Christianity 1 ABC Flashcards
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about the Trinity:
God exists as three different persons
Each person of the Trinity is fully God, but there’s only one God
The Son is eternally begotten of the father
The Holy Spirit is the giver of life
The persons of the Trinity appear together when Jesus is baptised
Outline 3 ways belief in the Trinity is shown through Christian Worship:
The Trinity is included in the Creeds
Some Christians will bless themselves using the sign of the cross
Christians are baptised using the trinitarian formula
The Trinity is included in the prayer the “Glory Be”
Many icons depict the Trinity
One way Christians show their belief in the Trinity when they repeat the Nicene Creed in every service of Holy Communion.
Another way is by crossing themselves when they enter a church or when the name of the Trinity is mentioned. The cross is made with a hand gesture in 3 movements, reflecting the Trinity.
A third way is that baptisms and marriages are performed in the name of the Trinity
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about God the Father:
God the Father is the creator of the universe and all life within it, and thus He is omniscient
God the Father is viewed as a loving and compassionate figure who cares for and sustains his creation, and thus He is omnipotent
Christians believe that God the Father sent his Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to offer salvation to humanity
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about God the Son:
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God, who took on human form through the virgin birth
Jesus Christ is fully human and fully divine
Jesus is regarded as the Savior and Redeemer of humanity who offered salvation through his sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection
Christians also believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, where he will return to judge the living and the dead and establish God’s eternal kingdom
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity
The Holy Spirit gives guidance
The Holy Spirit is a way through which God communicates with people
The Holy Spirit is God”s presence on earth
Holy Spirit inspired the Bible
Explain 2 reasons why the Trinity is important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason why the Trinity is important for Christians is that the three persons of the Trinity teach Christians better about the nature of God and the roles he plays. As stated by the Nicene Creed, the “Father” is the creator of the universe, Jesus Christ is the “Lord” and the Son of the Father, and the “Holy Spirit” is the “giver of life”.
The Trinity is a central belief in Christianity which affirms Christian”s belief in one God. The Trinity allows people to see the oneness of God which can help affect and deepen their relationship with God as shown in the Nicene creed ‘I believe in one God’.
Explain 2 ways in which belief in the Trinity influences Christians today (SOWA):
As the Father, God is loving as shown by creating mankind in his “image”, and also in John - “what great love the Father has lavished on us”. So Christians may feel loved and learn that they should also love others, for example by giving to charity.
As the Son, God was incarnate - he lived and died among humans so Christians know that God can understand them and can feel pain and misery like we do so Christians can pray to God for help or they might be influenced to become doctors or nurses.
As the Spirit, God is a source of spiritual strength so Christians can feel the Spirit at work in their lives which strengthens and supports them.
Explain 2 Christian Beliefs about the Trinity (SOWA):
One belief about the Trinity is that God is a whole but can come across in three forms - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit . However, while they are different forms Him in His entirety is the entire Trinity put together.
A second belief about the Trinity is that God’s different forms fulfil different purposes and are visible to humans in different ways; God the Father created the World, God the Son atoned for humanity’s sins through the form of Jesus (the Incarnation), and God the Holy Spirit is with all humans always. These roles are described in further detail by the Nicene Creed that many Christians recite in Church.
Another belief about the Trinity is that the persons of the Trinity appear together when Jesus is baptised. This is described in the Gospel of Matthew, where it says “as soon as Jesus was baptised, “¦ he saw the Spirit of God “¦ and a voice from heaven” This is important because it shows the Trinity working together as one, which helps highlight to Christians that the Trinity reflects the pure oneness of God.
Explain 2 ways belief in the Trinity is shown through Christian Worship (SOWA):
One way belief in the Trinity is shown through Christian worship is the “oneness” of the Trinity, which is reflected in various Christian songs and hymns, such as “Holy, Holy, Holy” by Reginald Heber. This worship is often happy and joyful, as Christians are able to express their thanks to God for forgiving their sins and to Jesus for the sacrifice he made.
A second way belief in the Trinity is shown in Christian worship is the prayer for God the Father. Christians believe that God the Father, as the creator, cares for all that he has made, so they pray to him in the knowledge that he cares about them and is powerful, like Jesus did in the Lord’s Prayer - “and forgive us our debts”.
Explain 2 reasons why Christians believe in the Trinity (SOWA):
Christians believe in the Trinity because it is taught in the Gospels. In Matthew’s account of the baptism of Jesus, Jesus the Son goes under the water and, as he comes up, God the Holy Spirit descends on him like a dove and then God the Father says this is his Son.
Another reason is that belief in the Trinity is taught in the Nicene Creed, the agreed statement of Christian belief, and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. As the Nicene Creed states, “We believe in One God”.
Explain 2 Christian beliefs about the oneness of God (SOWA):
The Nicene Creed starts “We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty”.It explains that he is the Creator which means that only God should be worshipped.
The oneness of God means God is all powerful who is the source of salvation John”s Gospel teaches “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God”
The oneness of God means God is unique that everything must come from God. The creeds say, “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life”.
Explain 2 ways Christian beliefs about the Trinity are shown in the Nicene Creed (SOWA):
It describes God as the all-powerful Father which means that he can do anything. The Creed starts “We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty”
The Creed refers to Jesus as the Son of God it says, “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God” explaining the second person of the Trinity
It includes a description of the third person of the Trinity. “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life” and explains that the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father and the Son”
Explain 2 beliefs about the Persons of the Trinity (SOWA):
There are three Persons of the Trinity the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
God the Father is described in the Old Testament where he is shown as the creator of the universe - “through him God created everything in heaven and on earth” (Colossians)
God the Son is Jesus; he is believed to be both human and divine
Explain 2 ways by which the Trinity can be confusing for Christians to understand:
Some would argue that as God is ineffable it is not easy to understand God and that the idea of three Persons and yet one God makes it more difficult to understand God, rather than easier
The Articles of Faith state “There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts, or passions; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness.”Thus it can be argued it is easier to understand God as one rather than the three Persons of the Trinity
Some Christians teach that the Trinity is a mystery, that it is not meant to be understood, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life”.
