Christian Beliefs Flashcards
Summarise Genesis 1
God created :
Day 1: light and darkness were separated
Day 2: the sky to divide the water into two halves
Day 3: seas, land, plants, trees
Day 4: sun, moon, stars to light up the sky
Day 5: all species of animals
Day 6: human beings in his image
Give three implications of the Genesis stories being different
- as they are so different and contradictory, we should not trust the Biblical accounts of the creation story
- Although there are differences, it does not mean God did not create the world but that God is transcendent so we are unable to full understand the stories
- The themes are more important so it does not matter if they differ
Give the 2 different interpretations of creation stories?
- a literal interpretation ( Creationists)
- a metaphorical interpretation
Give two ways Creationists interpret the creation stories
- the Bible is the literal ‘word of God’ and therefore historically true
- God created the world in 6 days
Give three ways Christians interpret the creation stories metaphorically.
- focus on the significance of themes/morals
- believe it teaches about relationships between God, people, animals and the world
- some believe in the DAY- AGE THEORY
Define the Day-Age Theory
God created the world as described in Genesis 1 but each day presents a period of time (could be eons) rather than 24 hours
Summarise Genesis 2
- God created Adam from dust to take care of the Garden of Eden
- God then created animals and birds to help Adam but this was not suitable
- God then created a woman from the rib of Adam
Give 3 reasons why the creation is important to Christians today ( link to SOA )
- John 1 teaches that Jesus was present from the start as the ‘Word’ and the Holy Spirit showing that the Trinity has always existed
- Genesis 3 helps Christians understand why there is sin in the world due to the doctrine of original sin
- ## Genesis 2 teaches that humans have responsibility over creation on behalf of God as he has given it to them - stewardship
Name the events in the Last Days of Jesus’ life
- The Last Supper
- Betrayal & Arrest
- Denial of St Peter
- Crucifixion
- Resurrection
- Ascension
‘The Last Supper is the most significant event in Jesus’ life’ Give reasons for and against this statement
- for : he predicted that someone would betray him , showing his divinity and omniscience
- started the sacrament of the Eucharist
against: did not repair the relationship between God and Humanity
What is the significance of The Denial Of Saint Peter?
- reveals human nature is inherently selfish and have an instinct for self preservation
‘The Crucifixion is the most significant event in Jesus’ life’ Give reasons for and against this statement
for: proves of Jesus’ humanity
- repaired the relationship between God and Humanity as he died to save humanity’s sins
against: it does not show Jesus’ divinity as he didn’t save anyone
‘The resurrection is the most significant event in Jesus’ life’ Give reasons for and against this statement
- proves there is life after death
- confirms the Trinity as only a powerful God, like the creator could resurrect life after death
- proves that God did not abandon Jesus as he raised him from the dead, helps Christians in times of hardship
against: could be false and he wasn’t actually dead.
The Ascension is the most significant event in Jesus’ life’ Give reasons for and against this statement
for: - promises Perusia
- confirms Jesus’ divine nature
against: Perusia has yet to come
What is Perusia?
The second coming of Jesus
What does ‘ Doubting Thomas’ teach us?
-we should have faith in God without having to see him as Jesus says those that believe but have not seen are blessed by Him.
Define Salvation.
To be saved from sin and its consequences by God.
Define Atonement.
The restoration of humanity’s broken relationship with God through Jesus’ death.
What is the need for salvation?
- Due to the Fall
- Concept of Original Sin
What is The Doctrine of The Fall about? - link to SOA
the introduction of evil to the world
Genesis 3 : Adam and Eve were created perfect. They disobeyed God, they fell from the perfect state and separated themselves from God.
What is the concept of Original Sin?
- human beings are born imperfect and sinful and that this separates them from God
Why do we need atonement?
- due to original sin, we can’t have a relationship with God. Sin is our barrier.
Give 3 of Jesus’ roles in salvation ( include reference to SOA)
- Jesus is the only way to be saved and has become the ‘ cornerstone of Christianity as it is the way to have a relationship with God.
- Jesus was sent so he could save humanity from sin so they can have eternal life, showing God’s life - John 3:16
- Jesus’ sacrifice offered redemption for humanity
Give two reasons why atonement and salvation are significant to Christians today?
- Restored relationship between God & humanity
- Confirms belief in an all-powerful & loving God
Give 3 ways a Christian can achieve salvation
- following God’s Law
- through faith
- through God’s Grace
Why can’t following God’s Law alone achieve salvation?
- Original sin taints humans this prevents them from redemption
- Human beings cannot be justified by their actions alone – but by faith and grace.
What is God’s Grace?
Grace is God’s undeserved love.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Salvation?
- The Holy Spirit is present in conscience
- inspires and empowers believers to follow the steps to salvation.
What is Eschatology?
The branch of theology which looks at death, judgement, heaven and hell.
What are the different beliefs with regards to life after death?
- The Day of Judgement
- The Immortal Soul
- Universalism
What is Universalism?
the belief that due to the love and mercy of God, everyone will go to heaven.
What is Purgatory and which branch of Christianity believe in it
A place where souls are cleansed and prepared for heaven.
- Catholics
Where do Catholic draw their beliefs from?
- The Bible
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church
What do Catholics believe leads to heaven?
- doing good works
- faith
- confession
Where do Evangelical Protestants draw their beliefs from?
- The Bible
- The 39 Articles of Religion
What do Evangelical Protestants believe leads to heaven?
- faith
- good deeds
What do Liberal Protestants believe leads to heaven?- link to SOA
John 3:16:
- shows that faith is all that is required for salvation
- Humans are fallible and so we will sin but will not go to hell as long as we believe and trust that Jesus died to save our sins
Give three reasons why Jesus had to die for our salvation
- Sacrifice: Jesus had to die to take the punishment for sin so that humans can have a relationship with God and have eternal life
- Moral example: Jesus was an example on how to live according to God’s way. His death is an example of love in action.
- Victory: Jesus death and resurrection is seen as a victory over the battle of evil and sin
What is the central belief of the afterlife in Christianity?
- most Christians believe in the final judgement and that there is a heaven and a hell.
Give three Roman Catholic beliefs about eschatology
- They believe in the immortality of the soul and a bodily resurrection at Parousia
- They believe in purgatory
- Non believers’ souls will go to hell
Give 2 Evangelical Protestant beliefs about eschatology
- if you have sinned and not repented then you go to hell
- good Christians will go to heaven
Give 3 Liberal Protestant beliefs about eschatology
- believe in the immortality of the soul
- Only non-Christians will go to hell
- You are judged as soon as you die
Give a literalist’s view on the afterlife
- there is a physical place called hell and heaven and we will all be resurrected after death
Give a liberal reader’s view on the afterlife
- A liberal reader understands it metaphorically pointing to an underlying truth
eg hell is place devoid of love rather than a pit of fire
Give 3 reasons why beliefs about life after death are significant to Christians today
- They will try and live a good Christian life following the teachings of the Bible and not sinning to avoid hell
- They might be less fearful about death because they know their soul will live on or be resurrected
- It encourages missionary work as they may try and convert others to save them from hell