Original founder like judaism and islam
Similarities to Judaism
Share Old testament as holy text
Jesus was jewish, but only christianity claims jesus as divine
Jesus of Nazareth
Didnt found christianity, it began after his death
Preached to outcasts
Had own interpretation of the Torah
Choses 12 followers to match 12 tribes of israel
After trial bc of radical teachings, he was crucified
Body placed in cave and closed w stone on third day, angel rolled away stone tomb was empty
Jesus appeared to 11 disciples and told them to make disciples of all nations
Ascended to heaven 40 days after ressurection
Gods son as a mortal human and became god thru the holy spirit
Sins forgiven thru sacrifice
Will come again to judge world, start new humanity
Community assembles for consecration of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord and reception of the sacrament… Transubstantiation
One of Jesus’ disciples
Named simon but Jesus renamed peter (the rock)
“First pope” becuase of quote
“You are peter and on this rock i will build my church… I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven
First Saul before conversion to christianity
Used to persecute christians
After conversion became known as apostle to the gentiles bc he had a hige impact on the spread of christianity
Roman emperor constantine
Had vision on battlefield, converted to christianity, protected christians with the Edict of Milan 313
Changed look of christianity to match glory of rome
Baptism Eucharist Confirmation (replaces circumcision) Holy orders Marriage Penance Annointing of sick before death
Holy day
Sunday to commemorate resurrection
Origins of protestantism
16th century
Martin luther rebelled against corruption in the church, split and formed new branch
Emphasis on ministry not sacraments
Return to scripture
Anyone can read bible, clergy can be female and marry
95 theses
Apostles creed
Statement encompasses what most christians accelt as basis of religion
God is…
Good, all powerful, generally wants all to be saved, butnwill punish those who do wrong, is paying attention
God created universe in 6 days, rested on 7th
Humans created in gods image
Adam and eve gabe into temptationand were expelled from garden of eden and all humans have original sin bc of this
There is an afterlife, you will be judged to determine if you go to heaven or hell
Created by god but have free will, those who rebelled against god became demons and were cast from heaven, satan is leader