Jesus never said that belief in the Trinity is essential to enter the kingdom of God. He did teach that the most important commandment was to love God and others.
The Nicene Creed does not state that a person must believe in the Trinity to be saved, Christians know they”ll be judged on their actions towards others and how they”ve lived a Christian life.
Explain 2 reasons why God the Father is important to Christians (SOWA):
God the Father is important to Christians because He is the source of all existence and the creator of the universe. Christians believe that God the Father’s omnipotence and omniscience underpin His role as the ultimate authority and sovereign ruler over all creation. “Through him God created everything in heaven and on earth” (Colossians)
God the Father is crucial to Christians because He is the ultimate source of redemption and reconciliation. Through His love and grace, exemplified in the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, Christians find forgiveness for their sins and the opportunity for eternal life.
Explain 2 reasons why God the Son is important to Christians (SOWA):
God the Son, known as Jesus Christ, holds immense importance to Christians as the central figure of their faith. He is believed to be the embodiment of God’s love and salvation, as demonstrated through his sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection. Jesus’ atoning sacrifice provides believers with forgiveness for their sins and the promise of eternal life, which allows them to have a close and personal relationship with God, and reach heaven.
Jesus Christ serves as the ultimate example of how Christians should live their lives. His teachings, actions, and moral character are regarded as a model for believers to emulate, guiding them in their relationships with God and others. In the Bible, it says “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you”.
Explain 2 reasons why the Holy Spirit is important to Christians (SOWA):
The Holy Spirit is vital to Christians as it provides guidance and empowerment in their lives. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will guide believers into all truth, illuminating God’s Word and leading them in their walk with God. This is shown in the Bible when it is mentioned, “when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth”.
Another crucial aspect of the Holy Spirit’s importance to Christians is its role in transformation and sanctification. The Holy Spirit works within believers to renew their minds, conforming them to the image of Christ. Through the process of sanctification, the Holy Spirit enables believers to grow in holiness. After all, the Holy Spirit is the means by which God communicates with humans. “Be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit” as mentioned in Romans.
1.2 - Creation:
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Creation described in Genesis 1:
One belief is that God created everything in six days.
Another belief is that God created male and female together.
A third belief is that when God saw what he had made, he saw it was good, and so He rested on the seventh day.
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Creation described in Genesis 2:
One belief is that God created Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him, making him a living being.
Another belief is that God created a garden in Eden for Adam to live in and work in.
A third belief is that God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs to be his helper and partner.
Explain 2 divergent views Christians have about creation (SOWA): be more generic
Many Christians believe that the biblical account of creation is a metaphor, and so, is not literally true. They would argue that it is a story to help people understand the primary belief that God is the creator of all things.
Other Christians who believe the Bible is the literal word of God (literalists) believe that both Genesis 1 and 2 are scientific truth (creationism). They argue that Genesis 1 gives the overall picture and Genesis 2-3 gives details of day six. They believe that the scientific ideas of the Big Bang and evolution are wrong. They also point to the Bible, which says “Through him all things were made”.
Explain 2 differences between the 2 accounts of creation (SOWA):
One significant difference between the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 is the order in which events unfold, and the emphasis of creation. In Genesis 1, creation occurs over six days,where God speaks and things happen, with each day being a new creation, and God rests on the seventh day. Conversely, in Genesis 2, the focus shifts to a more detailed account of the creation of humanity, with Adam being formed first from the dust of the ground, followed by the creation of animals, and then the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib.
Genesis 1 provides an overview of creation
Genesis 2, on the other hand, emphasises the creation of humans and living beings.
Explain 2 reasons why Creation is important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason why Creation is important for Christians is because they believe that they have a personal and loving relationship with God, and that they should strive to maintain this relationship with God. This is shown through Adam and Eve choosing to disobey God by eating from the forbidden tree,
and so they broke the relationship of mutual love and trust between God and humanity. So therefore, Christians attempt to maintain a positive relationship with God, by praying to God for guidance, and avoiding what happened to Adam and Eve.
Furthermore, this relationship is demonstrated through how the Bible mentions that man and woman were created “in the image of God”. Christians believe that human beings are important to God, as he expressed something of himself in creating them. Christians also believe creation is important as it symbolises how loving God is. Christians believe God bestowed love upon all creatures, through creating man in his image.
Furthermore, Genesis 1 outlines how God blessed creation so all creation is considered holy. As a result, Christians believe they should be “stewards” of the world and look after God’s creation through providing food, shelter, water, money and comfort to less economically developed countries to care for God’s creation. Christian”s responsibility as stewards is highlighted in Genesis, where it says “rule over every living creature”, showing how humans have authority over other creations.
Explain 2 responsibilities that Christians have (SOWA):
One responsibility that Christians have is the responsibility to look after the world as God’s “stewards”. This means that they are to have authority over the animals, plants and other resources. They consider this a command from God, as it is written specifically in the Bible, in Genesis, where it says “rule over every living creature”, showing how humans have authority over other creation.
A second responsibility that Christians have is to reproduce and rule over the world. As stated in Genesis, they are to “be fruitful and increase in number”, as well as “rule over every living creature”. However, they are also to care for the environment and leave things in an improved state or the same state. This is because they believe that the world as God”s creation can be passed onto future generations as a better place than when they found it (stewardship).
Explain 2 roles of the Word in Creation (SOWA):
One role of the Word in creation is its function as the means through which God spoke the universe into existence. In Genesis 1, the phrase “And God said” precedes each act of creation, highlighting the creative power of God’s spoken word. The “Word” is Jesus. Christians believe God the Son (Jesus) was with God at the start, acting in the creation, and given that what He speaks are his words, Jesus is “the Word of the Lord” from which “the heavens were made”
The “Word” is also the source of life. Christians believe Jesus is omnipresent and within them, guiding them throughout their lifetime. This is also shown through the Bible, which says “The Word made his dwelling among us”. Thus, Christians believe that the “Word” is the source of all life and the voice they should listen to and follow, to become blessed and on the right path.
