The circulating water inventory is collected and stored in the basins of ________ cooling towers located _______ of the facility. (Ref: 2.3 CIW SD)
3, on the northwest end of the roof
The ______________ prevent(s) the water droplets and mist from escaping the cooling tower. (Ref: 2.4.2 CIW SD)
drift eliminators
The solids separators are Puroflux PF-63 series separators that use(s) _______________ to separate solids from the Circulating Water System. (Ref: 2.5.2 CIW SD)
centrifugal force
Cooling tower basin makeup water is supplied from _________________ to the combined makeup header to each basin’s ________________ make-up valve. (Ref: 2.6.2 CIW SD)
city water supply, float operated
The __________________ provide circulating cooling water to the Unit 1 condenser. (Ref: 2.9.2 CIW SD)
Circulating Water Pumps (CIW-PMP21A/CIW-PMP21B)
The _____________________ provide circulating cooling water to Unit 1 steam turbine and combustion turbine auxiliary cooling water loads. (Ref: 2.9.2 CIW SD)
Cooling Water Pumps (CIW-PMP21C/CIW-PMP21D)
- The _____________________ provide circulating cooling water to the Unit 2 combustion turbine lube oil cooler, and various sample coolers. (Ref: 2.9.2 CIW SD)
Auxiliary Cooling Water Pumps (CIW-PMP22C/CIW-PMP22D)