Circulatory Disorders Flashcards
Name the types of circ. disorders?
Prehepatic obst.
Intrahep. obst.
Posthep. obstr.
What are the vessels involved in prehepatic disorder?
Hepatic A.
Portal V
Infarction due to hepatic A. is uncommon and is _____________ (hemorrhagic/pale) in color
hemorrhagic (due to dual blood supply)
What are the causes of hep. A infarctions?
Liver transplant (bcz only hep A supplies the liver now) Polyarteritis nodosa
What are the causes of portal v. thrombosis?
Polycythemia vera
There is no ___________ (hepatomegaly/splenomegaly) in prehepatic obstr.
What r the clinical findings of PV infarction
Ascites P HTN Abdominal pain Splenomegaly No hepatomegaly
What is the name of the infarct made due to prehep. obst. and what are the features?
Infarct of Zahn No necrosis Only hepatocellular atrophy Red blue discoloration Stasis in distended sinusoids
What r the causes of intrahepatic obst.?
Centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis
Peliosis hepatis
Sickle cell disease
What is peliosis hepatis?
Sinusoidal dilation
What are the causes of peliosis hepatis?
Anabolic steroids
Bartonella hensela causing bacillary angiomatosis
Peliosis hepatis can cause ____________ hemorrhage
What are the causes of posthepatic obst
Hep vein obst (budd chiari synd)
Venoocclusive disease
What are the causes of budd chiari synd.?
Polycythemia vera
Hypercoagulable state
Hypercoagulability of blood can be due to ?
Protein S and C deficiency
What r the clinical findings of budd chiari synd.?
Painful hepatomegaly
Portal HTN
What r the lab diagnosis of budd chiari synd.?
Raised Transaminases
Prolonged PT
How can we diagnose posthep. obs?
Ultrasonography w/ pulsed doppler
What is the mortality rate of budd chiari?
75% (that is very bad) :(
What r the features of venoocclusive disease?
Sinusoidal obstruction
Fibrosis of the central vein
Venoocclusive disease is a complication of _____________ transplant (bone marrow/ liver)
WHat r the clinical findings of venoocclusive disease?
Painful hepatomegaly