Christian Tradition Quiz 1 Flashcards
Secularity is not anti-religion, but it is rather
2 conflicting stories
What does Late Modern Secularity emphasize?
Individual values
What does the Christian Tradition emphasize?
Sacrifice, loving others, serving others, not always getting our way
How is the secular age a haunted age?
There are vestiges of faith everywhere, people want the feeling of transcendence they just don’t want to believe in God
What is Smith’s goal?
To illuminate the modern secular age
Definition of secular1
Ancient understanding of secularity; deals with earthly things, not the divine (secular professions vs. sacred ones)
Definition of secular2
religiously neutral space with assumption that you can divide life and leave religion when entering some places (ex. public school)
Definition of secular3
Belief that God is 1 among many and whatever you want to believe is okay
Definition of enchanted world
people believed everything is charged with power; “things can do stuff”
Definition of disenchanted world
meaning comes from inside; “I do stuff”
How does greek cosmology play a part in our beliefs today?
It consists of the temporal and the eternal world; What is most true about the world is in the eternal because it is unchanging. (Plato’s forms)
Cogito ergo sum
I think, therefore I am
T/F Biblical writers believed we wouldd have an eternal soul
F; that has been influenced by Greek cosmology
Ancient view of reality
The Divided lIne; Immanentization collapses the eternal into the temporal
t/f without transcendence, reality collapses into radical sameness
T; and God becomes a condiment and we start making our own meaning
Keeping God as an idea bc we like him that way, but not in our lives is an example of
T/F secularity is the same as atheism
F; secularity isn’t committed to the philosophical reality of a metaphysical world
De-personalizing God
personalizing God
T/F Without transcendence, we have to create meaning for ourselves
2 ways to live in a secular age