Chp 46: Fons Bandusia Flashcards
hoc erat in voltis: modus agri non ita magnus
This was in my prayers: a plot of land not this big,
hortus ubi et, tecto vincinus, iugis aquae fons et paulum silvae super his foret
Where there would be a garden of ever flowing water. And a little of woodland beyond these.
auctius atque di melis fecere
More generously and better the gods have done
bene est. nil amplius oro, maia nate, nisi ut propria haec mini munera faxis
It is well done. I pray for nothing more,
O Son of Maia, except that you might make these gifts my own to me.
O fons Bandusiae, splendidior vitro,
Oh fountain of Bandusia, more splendid than glass,
dulci digne mero non sine floribus,
appropriate for sweet wine not without flowers,
cras donaberis haedo,
cui frons turgida cornibus
tomorrow you will be presented with a kid,
whose forehead growing with first horns
primis et venerem et proelia destinat.
marks him out for both love and battles
frustra, nam lascivi suboles gregis
For the child of the playful herd
gelidos inficiet tibi
rubro sanguine rivos
will stain your cold streams
with red blood.
Te flagrantis atrox hora Caniculae nescit tangere
The fierce hour of the burning dogstar does not know to touch you
tu frigus amabile fessis vomere tauris praebes et pecori vago.
you offer pleasant cold to the bulls tired from the plow and the wandering herd.
Fies nobilium tu quoque fontium,
Even you will become the most famous of fountains,
me diecente cavis impositam ilicem
with me singing of the wood established on hollow
unde loquaces
lymphae desiliunt tuae
from which your talkative
waters jump down.