Christian Tradition FINAL Flashcards
What does a liturgy do?
Draws one into and roots one into a particular narrative
3 facts about Bonhoeffer
He was a Lutheran pastor, he lived in NY, he was executed by the Nazis
According to the lecture on Hook, Peter was able to see the feast when he
joined the liturgy of Neverland
What does James K.A. Smith want the reader to know in How (NOT) to be secular
the “feel” of the secular age
Why was Maggie able to remember her home and recognize her father in Hook?
She practiced the liturgy of home by singing the songs her mother taught her
2 different ways to engage a secular age
- take
2. spin
Smith describes the secular age as
What is one of the characteristics of technology in the later modern era?
It suggests that we can be free by mastering our circumstances
This maxim is seen as a way to illustrate the secular age
“I don’t believe in God, but I miss him”
According to Bonhoeffer, what is one of the characteristics of cheap grace?
it is grace we bestow upon ourselves
T/F Bonhoeffer believed discipleship must transcend all comprehension, even our own
Which definition of secularity are we living in now?
one of the factors of the pervasive use of technology is that is suggests that
we don’t have to be claimed by anything
primary characteristic of the secular age
the presence of competing narratives
“When Christ calls a man..”
He bids him come and die
What is the name Smith gives to “the subtle process by which our world, and hence the realm of significance, is enclosed within the material universe and the natural world?”
Secular people…
still want the feeling of transcendence
the central distinction Bonhoeffer makes in The Cost of Discipleship
Cheap grace vs. costly grace
One of the characteristics of our late modern, technological life is that when we pursue life that is like this, we lose our ability to
“liturgy” means
the work of the people
According to Bonhoeffer, Christ is the ______ between disciples and their “immediate realities” of family, jobs, etc.
Theory of inspiration that says the Holy Spirit guided the biblical writers, but didn’t tell them what to write word-for-word
Verbal Theory of Inspiration
______ believed that material was evil and therefore, Jesus couldn’t have a material body
T/F The Fullness of the Christian encounter with God is encapsulated in doctrine
Revelation in the Christian tradition is primarily
a self-revelation of God’s personal presence
Doctrine is the _____ of Christian faith
What is heresy
a good-faith attempt to describe an encounter with God
T/F Bonhoeffer was American
F, he was German
Christian Scripture plays the role of
faithfully and authoritatively bearing witness to what God has done in Christ
Cheap grace is grace we bestow upon
Which section of the Bible does Bonhoeffer use to guide his description of the life of a disciple?
The Sermon on the Mount
“As Christianity spread, the church became more secularized. The world was Christianized, and grace was its common property. It was to be had at ______.” -Bonhoeffer
a low cost
In terms of revelation, Scripture is an example of
Special revelation
Who denied that the OT should be included the Christian canon of Scripture
Why must knowledge of God in the Christian tradition include practices
Because God ha known us by becoming flesh in the person of Jesus and calling us to know by following
According to Jones and the lecture, theology begins with what
God’s revelatory word spoken to us
Which provides knowledge about God based on our observations of the world around us
general revelation
Christian doctrine is like
an attempt at describing something amazing you have seen
“Natural theology” is also known as
general revelation
Gnostics believed Jesus’ relationship to Mary was like that of
passing through a pipe
T/F Arius was condemned as a heretic
Greek cosmology tended to understand the universe as being divided into ___ and ___ realms
eternal, temporal
This theory of understanding jesus makes him into an ordinary human being who made exceptional moral progress
Adoptionist Theory
The primary point of Smiths’ How Not to be Secular
Raise awareness of the dynamics shaping the our multi-layered narrative of the Christian Tradition