Explain 2 roles of the Spirit in Creation (SOWA):
One role of the Spirit in Creation is to protect it. Christians believe it protected what was created and protects what will be created, as the “Spirit” of God guards creation, and was present during Creation for this sole purpose. The Bible says that the “Spirit of God was hovering over the waters”, which Christians interpret to be its protective presence.
The Spirit may also be the “breath of life” mentioned in Genesis 2:7 that made “man become a living being”. Just as the Spirit breathed life into Adam, making him a living being, it demonstrates the Spirit’s active involvement in infusing life and vitality into all of creation. This highlights the Spirit’s role as the sustainer of life, intimately involved in the ongoing process of creation and upholding the life-giving order established by God, as Christians believe.
1.3 + 1.4 - The Incarnation + The Last Days of Jesus”Life:
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Incarnation:
God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, became a human being in Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus was fully God and fully human
Through Jesus’ incarnation, God began the process of salvation from sin; the incarnation was the cause of salvation
Christians believe that Jesus is God incarnate
The Incarnation brought about the reconciliation between humanity and God
The incarnation shows that Jesus is both human and divine.
Outline 3 features of the birth stories described in Matthew’s Gospel:
One feature in Matthew’s Gospel says Mary’s husband-to-be, Joseph, was told about the conception by an angel.
Another feature is that the wise men visited the holy family.
A third feature is that the family fled to Egypt to escape Herod.
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Jesus:
Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus came down to earth to live as a man from around 5 BCE to 33 BCE
Jesus is believed to be fully human and fully divine
Outline 3 ways that Jesus shows he is divine:
Jesus was a virgin birth, and was conceived of the Holy Spirit
He performed miracles
He was resurrected and continues to be with God
Outline 3 ways that Jesus shows he is human:
He was born a baby to a human mother
He had a human body and got tired, thirsty and hungry.
He had human emotions like amazement and sorrow
Outline 3 features of the account of the trials of Jesus according to Luke’s Gospel:
One feature of the trial before the Sanhedrin is that they found Jesus guilty of blasphemy.
Another feature is that the Sanhedrin sent Jesus to be tried by Pontius Pilate.
Another feature is that at this trial the priests thought Jesus claimed to be the Son of God.
Outline 3 beliefs about the Last Supper:
The Last Supper was a meal that Jesus and his disciples had together
The Last Supper was the evening before Jesus died
In the Last Supper, Jesus gave his disciples bread to eat and wine to drink
Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples, saying the bread was his body and the wine was his blood.
Judas left to betray Jesus.
Jesus predicted that Peter would deny knowing him 3 times before morning.
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus”betrayal:
Jesus’ betrayal by Judas Iscariot fulfilled prophecy
Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver
Despite the betrayal, Jesus responded with forgiveness and love
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus”arrest:
Jesus’ arrest was in the Garden of Gethsemane and fulfilled Scripture
Jesus”arrest was because Judas identified him by going straight to Jesus and kissed him
Jesus does not intend to put up any resistance. He makes it clear that he is being arrested because he is allowing it to happen, not because he is powerless to prevent it
The chief priests sent an armed crowd to arrest Jesus
One priest drew his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest”s servant. Jesus reacted by saying “Put your sword back in its place”.
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus”trial:
One feature of the trial before the Sanhedrin is that they found Jesus guilty of blasphemy.
Another feature is that the Sanhedrin sent Jesus to be tried by Pontius Pilate.
Another feature is that at this trial the priests thought Jesus claimed to be the Son of God.
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus”crucifixion:
Jesus’ death on the cross was proof of his humanity
Jesus’ death was a sacrifice for the forgiveness of humanity’s sins
Jesus was forced to carry his cross to Golgotha, the place of his crucifixion
Jesus was forced to carry his cross to Golgotha, the place of his crucifixion, but Simon of Cyrene, a passer-by, is made to carry it when Jesus becomes exhausted
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus”resurrection:
Jesus rose from the dead the third day after he died
The body in Jesus’ tomb had gone
Believers who have died will be resurrected on the day of judgement and given eternal life in heaven.
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus”ascension:
Jesus’ ascension happened 40 days after his resurrection
Jesus’ ascension was witnessed by Jesus’ 11 remaining apostles
It took place in Bethany
Two men appeared in white robes.
Outline 3 beliefs about the last days of Jesus”life:
Jesus’ last days included his institution of the Lord’s Supper during the Passover meal with his disciples
In His last week, on Monday, Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem, known as his “triumphal entry.” This entry into Jerusalem signified the beginning of the end.
In His last week, on Thursday, Jesus was tried by Annas and then other religious leaders. Jesus was humiliated, degraded, and made into a laughing stock.
Outline 3 things that happened to Jesus on Good Friday:
Jesus was condemned to death.
He was given a thorn crown to wear.
He was crucified.
Explain 2 of Jesus”teachings (SOWA):
Jesus emphasised the importance of love and compassion in his teachings. He taught his followers to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind, and to “love thy neighbour” as stated in the Bible. Jesus exemplified this love through his actions, showing compassion to the marginalised, forgiving sinners, and caring for the sick and needy.
Jesus frequently spoke about the Kingdom of God, proclaiming its nearness and inviting people to repent and believe in the good news. He taught about the values and principles of God’s kingdom, such as humility, servanthood, justice, and mercy. Jesus’ parables often illustrated truths about the Kingdom of God, revealing its transformative power and inviting people to participate in its establishment.
Explain 2 reasons why incarnation is important for Christians (SOWA):
Christians believe that God is incarnate. They believe Jesus came into the world to enable the relationship between God and humanity to be restored. The incarnation is therefore important for Christians as it allows them to have a relationship with God. Christians understand that as a human, Jesus could understand humanity and its problems, and identify with their suffering, so praying to God allows God to provide guidance which can help Christians”lives.
