Define Personality?
Consistencies in behaviour, emotion and traits over time
Texts that are scored the same despite differences in test takers - using same score system are called……..
Objective personality tests.
Behavioural checklist can be defined as……
Checklist that rates a persons intensity/ frequency & duration of behaviors..
Projective personality tests are defined as:
Display of an ambiguous stimuli to the person in order to understandcharacteristics of personality based on the responses.
The trait v/s state debate
Trait -your actual personality or how you feel or act on an everyday basis.
State - hour the situation is playing a role to manifest that trait.
Summarise mischels opinion on the person-situation variability topic
Personality and situation are equally important& its co-existence determines or manifests as personality.
Interaction of both - is imp
Situational variability is a snapshot into a persons entry personality
What are the 3 tendencies the validity scales focus on.
① faking good
② malingering-faking bad
③ random responses on the test.
Deliberate exaggeration of negative characteristics in order to deliberately present problematic picture is called……….
How to limit the self- presentation biases?
① multi-informant method.
②using other tests that detect for malingering etc.
What are the 4 biases that could make a text unfair?
①The content of the test may have different implications or relevance for diff cultural groups.
②the validity coefficients could be unrelated ar diff related in diff cultures
③ The cut-off scores on a scale to clarify could for diff foe diff groups. - over er Inderidentification
④ underlying factor structure could be diff if tapping into diff themes.
How to measure translation?
①back translation & then comparing both.(lang I to lang 2 to lang1)
② conduct a pilot test using the translated measure to ensure comprehensibility
③good reliability evidence for the translated measure
④restandardize scoria using worms
⑤ construct validation efforts should be made to determine if same psychological qualities are being measured
What is clinical utility
The extent to which a test and resulting data improve upon typical decision making and treatment outcome.
What is Rorschach inkblot test?
→ symmetrical inkblots are shown
→ comprehensive scoring system - but not a very valid one
Issue with Rorschach?
→ administration errors due to subjectivity
→ over - pathologizing: not used to make diagnosis or prognosis
→ outweigh benefits
→ does not have names for youth
Issues with projective personality measures?
→ standardization & availability of norms
→ not a good over-arching measures - low clinical utility
→ Is not good with youth as children
→not good for diagnosis