how is the ταχύτητα (ρυθμός) της χημικής αντίδρασης calculated
= -1/a x Δ[A]/ Δt
= -1/b x Δ[B]/ Δt
= 1/c x Δ[C]/ Δt
= 1/d x Δ[D]/ Δt
how to get the στιγμιαία ταχύτητα μιας αντίδρασης
By drawing a tangent on either the reactant or product slope on a conc/time graph.
—> if the value is negative due to a decrease in conc the negative sign is ignored for easy comparison with other values.
define ταχύτητες αντιδράσεις
= the increase of the product concentration per unit of time
= the decrease of the reactant conc per unit of time
what is the αρχική ταχύτητα
= η στιγμιαία ταχύτητα στην αρχή μιας αντίδρασης (t = 0 s)
what are the units for rate of reaction? what else needs to be specified when referring to it?
= M/s (mole per second)
—> the specific time this measure was taken needs to be written because as time passes the rate will decrease due to lack of available reactants.
what are other ways to write the value u of νόμος ταχύτητας αντίδρασης based on the reactants
based on concentration = k [A]^a x [B]^b
based on pressure = u = kp PA^a x PB^b
—> k is calculated based on the values or given
—> the bigger the power (= τάξεις αντίδρασης) , the more effect the reactant has on the rate of reaction
—> ONLY includes g or aq
how is the ακριβής νόμος ταχύτητας της αντίδρασης actually calculated? name the techniques
Προσδιορίζεται πειραματικά μέσω συγκεκριμένων τεχνικών:
- τεχνική διακοπτόμενης ροής (interrupted flow technique)
- φωτόλυσης λάμψης (flash photolysis)
- μέθοδος ροής χημικής απόσβεσης (chemical quenching flow method)
what is the official name of k in the rate of reaction formula + what it’s affected by + units
= σταθερά ταχύτητας της αντίδρασης
- Εξαρτάται από τη θερμοκρασία, αλλά όχι από τις συγκεντρώσεις των αντιδρώντων.
- Oι μονάδες του 𝑘 εξαρτώνται από το νόμο ταχύτητας.
how is the ολική τάξη of a reaction calculated
το άθροισμα των επιμέρους τάξεων a + b + c +…
is it possible for there to be αντιδράσεις με αρνητική τάξη αντίδραση?
can some reactions have an overall νόμο ταχύτητας μηδενικής τάξης? eg?
𝒖 = 𝒌
—> η διάσπαση της φωσφίνης, PH3
what does it mean when the class of a reactant is negative
= as the conc of the reactant increases, the rate decreases
name the value of k for each reaction order
0th —> M.s-1
1st —> s-1
2nd —> M-1 . s-1
3rd —> M-2. s-1
what is the ολοκληρωμένος νομός της ταχύτητας αντίδραση πρώτης τάξης (integral rate equation for a first-order reaction) + why is it used
It shows the concentration of the 1 reactant at any time if we know its initial concentration [A]0 and K.
—> It’s used to analyse and predict the progress of a 1st order reaction over time. For example, to calculate how long it would take for the initial concentration to reduce to a specific value.
what are the reactions of the integral rate of equation for the 1st order reaction + how to turn it into a graph
= - d [A]/ dt = k [A]
= ln ([A]t / [A]0)
for a linear graph form:
ln [A]t = (-k)xt + ln[A]0
y= ln [A]t
m = -k
x = t
b = ln[A]0