Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Flashcards
when are chromosomes most visible?
the number and appearance of chromosomes
Where on the chromosome is the telomere?
the ends
What can increase the risk of errors at gametogenesis?
Increased maternal age can increase the risk of aneuploidy.
*aneuploidy = trisomy or monosomy
What are the stages of Meiosis 1 ?
1) Prophase (chromosomes condense)
2) Metaphse ( chiasmata - chromosomes line up)
3) Anaphase (chromosmes separate)
4) Telophase
(cell begins to divide
What is Non-disjunction?
failure of the chromosomes / chromatids to separate
What genetic condition is characterised by a single palmar crease, sandal gap between 1st and 2nd toes and general flat face?
Trisomy 21
What is edwards syndrome?
Trisom 18
congenital heart disease, cleft lip / palate
trisomy 18
Edwards syndrome
Patau Syndrome
Trisomy 13
- polydactyly
- heart defect
- abnormal genitalia
- cleft lip
Trisomy 13
Patau Syndrome
Turners syndrome
- Loss of ovarian function
- No puberty
- Infertility
Klinefelters syndrome
Turners syndrome
Klinefelters syndrome
When does gain of a whole chromosome set occur?
What is reciprocal translocation?
exchange of material between non homologous chromosomes
What is robertsonian translocation?
translocation of a whole arm on chromosomes with an acrocentric centromere (chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, 22)
What are the 2 types of Inversions that can happen?
1) Pericentric
(opposite arm /side of centromere)
2) Paracentric
(same arm/side of centromere)
What are the commonest types of unbalanced rearrangements?
deletions and duplications
What are the types of deletions?
Terminal Deletion
Interstitial deletion