Christians believe that the incarnation shows that God loves the world and the people in it. This is why Christians celebrate the incarnation on Chrisas Day by singing Chrisas carols and remembering the story of the birth of Jesus. Furthermore, they point towards John, which states that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This shows them that it is important to believe in incarnation, as this allows them to go to heaven and continue maintaining a loving relationship with God.
Explain 2 reasons why Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate (SOWA):
Christians believe in the incarnation because without the belief that God became human in Jesus, there would be no Christianity. John’s Gospel says Jesus was the “Word” who “became flesh”.
Another reason Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate is that this is the teaching of the Gospels and the New Testament writings of St Paul, both of which have authority for Christians.
Liberal Christians believe Genesis 1 and Genesis 2-3 had different authors and are metaphors about creation rather than factual. They believe the importance of biblical creation is that it shows the universe was created by God and that it was created as good.
Explain 2 reasons why the Last Supper is important for Christians (SOWA):
One reason why the Last Supper is important to Christians is because it highlights that Jesus’ teachings were true. This is important because it affirms Christian’s faith in God and His quality of power through omniscience. As explained in Luke, Jesus was able to predict the manner in which he was to die, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed”.
A second reason why the Last Supper is important to Christians is because Jesus’ compassionate and calm nature despite realising he was going to die soon serves as a role model for them to strive to become better-natured humans. Jesus tried to prepare the disciples for the future by teaching them to serve another. This is important because it affirms God’s omnibenevolence and helps Christians strive to be loving as well.
The Last Supper is the basis of the Eucharist, the most important form of Christian worship, when the priest/minister blesses bread and wine using the words of Jesus. The congregation then use the words of Jesus, ‘this is my body’ when they share the bread and ‘this is my blood’ when they share the wine.
Explain 2 reasons why Jesus is important to Christians (SOWA):
Jesus is central to Christian faith because his sacrificial death and resurrection provide the means of salvation for believers. Christians believe that Jesus’ death on the cross atoned for the sins of humanity, reconciling them to God and offering forgiveness and the Bible states that “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. This belief underscores Jesus’ role as the Savior and Redeemer, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. Christians believe they are fortunate to be saved from sin, so Jesus”s death serves as a point of gratitude in their lives.
Another reason Jesus is important to Christians is his exemplary life and teachings, which serve as a model for believers to follow. Jesus’ teachings on righteousness provide guidance for ethical living and spiritual growth, which serves as an example for believers to emulate in their own lives. By following Jesus’ example, Christians seek to deepen their relationship with God and live good lives.
Explain 2 reasons why Jesus”crucifixion is important to Christians (SOWA):
Jesus’ sacrificial death because of crucifixion made atonement for the sins of humanity, and this was proof of his humanity, he was truly God incarnate. Through Jesus’ death, forgiveness becomes available to humanity and the loving relationship with God is restored. This is evidenced in Corinthians: “Because of His Atonement, everyone born on this earth will be resurrected.” Thus Christians believe that Jesus”crucifixion was important because it saved humanity from sin and allowed a promising afterlife for all Christians ahead.
Another reason why the crucifixion is important to Christians is because Jesus’ sacrifice demonstrated God’s immeasurable love for humans, as God was willing to sacrifice His Son (agape). This helps Christians acknowledge that suffering is a part of life and God can understand what it is like for someone to suffer, and even that suffering may be part of God’s plan.
Explain 2 reasons why Jesus”resurrection is important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason why the resurrection is important to Christians is because this means all Jesus taught was true. This means that humanity’s sins are forgiven, and so people can have a true relationship with God again, as death is no longer the end. Resurrection gives them hope they can reunite with God and receive eternal life, and so they strive to be better individuals during their lifetime. At the same time, the fact that only God can raise somebody from the dead affirms God’s omnipotence.
Paul’s experience of the risen Christ led him to preach about the resurrection everywhere. This is important because it reminds Christians of being proud of their faith and spreading Jesus’ message, as by doing so, they are helping to reunite more people with God. As Paul writes in Corinthians, “Christ died for our sins”, so Christians consider resurrection important to make atonement.
St Paul states clearly that God raised Jesus from the dead and if he had not done so, then the (human) dead are not raised either in which case faith is futile, for Christians are still in their sins and those who have already died will remain dead (“If our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied” - Corinthians) so Paul shows that the resurrection of Jesus and of Christians are the most important Christian beliefs: one follows from the other.
- Explain 2 reasons why Jesus”ascension is important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason why Jesus’ ascension is important for Christians is because it shows Christians that Jesus is now with God the Father and prepares their way to heaven. This means Christians can pray to Jesus knowing that he is in heaven with his Father and can hear and answer their prayers, helping them in tough times as they are presented with guidance. “By prayer “¦ let your requests be made known to God.” -
Additionally, the ascension was necessary for the coming of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus promised in John 16:7. The Holy Spirit empowers and guides Christians in their faith and mission.
Explain 2 reasons why Jesus”last days are important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason is because even in Jesus’ last days, He remained calm and compassionate, even though he knew what was going to happen to him in terms of his crucifixion. For example, in the Last Supper, Jesus announces his fate, but still shares bread and wine to his disciples. This becomes an exemplary example to Christians, who consider Jesus as their role model, because they are taught to remain calm and trust God in difficult situations that they encounter in their daily lives.
A second reason is because Jesus”last days reflected exactly what he predicted, highlighting to Christians how God is omniscient and the prophecy comes true. This teaches Christians that they should always trust God because God has something planned for them, so they should believe in whatever God commands them to do and have faith in the process, allowing them to become more hopeful. Proverbs 3 states: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart “¦ and he will make your paths straight.”
1.5 - Salvation:
Outline 3 beliefs about salvation:
Christians believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the saviour of humanity.
Christians believe that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned through good deeds or personal merit.
Christians believe that salvation results in eternal life with God in heaven after death.
Some Christians believe salvation will lead them to heaven.
Some believe the death of Jesus brings salvation.
Some believe faith brings salvation.
Some follow good work to achieve salvation.
