circulation 4 Flashcards
excitation-contraction coupling- skeletal vs cardiac muscle
skeletal: AP is very fast, which can tetanize skeletal muscle, aka maximal strong, steady contraction
cardiac muscle: all muscle of chamber contract together, chambers contract sequentially, due to ventricle AP being prolonged via Ca delivery delay
-cardiac muscle cannot tetatnize
frank-starling mechanism
- stretching cardiac muscle increases tension (think elastic band)
- cardiac stretch intrinsically determines force of cardiac contraction, so when venous bp stretches atrial muscle, atrium responds by contracting proportionally
stroke volume, venous pressure, and frank-starling mech
another way to think of it is the greater venous bp, the faster the atrium fills, causing myocytes to stretch, and in response contract harder
- this causes the chamber to PUMP OUT AS MUCH AS IT IS FILLED
- therefore stroke volume is proportional to venous filling pressure, unless it stretches too much and tears cells
pacemaker and beta adrenoreceptors, and frank-starling mech evolution
present in all chordates
importance of frank-starling mech
- automatically empties blood entering heart
- auto increases stroke volume if venous bp and filling increase
- auto MATCHING OF CHAMBER OUTPUTS (birds and mammals must match ventricular outputs)
- auto control of blood volume
extrinsic stroke volume regulation
neurotransmitters and hormones alter sensitivity of cardiomyocytes to stretch
- +ve inotropic agent like (nor)adrenaline INCREASE STRETCH SENSITIVTY=empty more of chamber
- ve inotropic effect like blocked coronary artery DECREASE STRETCH SENSITIVITY, emptying less of chamber
consequences +ve inotropic effect of adrenergnic stimulation
- supply more activator ca2+ for troponin C
- remove Ca2+ faster during relxation
- empties more per beat
- faster cycling at higher heart rate
systole vs dystole
systole=cardiac contraction and ejection=end systolic volume (ESV)
-end diastolic volume (EDV)=cardiac relaxation and filling
isometric and isotonic contratcion
metric=increases bp until valves open
isotonic generates blood flow after valves open
simple principles of pulmonary cardiac cycle
rightside of heart: atrium and ventricle contract with low pressure, pulmonary atery pressure increases w/ right ventricle
principles of left/systemic circulation
aortic pressure increases with ventricle pressure
-atrium pressure decreases as ventricle pressure rises
cardiac cycle basics
P=sa node
P-Q=atrial depolarization
P-Q=AV node delayed
QRS=left ventricle pumps, ventricular depolarization
t=atrial/ventricular repolarization/relaxation
cardiac stroke volume
venous bp fills chamber=EDV end diastolic volume
myocytes are streteched proprtionally to venous bp, determining contraction force, aka ESV end systolic volume
increase venous bp
increases EDV, cardiac stretch and contraction force, decreases ESV, and increases cardiac stroke volume
sum of all cardiac electrical activity