Chapter-9 Flashcards
Integration means….
Bringing together the data on assessment
Step 1:
What does the process, of assessment incorporate
① receiving referral
② clarifying question
③ generating hypothesis
④ gathering data - multi-informants, tracking the patterns, collateral interview ( spouse, parent, sibling)
⑤ examining data (panting pieces together) → discrepancies; confirming/disconfirming hypothesis
⑥ formulating conclusions & making recommendations- treatment program like CBT
⑦providing feedback & report writing
The process of reporting data includes? -very imp for test.
→ broad picture on a global level ‘
→ then getting down to a narrow level
What does case formulation do?
→ helps in thinking about prognosis with or w/o treatment
→ tailored plan for intervention & treatment
→ does the person have a cognitive component
→ barriers to treatment plans - access to insurance, co-occurring or comorbid diagnosis
→ case f also depends on who will be reading the report& how to integrate it
Discuss the diff components of case formulation
① symptoms a problems → defining the problem
②underlying vulnerabilities -
③ other stressors, risk factors, protective factors
What are the threats to validity of assessments & case formulation
① patients-client factors: the 3 threats to validity scales, delirium, confusion
→ retrospective recall bias-inaccurately recalling so better to have multi-method & multi-informant ways of getting data
② clinician factors
→ biases: not based on reason or logic
→ heuristics-mental shortcuts that lead to faster decision making but fairly inaccurate in nature