Some believe the purpose of the life of Jesus was salvation.
Outline 3 beliefs about the role of Christ in salvation: (general perspective)
Christians believe Jesus’ death on the cross atones for sin, providing forgiveness and reconciliation with God, and led to salvation.
Jesus serves as the mediator between humanity and God, interceding on behalf of believers for salvation.
Through his resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, offering believers the hope of eternal life, and thus salvation for humanity”s sins.
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about law:
Christians believe that the law, as outlined in the Old Testament, reveals God’s moral standards and serves as a guide for righteous living
They also believe that Jesus fulfilled the law through his life, death, and resurrection, establishing a new covenant based on grace and faith rather than strict adherence to the Mosaic Law
Some Christians believe that as well as having faith, people achieve salvation by following God”s law, which is found in the Bible
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about sin:
Christians believe that sin separates humans from God, bringing lasting punishment.
Christians believe that the first ever sin occurred when Adam and Eve were tempted and committed the first (original) sin by eating the forbidden fruit
Some Christians believe that sin is brought about by Satan, but they can be saved from sin by God”s grace if they repent
Everyone is born with original sin which is the result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience.
Those who died with unforgiven sins will not be able to get to heaven.
Jesus came to earth in order for humanity’s sins to be saved.
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about grace:
Christians believe that God”s grace gives humans the opportunity to go to heaven
Christians believe that righteousness is not possible without the grace that came through Jesus
Christians believe that “God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight” (Romans), and atoned for the salvation of humanity”s sins
Outline 3 beliefs about atonement:
Christians believe humans are able to atone with God for their sins because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Christians believe that atonement is necessary for forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God.
Christians believe that atonement is available to all who have faith in Jesus Christ and accept him as their saviour.
Outline 3 different understandings of atonement:
The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus’ death was an act of self-sacrifice which made satisfaction for human sins and made salvation possible.
Evangelical Protestants believe that God’s justice required a price to be paid for sin and God took the punishment on himself through the death of Christ.
Liberal Protestants believe that Jesus brought atonement through his moral example and love for humanity.
Explain 2 reasons why salvation is important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason is because Jesus”salvation caused His story and messages and teachings to spread, which helps Christians to learn how to live a good, meaningful life with a close connection with God. Christians understand by Jesus”salvation that they have a moral duty to live their lives as Jesus lived his, loving and caring for each other: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John ). In this way, they are saved from the power and consequences of sin.
Salvation is vital to Christians because it offers reconciliation with God, restoring the broken relationship between humanity and its Creator. Through Jesus Christ, believers receive forgiveness for their sins and are brought into a right relationship with God, enabling them to experience His love because “Jesus Christ, has given [them] the ministry of reconciliation” (Corinthians)
Another reason salvation is important to Christians is the assurance of eternal life it provides. Believers trust in the promise of Jesus that whoever believes in him will have eternal life. Salvation ensures that believers have the hope of spending eternity in the presence of God, free from sin, suffering, and death, and experiencing the fullness of joy and peace in His kingdom, in Heaven.
Explain divergent ways that salvation can be obtained (SOWA):
Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that they can be saved by receiving the sacraments and living a good Christian life through following the teachings of Jesus and the Ten commandments.
Many Protestants, especially Evangelicals, believe that salvation comes through a personal acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. When they turn to Jesus , they are saved and the Holy Spirit will be in their life.
The quotation in Acts, ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved’ shows that it is only through Jesus that people are saved.
Explain 2 roles of Jesus Christ in salvation (SOWA):
Jesus allowed himself to be crucified by the Romans even though he was innocent of the charges brought against him by the Romans and the Jews so his crucifixion was the execution of an innocent man. Jesus was the Son of God, so he had miraculous powers and could have escaped crucifixion and some of those near him at the crucifixion urged him to do that (Matthew ““ “He saved others, but he cannot save himself!”)
After his death in this way, the Gospels record that Jesus rose from the dead and that God accepted Jesus”s sacrifice as an “atonement”for human sin. The idea of the atonement therefore means that salvation became available for all humans because Jesus”suffering and death restored the right relationship between humans and God. So the author of 1 John says: “If anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father ““ Jesus Christ. He is the atoning sacrifice for sins”. Humans can return to paradise by believing in Jesus and following his teachings. Peter says that salvation exists through Jesus and no one else: “there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved”.
Explain 2 reasons why law is important to Christians (SOWA):
The law is important to Christians as it reveals God’s moral standards and provides guidance for righteous living. Through the law, believers understand God’s expectations for their behaviour and relationships, which allows Christians to understand how to live good and meaningful lives as God would like them to. This is shown in Romans, where it is said “The law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.”
The law also serves to convict Christians of their sinfulness and need for redemption. By highlighting the standards of righteousness and exposing human inadequacy, the law prompts believers to recognise their need for a Saviour and seek forgiveness through Jesus Christ, which draws them closer to God and allows them to have a more deep and personal relationship with Him. This is elaborated in Romans, where it is said “through the law comes knowledge of sin”.
Explain 2 reasons why sin is important to Christians (SOWA):
Sin is important to Christians as it highlights humanity’s fallen condition and need for redemption. This can lead them to preach about the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus and share them to others in evangelism. This leads to them fulfilling their Christian duties and allows them to help society as Jesus did, from sin.
A second reason is appreciation of God’s Grace. Understanding the reality of sin enhances Christians’ appreciation of God’s grace and mercy. As believers recognise the depth of their own sinfulness and the magnitude of God’s forgiveness, they are filled with gratitude and humility, leading them to respond with love, worship, and obedience to God. Ephesians says “it is by grace you have been saved”. Once Christians understand this, they realise how sin distances them from God and thus repent of wrongdoings which brings them closer instead, helping them be grateful for God”s grace. Romans: “[Believers] are justified by his grace as a gift”.
