Christianity Flashcards
The belief in the existence of multiple gods
Roman empires thoughts of Judaism?
Tolerated it
Jesus was born in…
4 BCE in Bethlahem
Jesus was raised in…
Who was Jesus?
A Jewish carpenter
When did Jesus begin to teach?
Around the age of 30.
Jesus was associated with…
John the Baptist
Who was John the Baptist?
Had come to preach to the people. They should repent.
How to repent?
Wash away wins by baptism in the Jordan River
How many gods and prophets did Jesus say there should be? (According to Jewish teachings)
One. With a Jewish prophet as spokes people.
Before Abraham was, am I!
John 8:58
Who did Jesus claim to be?
The messiah
Who did Jesus have empathy for?
Poor. Had love for one another.
What did Jesus have?
Charity and service.
Kingdom of God
Why did Jesus die?
Jewish leaders saw him as threat, challenged authority. Thought he would lead a rebellion.
Who did Jews see him to be?
Another false messiah.
Who was Jesus betrayed by? How and when did his death occur?
Judas. Arrested, tried and crucified during Passover week.
Three days after execution. Jesus came back alive and appeared to apostles, and after 40 days Jesus ascends back into heaven.
Last supper
Meal before death. Sacred meal of covenant, Eucharist.
Death of Jesus=
New covenant
What is one’s primary right? What does this symbolize?
Baptism. In water=death, out of water=resurrection.
Why did God come to earth? (Jesus)
To save humans from sin
Adam and Eve…
Sinned and brought forth other humans who sinned as well.
Adam and Eve’s sin…
Transmitted to all humans.
What do all humans do wrong?
They sin. This is human nature.
Christians vs. Jews:
Christians accept the same story as Jews but continue with the story of Jesus.
What does Jesus represent? Who is he?
The bridge that reconnects humans with God
To be reconciled with God for eternity, immortality
Separation from God=
Jesus payed off…
The penalty of adam and Eve’s original sin
Jesus’ death is positive…
That wipes out negative
Nothing humans can do
Just accept salvation. Jesus has done all of the work.
How is salvation obtained?
Through faith.
Stories of Jesus’ life written:
- Mark, 65-70 CE
- Matthew, 70-80 CE
- Luke, 80 CE
- John, 100 CE (different from 1st three)
Letters from paul and New Testament.
The basic way of Christianity is to…
Accept Jesus as messiah and try to get to know him, pray and do good deeds.
Spread of Christianity
Pax Romana allowed this.
easy spread of ideas
–Common language, good roads, safe travel
How does it spread?
Apostles send messages to Jews and Paul sent messages to Gentiles
Non Jews
Christianity’s appeal
Welcomed all people
Preached equality
Promised life after death
Incorporated ideas of Plato, etc.
Faith impressed. Sacrificed in the name of faith.
313 Constantine issue the Edict of Milan:
allowed all religions
380 Theodosius made
Christianity the empire’s official religion
Disagreements over beliefs and rules.
New testimony established…
Standard beliefs.
The New Testament was made from…
From apostles’ writings & Epistles
Belief that contradicts church teachings.
325 Constantine issued Nicene Creed stating
Basic beliefs
“Fathers of the Church” (early writers/scholars/officials)
Wrote to define Church teachings
–Ex. Augustine’s The City of God
Bishop of Rome. Top of church structure. Peter was the first.
Resides in towns. After pope in the church structure.
Resides in towns. They are below bishops and popes.
Most Romans who worshipped gods were…
Jewish roots
Romans took over Judea, Jewish kings picked by Romans. Jews opposed to them. Wanted Messiah to free them. Jesus born, Jews didn’t believe him to be Messiah, but Christians born off of Jews except they believed that Jesus is the Messiah.
Jesus born a…
Jesus was a …
Carpenter. Taught his gospel to others.
Born in…
Grew up in…
Christians celebrate birth on
What did Jesus’ work do?
It attracted followers. He could perform miracles; water to wine, heal the sick (etc.)
12 close followers
Early Jews thoughts on Jesus?
Many early Jews thought Jesus was Messiah. Not Rabbis though just peasants.
A story with a moral
Sermon on the mount
Gave blessings in beginning, Asked people to Change hearts, obey. Most famous of Jesus’ teachings.
Did Jesus forgive?
Jesus taught…
Justice, compassion, coming of God’s kingdom.
Jesus’ followers…
Some thought he was messiah, hailed him as king during Passover.
Went around criticizing things. Death was ordered. Crucified
Pontus Pilate
Roman governor. Ordered his death because of his criticizing and teachings.
Hang on cross until suffocation
Three days after crucifixion. Saw tombstone move. Visited followers and ascended into heaven after a few weeks. Proved him to be holy. Had been willing to give up life for the sake of God’s kingdom.
Four accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus. Part of NewTestament and Bible.
Good Samaritan
One of the best know parables of Jesus.
Everlasting life after death. Christians believe in this.
Jewish and Christian similarity
All members are equal, one God.
Jewish leader. Discouraged Christian church. Was Pharisee. Forced converts to flee. Change of heart while on road to Damascus. Believed that Jesus was messiah. Joined Christianity. Studied new faith and converted Gentiles. Covered many. After three years in Damascus became missionary, and to work with Gentiles became Paul, a Roman name.
Started many Christian churches. Travelled a lot as missionary. Was arrested and under house arrest for two years. Wrote a lot of letters. Letters went into New Testament. Probably died in Rome. Most important apostle. Spread church to wider world. Could travel because he was a Roman citizen. Was tried.
Change from one religion to another
Persons who spread their faith by converting others to their religion.
Treated harshly, as the Christians were.
Pax Romana
A period of time in Roman history when it was safe to travel Roman roads.
Letters written by Paul to early Christian communities. In New Testament.
A religious scholar well educated in Jewish law.
Romans to Christians
Didn’t want alien religion threatening rule. Destroyed a temple because of this. Wouldn’t worship emperor. Challenge to Roman authority. Appealed to woman and slaves, bad for Romans. Just persecuted and were violent to Christians.
Ended battle when saw divine revelation. Made Christianity the official religion of Rome. Didn’t convert until the end of his life. Ended pagan churches.
Edict of Milan
Made Christianity official religion. Returned property. Built churches.
Non Christian churches. Didn’t believe in Christ as the Messiah.
Leads individual churches
Most important bishop
Branches from Christianity. Has pope. More modern.
Statement of beliefs
Three divine persons united in one God.
Groups of more modern Christians.
Spread of Christianity overall?
Significant. From small to large and wealthy.
The last supper
On the same day Jesus dies…
A lamb is slaughtered. Symbolic of the lamb of god who takes away the world’s sin. Jesus is the Passover meal symbolically. Jesus’ blood is water, creates more tension.
Jews later on…
Persecute Christians. Protected by Roman gov’t, Christians aren’t.
It’s a crime in Rome at this time to be…
Pagans later on
Constantine is a part of this. Christians part of imperial set-up.