptionalism
Idea that U.S. had destiny to foster democracy and become leader of civilization
Monroe Doctrine
Western Hemisphere was off limits to European Colonization
Remember the Maine
Becomes battle cry after U.S. battle cruiser sinks. No evidence, but Americans blame Spanish.
Teller Amendment
U.S. could not occupy Cuba, but would uphold democracy there.
Insular Cases
Set of Supreme Court cases that said people in new U.S. territories don’t automatically become citizens. Congress gets to decide if they are.
Platt Amendment
(1902) Blocked Cuba from making treaty with any country but U.S. If Cuba complies U.S. will remove troops from Cuba.
Jones Act
(1916) Said Philippines would be independent, but not when. Eventually became independent in 1946.
Root-Takahira Agreement
(1908) U.S. and Japan sign to maintain status quo territory wise, free oceanic commerce, and China’s independence
Roosevelt Corollary
Addition to Monroe Doctrine that said U.S. could intervene in Caribbean affairs.
Great Britain, France, Russia
Central Powers
Germany and Austria-Hungry
Western Front
Germany v. France. Brutal trench warfare
Zimmermann Telegram
Intercepted by British, sent from Germany to Mexico asking them to attack U.S. Congress was divided about what to do, but ultimately decided to declare war.
War Industries Board
Convinced (or forced when necessary) businesses to switch to wartime production
National War Labor Board
Established 8 hour work day, time and a half pay, and equal pay for women in exchange for a no strike pledge.
Committee on Public Information
Government propaganda agency whose goal was to stop war dissent
Four-Minute Men
Delivered pro-war speeches at movie theatres. Lead to increase in nativist hysteria.
Sedition Act of 1918
Prohibited words or behavior that might encourage resistance to the U.S. Had a loose definition of treason, so many were convicted.
Great Migration
Black Americans moved north for jobs in heavy industries.
National Women’s Party (NWP)
More confrontational approach to seeking change. Picketed the White House, were arrested, went on hunger strike, and were then force fed. This gave their cause national attention. Wilson changed his mind and supported women’s suffrage.
Fourteen Points
Wilson’s plan for peace that he presented to Congress 1 year before the Versailles Peace Conference. Wanted open seas and reduced arms. Had the goal of creating the League of Nations.
Treaty of Versailles
End of WW1. Influenced heavily by Wilson’s 14 points, created buffer nations (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, etc)