Explain 2 reasons why grace is important to Christians (SOWA):
Grace is important to Christians because it represents God’s unmerited favour and undeserved kindness towards humanity. Through grace, believers receive forgiveness, salvation, and adoption into God’s family as a free gift, not as a result of their own efforts. God”s grace allows Christians to be grateful and pursues them to spread the message and teachings in the form of evangelism and preaching, which is spiritually nourishing for themselves and society, and gives them a sense of fulfilment. Ephesians elaborates on this: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith””and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”.
Furthermore, Grace empowers Christians to live transformed lives. By experiencing God’s grace, believers are enabled to overcome sin, grow in faith, and serve others in love, knowing that they are continually sustained and strengthened by God’s grace.
Explain 2 reasons why atonement is important to Christians (SOWA):
Christians believe that Jesus atoned for humankind’s sins when he was crucified - “Christ died for our sins” (Corinthians)- Jesus, the Incarnate form of God, came to Earth to suffer with humans and by atoning for their sins he offered them salvation - being ‘saved from sin’. Thus, Christians are thankful to Jesus for saving them from the consequences of sin, and for this reason Christians regularly repent of any wrongdoing and believe that, because of Jesus, they are forgiven by God.
In addition, Christians believe that as a result of the atonement, in which Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for the sake of humanity, the bond between humankind and God has been restored and humans who are followers of Jesus have the chance to have eternal life. Thus, they realise that sin separates people from God whereas salvation enables eternal life, and so it is important for them to maintain a close relationship with God, so they repent of any wrongdoings. They are able to understand the importance of atonement in conserving a deeply personal and loving relationship with God as a result of Jesus”atonement.
1.6 - Christian Eschatology:
Outline 3 divergent Christian beliefs about life after death:
The most common view is that everyone has an immortal soul that leaves the physical body when one dies and goes to God in heaven if the individual was a follower of Jesus, or to hell if not
Some Christians believe in universalism instead, which is the view that everyone lives forever in heaven, regardless if they were a believer or not
Other Christians, such as Catholics, believe in purgatory, where the dead are purified of their sins before going to heaven
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about eschatology (life after death):
Christians believe that the souls of the good go to heaven
Christians believe that the souls of the wicked go to hell
Christians believe that on the Last Day, God will raise the dead in bodily form, known as resurrection
Jesus rose from the dead so humans will too.
They believe that while the body dies, the soul will live on.
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about heaven:
Christians believe that heaven is the eternal dwelling place of God
They hold that heaven is a place of perfect peace, joy, free from sin, suffering, and death
Christians also believe that heaven is the ultimate destination for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about hell:
Christians believe that hell is a place of eternal separation from God
They hold that hell is a place of torment and suffering, where individuals will endure the consequences of their sin
Christians also believe that hell is the destiny of Satan and his followers and a place of eternal punishment
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about purgatory:
After purgatory, if humans still stay sinful, then surely they deserve to go to hell and there is nothing God can do to prevent it.
Purgatory is a place after death where the souls of the dead are cleansed
Purgatory is done in preparation for heaven, through prayers, penance, and the grace of God.
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about judgement:
Christians believe in a final judgement where all individuals will be held accountable before God for their actions and beliefs during their earthly lives.
They hold that judgement will be based on God’s righteous standards of justice and mercy, with each person receiving either reward or punishment according to their deeds and their acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Christians also believe in the authority of Jesus Christ as the Judge, who will execute judgement with impartiality and fairness
The result of judgement leads to the afterlife the individual deserves
Outline 3 non-religious reasons for believing in life after death:
Some people may have experienced or heard about a near death experience that encouraged them to believe in life after death.
Others may believe in reincarnation as they get flashbacks of previous lives.
Some may simply believe in life after death to provide them with comfort when a loved one dies.
Outline 3 non-religious reasons for saying there is no after-life:
Science says that once you are dead nothing can survive, including the mind.
Life after death usually requires the belief in God and they do not believe in God.
There is no evidence for an afterlife.
Explain 2 divergent Christian beliefs about eschatology (SOWA):
The most common Christian view about life after death is that everyone has an immortal soul that leaves the physical body when one dies. They believe that the soul goes to God in heaven if the individual was a follower of Jesus, or to hell if not.
Some Christians believe in universalism instead. This is the view that everyone lives forever in heaven, regardless if they were a believer or not. To support this, they argue that Jesus died to forgive all sins of humanity as part of salvation. To support this view, they point to Luke, which says “And all people will see God’s salvation.”
Other Christians, such as Catholics, believe in purgatory. This is where the dead are purified of their sins before going to heaven. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes purgatory as an “assurance of eternal salvation”¦to undergo purification”¦to enter the joy of Heaven”.
Explain 2 reasons why heaven is important to Christians (SOWA):
Heaven is important to Christians as it represents the fulfilment of their deepest longing for eternal fellowship with God. Believers anticipate the joy of being in God’s presence, experiencing His love, peace, and glory in their fullness for eternity which motivates them to have hope after death. The divinely state of heaven where it lacks sorrow is highlighted in Revelations: “there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying”
Heaven also serves as the promised reward for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. Christians look forward to receiving their inheritance in heaven, where they will be reunited with loved ones, and where their faithful service and perseverance will be recognised and rewarded by God. This is shown in Matthew, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Explain 2 reasons why hell is important to Christians (SOWA):
The belief in hell influences Christians to behave well; Hell is often seen as a state of existence without God, often depicted as a place of suffering and torture. Because of this Christians feel motivated to sin as little as possible and be a good Samaritan. “Be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew)
Belief in the concepts of Heaven and Hell influence Christians as it therefore means that there is life after death. This causes Christians to believe in the afterlife.
Explain 2 reasons why purgatory is important to Christians (SOWA):
Purgatory is important to some Christians as it offers the opportunity for souls to undergo purification from sin before entering into the fullness of heaven. Believers see purgatory as a place of cleansing and refinement, where souls are made ready to enter into the presence of God, and thus allows them to appreciate God”s Grace for allowing them to be purified of sins and enter heaven. This is shown in Corinthians, which says: “ though he himself will be saved, but only through fire.”
