Christian Tradition Quiz 2 Flashcards
Christians believe with their ______
How does doctrine emerge?
Because people were trying to describe and encounter God (people who have a living encounter with God won’t shut up about it)
How do we have to know Doctrine?
As Christ has known us-in the flesh
Doctrine is the ________ of the Christian faith
____ and ____ always go together
Doctrine and Discipline
“Words about God”
How does theology begin and then continue?
Begins with God’s revelatory word to us through Jesus and continues as we respond with words to God and each other
The words we use to respond to God affect ________
the way we think,live, worship, and engage in the world
Parts of the Wesleyan quadrilateral
Scripture -> tradition, reason, experience
T/F Heresies were originally “good ideas” of how to explain Jesus
T, eventually the church decides they don’t want to go with them though bc they contradict Scripture/tradition
Claimed to have special/secret knowledge and denied the goodness of the material world
T.F Gnostics believed Jesus brought special wisdom to tell people how to escape the physical world
Heavily influenced by Greek thought and Jewish apocalypticism
Denied that God really entered in to the physical world and said Jesus did not suffer and die or be born of a virigin
Contrast in Gnosticism and CT
Gnostic beliefs allow people to do bad things to their bodies and the bodies of others but CT sees the body as very important
T/F If Jesus is just an apparition all you have to do it believe/think about it, but if he is real you have to have faith
Emerges after Gnostic movement
Church Hierarchy (Apostolic Authority)
What is the biggest shift from 1st to 2nd century in the church?
Apostolic Authority (more reliable than saying jesus went straight to everyone else and says Jesus –> 12 –> apostles –> everyone else
Claimed he could receive messages directly from the HS that superseded the authority of Jesus and Paul
Montanus (of Montanism)
Issue that Montanism and Gnosticism raised
Would CT carry forward reliable info about God from tradition or leave it for each generation to decide (they choose the former)