Citations Flashcards
Citations and Brief Topic Descriptions
Vinchur and Koppes (2011)
The history of I-O Psychology by decade and specific impacts on motivation, training, leadership, etc.
Landy & Farr (1980)
Looked at the cognitive processes of the rater when assessing validity of ratings. Essentially they were the first to pose that ratings may say more about the rater than the ratee. The paper mainly rested on reliability as validity in this domain hadn’t yet been studied. Worry more about how the rating form affects the rater than how it records ratee behavior.
Thomas and Tymon (1982)
Design with the practitioner in mind:
1) Descriptive relevance: Deals with what the practitioner encounters
2) Goal Relevance: Deals with outcomes the practitioner cares and can do soemthing about
3) Operational Validity: Tndependent variables are ones practictioner can manipulate
4) Non-Obiviousness: Above and beyond common sense
5) Timeliness: Relevant to what’s going on in the world
Stone-Romero (2011)
Discussion of why we do research as well as best practices for reducing common method variance and the three types of study design: non-experimental, quasi-experimental, and randomized experiemental.
Shadish, Cook, and Campbell, 2002
Posed the theory of causal generalization
Lee, Mitchell and Harman 2011
Handbook chapter about qualitative research
Chan 2011
Advances in Analytic Strategies: reviews moderation,mediation, SEM, MLM, LGM, LCA, etc. Discusses advantages/disadvantes of all, relevant assumptions, and appropriate questions to ask when studying change over time
Podsakoff et al., 2003
Common Method Variance- definition, sources, ways to control it procedural and statistically
Barrick et al., 2002
Describes a mediation study finding motivation mediates the personality –> job performance relationship in sales people
Cortina et al., 2017
Describes the historical trends of the last 100 years in research methodology in IO more specifically JAP
Gioia et al., 2012
Describes how to do “rigorous” qualitative research
Campbell & Fiske, 1959
Describes the MTMM methodology for documenting construct validity support through convergent and discriminant validity
Schmidt & Hunter 1977
Their famous validity generalization article describing a bayseian based meta-analytic approach to validity generalization using corrections to reliability and range restriction (i.e., birth of meta analyses)
Wasserstein et al., 2019
Describe why the p- value is problematic, why we shouldn’t use statistical significance as the sole piece of evidence, how effect sizes need to be considered more, among a whole bunch of suggestions on how to move beyond the p value
Barling et al., 2011
Leadership Handbook Chapter
Antonakis 2012
Describes transformational and charismatic leadership
Antonakis & House, 2014
Describes the “fuller range” theory of leadership by adding instrumental leadership (environmental monitoring, path goal facilitation, outcome monitoring, strategy formulation and implementation) which explains unique variance above and beyond the full ragnge factors
Judge & Piccolo (2004)
Meta- analysis looking at the relationships between the transformational leadership and performance (effectiveness, job satisfaction, satisfaction with the leader, follow motivation)
Jackson et al. 2020
JAP 2020 Paper examining the confounds in 360 performance ratings and what information we truly are capturing when we control for these confounds
Hunter et al 2007
Article that criticizes the assumptions of much of the leadership research literature.
Ryan & Haslam (2005)
Glass Cliff; states that women are more likely to be put in high level leadership positions that are associated with greater risk, thus setting them up for failure
Judge, Bono, Ilies, and Gerhardt (2002)
Meta analysis of big 5 and leadership performance (emergence and effectiveness)
Katz & Kahn 1966
Article that lays out the open systems theory of organizations
Derue et al., 2011
“Meta-analysis to examine the mechanisms by which leader traits influence leadership effectiveness
(combining trait and behavior theories)
Lord et al., 2017
Century Review of Leadership Research in JAP
Conger & Kanugo (1987; 2000)
Charismatic leadership and measures for it
Day, 2015
Annual Review Article on Leadership Development
Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995
Review of LMX theory
Lumsden (1976)
Lays out all the issues/criticisms with Classical Test Theory (remember the flogging wall?)
Cohen (1983)
“Talks about the cost of dichotomization, which is that is reduces the correlation (r), which then reduces
1) effect size
2) the value of the t-test
3) statistical power”
Cox 1980
This is the paper that tried to find the optimal # of scale response options. He found that
a) 7 +/-2 is best for keeping the responses meaningful to the respondent, and
b) 3 to 9 response options are best for determining differences among people.”
Tourangeau et al (2000)
“The authors line out the psychology of survey-takers, the ““Response Process Model””, saying that responses come from the process of
1) comprehension
2) retrieval
3) judgement
4) response “