CHRISTIANITY - self, death & afterlife Flashcards
What are 3 different beliefs about the purpose of life for Christians
-to glorify God and have a personal relationship with him
-to prepare for judgement
-to bring about God’s kingdom on Earth
Explain why many Christians believe the purpose of life is to glorify God
“Let your light shine before others… and glorify your Father in heaven”
-glorify = to praise and worship
-believe God is the omnipotent creator and controller of the universe therefore is worthy of worship
-humans in particular have an important duty to glorify God as they are made ‘imago dei’ (in the image of God)
Explain how Christians believe they can have a personal relationship with God
-through praying to God + seeing him as a heavenly Father.
-through faith in Jesus
-through the Holy Spirit
What is an eschatological religion?
Focuses on preparing for life after death - judgement
Why do many Christians believe the purpose of life is to prepare for judgement?
Christianity = eschatological
-eternal life is promised by scripture
-therefore this short, temporary life should be used to prepare for judgement. Our conduct in this life will determine our destiny post-death
-Parable of the Sheep and Goats
How do Christians actively prepare for judgement?
-performing good deeds eg feeding the hungry, caring for the sick
-prayer and Bible study - strengthening faith + commitment to God
-pray for forgiveness of sins
-attend Church, participate in Sacraments, evangelise
-avoid sin
How do Christians work to bring about God’s Kingdom on Earth?
(working to create the Kingdom “on Earth as it is in heaven”)
-promoting peace “blessed are the peacemakers”
-promoting and embodying Christian values
-empowering the poor & oppressed
-protesting against injustices
-dedicating their lives to following Jesus
-helping to end poverty & suffering
What are the 2 different ways of understanding resurrection?
-Augustine: physical body resurrection
-St Paul: spiritual body resurrection, where the Earthly body perishes
Explain St Augustine’s belief in resurrection of the flesh
-our bodies will be raised and glorified like Jesus’, not abandoned to decay
-This will restore us to the pre-Lapsarian state, before ‘The Fall’ in the Garden of Eden
-It was Gods intention for humans, with their human bodies made ‘imago dei to live eternally with him
Explain the belief in spiritual resurrection
-resurrection will not be of this physical earthly body, which we know is subject to sickness, aging and ultimately decay
-instead resurrection will be of a new, spiritual imperishable body
-enabling us to exist eternally with God
Heaven is a ‘STATE’
How does belief in judgement influence different Christians
-those who believe in the justification of works will be committed to performing good deeds
Parable of the Sheep & Goats
“Faith without action is dead”
-those who believe in the justification by faith will put their faith into Jesus
They will pray to thank God for his grace and sacrifice. May attend holy communion. Avoid sin
Give a Bible quote that suggests hell is a physical place
“The fiery lake of burning sulphur”
Give a Bible quote that suggests heaven is a physical place
“My father’s house has many rooms” - Jesus
“We have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven”
How do Catholics understand heaven?
- “those who die in God’s grace and friendship and are perfectly purified live for ever with Christ
-“Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfilment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness”
Explain the Catholic belief in puragtory
-intermediate state between heaven and hell for the cleansing and purifying of souls
What is objective immortality?
Process theologians believe in objective immortality
-the belief that after death all individual beings exist eternally as ‘objects’ in the mind of God. They never die