Chp 43: Nunc ad me rodeo Flashcards
Nunc ad me rodeo libertino patre natum
Now i return myself born from a freed man father
Quem rodunt omnes libertino patre natum
I whom everyone disparages as born from a freedman father
Nunc quia sim tibi, maecenas, convictor at olim quod mihi pareret legio romana tribuno
Now because i am a friend to you maecenas but once because a roman legion obeyed me as tribune
Ut veni coram, singultim pauca locutus
As i came into your presence, having spoken haltingly a few things,
Infans namque pudor prohibebat plura profari
Muted for shame was preventing me to say many things
Non ego me claro natum patre
I do not say that i was born from a respectable father
Sed quos eram dico. Respondes, ut tuus est mos,
But i say what i was, you answer as is your custom
Pauca abeo, et revocas nono post mense iubesque esse in amicorum numero
I leave and you call me back after the ninth month and you order me to be in the number of your friends
Magnum hoc ego duco quod placui tibi
I consider this a great thing because i was pleasing to you.
Non patre praeclaro sed vita et pectore puro
Not by means of a famous father but with a pure life and heart
Si bonum ingenium habeo, causa fuit pater his
If i have a good character, the reason for these things was my father
Qui macro pauper afello, noluit in flaci ludum me mittere
Who a poor man with a tiny little farm, did not want to send me into the school of flavius
Magni quo pueri, magnis e centurionibus orti, ibant
Where great boys, risen from centurions
Sed puerem est ausus romam portare
But he dared to take me his boy to rome
Docendum artes quas doceat quivis eques atque semator semet prognatos
Skills which any knight and senator would have taught his own children