The belief in purgatory emphasises the importance of continued prayers and offerings for the benefit of souls undergoing purification for Catholics. Christians see purgatory as a place where the efficacy of prayers and the grace of God can bring about the redemption and release of souls from the consequences of their sins, highlighting the ongoing role of the Church in the salvation of souls, and compelling them to join in and help out in the form of evangelism, to help society”s individuals limit their sins.
Explain 2 reasons why judgement is important to Christians (SOWA):
One reason why judgement is important to Christians is because it compels them to live good lives. By understanding they will be judged after death, Christians realise that they should live lives which are less in sin and should repent any wrongdoing in order to ensure that on Judgement Day, they will have a higher chance of entering heaven and reuniting with God for eternal bliss.
A second reason is because Judgement highlights that justice is served, and God’s righteous standards are upheld, so they should stop judging other humans. This is mentioned in Romans: “Therefore let us stop passing judgement on one another.”
Judgement assures Christians of God’s justice and mercy. While judgement holds individuals accountable for their deeds to Christians, it also affirms God’s mercy for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour, assuring believers of their eternal reward and the fulfilment of God’s promises of salvation. This can cause them to develop a more meaningful and loving relationship with God, which helps them to grow spiritually. God is always fair, as shown in Revelation: “the dead were judged according to what they had done”.
Explain 2 reasons why life after death is important to Christians (SOWA):
Christians believe in life after death because the Bible and the Gospels talk of the death and resurrection of Jesus. This is seen in the Bible where it says, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’ The Bible is God’s word so it therefore counts as proof that life after death exists, hence making the belief in the afterlife important for Christians.
Another reason Christians believe in life after death is because there must be a reason Jesus died. They believe that his death was to grant salvation and eternal life in heaven with God. Jesus said that those who believe in him would have life after death. Hence, this belief is important as life after death can be considered a reward for faithful people. “Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live…” (John)
Jesus said that those who believe in him would have life after death; life after death is thus a reward for faithful people.
Life after death offers hope for Christians in the future
Allows Christians to be with God forever
Life after death ensures that the good will be rewarded in heaven, while the bad will be punished in hell. This gives Christians lives purpose and they will try to live their lives as well as God intended so that they can achieve eternal life in heaven.
The belief in life after death also helps Christians to cope with the death of loved ones and their own death. Jesus said: “My father’s house has many rooms.” This means that there is space in heaven for many, which shows that Death is not the end, and this brings them comfort.
Explain 2 similarities between Christian beliefs on life after death and Islam beliefs:
Both Christianity and Islam teach that individuals will face judgement after death, where their deeds and actions will be evaluated. In Christianity, this is often depicted as the Last Judgment, where God will judge the living and the dead. Similarly, Islam teaches the concept of Yaum al-Qiyamah (the Day of Resurrection), where all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds before Allah.
Both Christianity and Islam affirm the existence of an afterlife beyond the earthly realm. Christians believe in the concept of Heaven and Hell, where souls will experience eternal bliss or punishment based on their faith and deeds. Similarly, Islam teaches the existence of Jannah (Paradise) and Jahannam (Hell), where individuals will be rewarded or punished according to their beliefs and actions in worldly life.
Explain 2 differences between Christian beliefs on life after death and Islam beliefs:
While both Christianity and Islam believe in resurrection, they differ in their understanding of its timing and nature. In Christianity, resurrection is often associated with the Second Coming of Christ, where believers are resurrected to join Him in a new, glorified existence. In Islam, resurrection occurs on the Day of Judgment (Yaum al-Qiyamah), where all individuals, both believers and non-believers, are resurrected to be judged by Allah and rewarded or punished accordingly.
Christian views of Heaven often focus on the presence of God, eternal joy, and communion with fellow believers. It is portrayed as a place of rest, peace, and fulfilment of spiritual desires. Islam, on the other hand, offers a detailed description of Paradise (Jannah) in the Quran, featuring gardens, rivers, and luxurious delights. The concept of Paradise in Islam includes both physical and spiritual pleasures, with believers rewarded for their obedience and devotion to Allah.
Islam teaches that those who do not believe in Islam when they die will not receive salvation and enter heaven (Jannah). However, some Christians, such as Catholics, may believe in either universalism (where everyone goes to Heaven) or purgatory where all souls are cleansed, regardless of faith in Jesus.
Explain 2 similar reasons why life after death becomes important for both Christians and Muslims:
Both Christianity and Islam share the fundamental belief in the existence of an afterlife where individuals will be judged according to their actions in this world. For both faiths, the concept of life after death provides hope, meaning, and purpose to believers, shaping their moral and ethical conduct.
The belief in life after death serves as a powerful motivator for adherents of both religions to live virtuous lives according to the teachings of their faith. The promise of reward in the afterlife encourages acts of compassion, justice, and piety, while the fear of punishment motivates believers to avoid sin and wrongdoing.
Explain 2 different reasons why life after death becomes important for both Christians and Muslims:
Christians believe in the concept of Heaven as the ultimate destination for believers, where they will experience eternal fellowship with God. In contrast, Islam teaches about Paradise (Jannah) as the reward for righteous deeds, which includes physical delights and spiritual fulfilment.
Christians believe in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and acceptance of His sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins; God”s grace (agape). In contrast, Muslims emphasise submission to the will of Allah (Islam) and the performance of righteous deeds as the means to attain salvation. Salvation in Islam is ultimately determined by Allah’s mercy and judgement on the Day of Judgment.
Explain 2 reasons why Christians believe in life after death (SOWA):
They believe in life after death because Jesus rose from the dead. They believe all that the Bible says about the resurrection is true, That Jesus is resurrected will save them, and they too will have a life after death if they follow Jesus, “It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven, and us at God’s right hand.”
Secondly, Jesus said: ‘My father’s house has many rooms’ this shows Christians that death is not the end and shows that there is space in heaven for many.
Jesus taught that he would come again at the end of the world for a final judgement that would send people to heaven or hell. This is also part of the Creed.
