Christian Scriptures Test 3 Themes Flashcards
Jew vs Gentile - story about the Jerusalem Council; defends his apostleship - Paul’s authority comes from God, not man; has no thanksgiving; takes the gospel to the gentiles before going to Jerusalem; opponents of his gospel say the gospel needs law observance too for salvation, so he disproves this
Galatians (50, 51 or 55, 56, 57)
Onesimus the slave runs away from his master, meets Paul, is converted, but Paul has to send him back. Paul sends him with a letter to his master basically asking that he be released to work with Paul
Philemon (no date)
Chain link structure - non-christian vs christian life; is there an advantage or not to being a jew or is everyone equal; justification by faith; everyone is sinful and the gospel solves that problem by making you a slave to God not sin - this saves you from the wrath of God; people’s two main issues are hypocrisy and idolatry; Abraham - the gospel works for all people bc God promised to bless everyone through him; God gives salvation despite our lack of worth - incongruity of the gospel; participatory nature of the Christian life - human can do good only because the spirit is acting through them; Israel hasn’t believed bc God tripped them up to let the Gentiles in and that will draw them back; unifying the weak and strong christians (Jews vs Gentiles)
Romans (56, 57 CE)
second coming; parousia - the arrival of an important person (Jesus’s second coming); apantesin - the dead rise first in a resurrection to meet Jesus in the air with all other christians
1 Thessalonians (49 CE)