CICOM Flashcards
what are preeclampsia and eclampsia?
its a dissorder that occurs after 20th week gestation and up to 6 weeks following delivery.
It is defined by a new onset of hypertension and proteinuria but can affect a lot of organs, particularly: the kidneys, eyes (scoptoma), liver, and brain.
Eclampsia is diagnosed when a patient with preeclampsia develops seizures.
what is the syndrome that is developed in a several case of preeclampsia?
HELLP syndrome
-Elevated enzyme Liver
-Low platelet
Treatement for Preeclampsia and HELLP?
Usually hospitalization
Delivery, depending on factors such as gestational age, fetal status, and severity of preeclampsia
Magnesium sulfate to prevent or treat new seizures or to prevent seizures from recurring
Sometimes antihypertensive treatment, if patient meets criteria for severe hypertension
complications from the preeclampsia
on mom:
- placental abruption
- end organ damage
Fetal complications include:
- growth restriction
- oligohydramnios
- stillbirth
the children have more probability to get an stroke or coronariopatty
Steps to do in a polytraumatized patient
- Primary valoration and resusitacion
- secondary valoration
- categorization and triage (Varios pacientes ¿Cual es el mas grave?)
- Derivation and transport
- Continuues revaluation
whats the most common tipe of traumatism
high energy traumatism (50KM/HR)
What’s the triad from the child hit for a car.
Waddell’s triad is a pattern of injuries that occurs in children who are struck by a motor vehicle and includes:
* A fractured femoral shaft
* An intra-thoracic or intra-abdominal injury
* A head injury on the opposite side of the body
Sistema de puntuación comúnmente utilizado en traumatología, a mayor puntuación mayor gravedad de las lesiones y, por tanto, mayor mortalidad.
What priority do exposed fractures have and what should be done with them?
There is an urgency and need
* surgical cleaning
* antibiotic treatment
torniquet or packing
sometimes the torniquet could make some triombos, improve the damage or be made incorrectly.
packing is better
A “mangled extremity severity score” (MESS)
is a scoring system used in medicine to assess the severity of a limb injury, primarily to predict the likelihood of needing amputation based on factors like the extent of soft tissue and bone damage, limb ischemia, shock, and patient age;
a score of >7 or higher typically indicates a high chance of requiring amputation.
what we should do first when a polytraumatized pacient came
1# Damage control (Nails and screws)
2# Total care (Establish the pacient)
Counterregulatory hormones are a group of hormones that work to prevent hypoglycemia by opposing insulin’s action:
- Glucagon: The most important hormone for acute glucose counterregulation
- Epinephrine: Also known as adrenaline, this hormone is important for glucose recovery during hypoglycemia
- Cortisol: Released during physical or psychological stress, this hormone contributes to counterregulation during prolonged hypoglycemia
- Growth hormone: This hormone contributes to counterregulation during prolonged hypoglycemia
- Catecholamines: These hormones include norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
The three types of ketone bodies are:
acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone.
the bete-hydroxy is the best
¿when the kusmaul breathing presents?
When whe have metabolic acidosis
it presents when we have keto (acidosis)