Explain why some non-religious people believe in life after death:
Some people may believe in life after death because they have experienced or heard about a near death experience, where between death and resuscitation people have left their bodies and followed a white light to a heavenly looking place.
They may also believe in life after death, as it will give them comfort when a loved one dies; they may feel that they have gone to a better place and that they might be able to see them again.
Explain why some people don’t believe in life after death:
Humanists and atheists believe that there is no life after death: you live and then you die. This is because science says that once you are dead nothing can survive, including the mind, which the idea of a soul seems to be based on.
Life after death usually depends on there being a God and they don’t believe in God, so would reject any religious evidence for life after death in the Bible.
1.7 + 1.8 -The Problem of Evil:
Outline 3 features of the problem of evil and suffering for Christians:
If God is omnipotent, he must be able to get rid of evil and suffering.
If God is omnibenevolent, he must want to get rid of evil and suffering.
If God is omniscient, he must have known that evil and suffering would result from creating a world like this.
Outline 3 ways suffering causing problems for Christians:
It might provide arguments against the existence of God
It might show that God does not protect people
May result in death of innocent people
Outline 3 different ways in which Christians respond to the problem of evil and suffering:
One way is by using the biblical responses such as those in the books of Job and Psalms.
A second way is the theoretical response, such as the vale of soul making response.
A third way is a practical response, such as working for CAFOD or Christian Aid
Explain 2 issues that the problem of evil can cause to Christians (SOWA):
One issue is that Christians doubt the omnibenevolence of God due to the problem of evil and suffering. Christians may lose or challenge faith in the Lord because they feel that God should be kind enough to remove evil and suffering but they feel that He is not, despite them believing so and Him being able to do so out of His good nature.
A second issue is that they are faced with a struggle in dealing with the issue and combat the prevailing doubt they feel because of it. Christians may feel unsure of how to get out of the evil and suffering, questioning the cause of it and how to deal with it, but in the end may still remain confused and lost because the Bible teaches them to “take refuge in Him and be blessed”.
Explain 2 reasons why evil and suffering in the world cause problems for the teachings of God”s nature found in scriptures (SOWA):
The Bible teaches Christians that God will protect them from evil and suffering. However, even good Christians seem to suffer as anyone else. Despite assurances of God’s protection and omnipotence, the reality of evil and suffering in the world raises questions about why God allows such pain and injustice to exist to even his followers.
The Psalms say that God is all-loving, his love is as high as the heavens are above the earth, and the Book of Job says that God is all-powerful, he can do anything. This means that there surely should be no evil and suffering because God wants to remove it and is able to remove it. The Book Of Job says this about God: “I know that you can do all things”
Explain 2 characteristics of God”s nature (SOWA):
One characteristic of God”s nature is his omnipotence. Omnipotence refers to the fact that God has maximal power, so He can do anything of his will. As the creator and sustainer of the universe, God has limitless power to accomplish His will and purposes, as the Bible says: “he does whatever pleases him”.
God is also characterised by His omniscience, meaning He is all-knowing and has perfect knowledge of all things past, present, and future. God’s omniscience enables Him to have complete understanding of every detail of existence, including the thoughts, intentions, and actions of humanity - “His understanding has no limit”.
Explain the 2 types of evil and suffering (SOWA):
Natural evil refers to suffering and hardship caused by natural phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes, diseases, and other natural disasters. These events result in physical harm and suffering for individuals and communities, often beyond human control. This is found in Matthew: “there shall be famines “¦ and earthquakes”
Moral evil arises from human choices and actions that cause harm, injustice, and suffering to others. This includes acts of violence, oppression, greed, and immorality, which result in pain and suffering for both the victims and perpetrators. The Bible pinpoints the root cause ultimately down to the imperfect human nature consisting of greed: James - “You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight”.
Explain 2 Biblical solutions to the Problem of Evil (SOWA):
One biblical solution to the problem of evil is to trust in God’s sovereignty and providence. Christians are encouraged to place their faith in God’s goodness and wisdom, knowing that He is in control of all things and can bring about good even in the midst of suffering. This is shown in Romans: “We know that all things work for good for those who love God”
Another biblical solution is to find hope in the future redemption and restoration promised by God. Christians look forward to the day when God will make all things new, wiping away every tear and abolishing evil and suffering forever. This hope sustains believers during times of trial and reminds them that ultimate victory over evil has already been won through Jesus Christ.
Another biblical solution is to praise God for His help in times of trouble. The Bible says: “I called to the Lord “¦ and I have been saved”
Explain 2 theoretical solutions to the Problem of Evil (SOWA):
One theoretical solution to the problem of evil is the Free Will Defense, which posits that God allows evil and suffering in the world as a consequence of granting humans free will. According to this view, genuine love and moral responsibility require the ability to choose between good and evil, and God respects human autonomy even when it leads to wrongdoing. An example of this is when Adam and Eve, out of free will, chose to eat the Forbidden fruit, which caused evil to them. “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden” - Genesis explains they had a choice not to.
Another theoretical solution is the vale of soul-making, which suggests that God allows evil and suffering in order to develop and refine the character and spiritual maturity of individuals. According to this view, suffering serves as a means of soul-making, shaping individuals into more compassionate, resilient, and virtuous beings. This is shown in Romans, which states: “We know that suffering produces perseverance, character and hope”.
Explain 2 practical solutions to the Problem of Evil (SOWA):
Some Christians believe that suffering is a part of life, and they have a duty to respond to this practically. One way Christians do this is by developing positive qualities such as compassion and kindness, courage and honesty. They believe that by developing these qualities, they limit the moral evil that they may cause to other humans, thus being an act of good. “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Other Christians may help through involvement in charity work, for another practical solution to the problem of evil is for individuals to respond to suffering with acts of compassion and justice. Christians are called to emulate the love and mercy of God by caring for the vulnerable, advocating for the oppressed, and working towards the alleviation of suffering in the world. Examples of this from Christians are organisations like Christian Aid, which “fights injustice and campaigns for change”.
Chapter 2 - Exam-Style Questions:
2.1 - Marriage: