chp 7: selection decisions and law Flashcards
selection battery
set of tests to make employee hiring decisions
common IO selection battery
varies on organization etc
- biodata (prior edu / exp) in application blank
- personality (big-five and motives/preferences)
- cognitive ability (reasoning and problem solving)
- structured interview (behavioral and situational)
- least common but good for high stakes selection: work sample, in-basket, case analysis etc
internet capability to screen candidates for recruitment and screening
-broadens potential pool
facebook and HR study
- found candidates feel scanning social networks is invasion of privacy and less likely to be attracted to the company
- not predictive of performance / not criterion valid
- HR professionals THINK they can glean certain information from FB
what methods are used for a practical approach to Selection
1) multiple cutoff / multiple hurdle
2) multiple regression (compensatory - can make up poor score by high score on another)
multiple cutoff /
passing scores/cutoffs
must pass each predictor test in the battery
multiple hurdle
passing scores/cutoffs in a certain order
-least expensive to most expensive assessments
lowers cost in process
multiple regression
compensatory approach. take all tests in the battery
allows us to predict how well they will preform in role based on the series of predictors
Y= unknown, ultimate outcome of performance predicting for individual taking tests. on a scale of low job performance to high job performance
b0 = where regression line intercepts w/ Y axis
b1.2.3 etc= slope/weight/impact of first predictor (test) on criterion
X=actual score on that test
no validity
regression model doesnt help you determine who is a strong performer
hits and correct rejections aren’t as strong as misses and false alarms
adverse impact
80% rule of thumb
a selection battery adversely impacts a group if that group is hired/selected at LESS than 80% of the selection rate of the majority hired group
affirmative action
Practice employed in many organizations (universities included) to increase the number of minorities or protected class members in targeted jobs.
Civil Rights Act
distinguishes between types of discrimination:
Disparate impact – Unintentionally discriminating against or unfairly affecting a minority group (Most personnel law cases
Disparate treatment – Intentional discrimination resulting from differential treatment
*Unless Bona Fide Occupational Qualification(BFOQ) i.e. woman for wet nurse
Equal Pay Act – 1963
▫Pay and benefits to men and women for equal jobs
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) – 1967
▫Persons > 40 years old
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – 1990▫
Qualified individuals with disabilities
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – 1993▫
Job-protected unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks