Chp 34- Urinary Elimination & Altered Urinary Fx Flashcards
Most important factor of urinary output
Person’s fluid intake will determine their output
Loss of body (general) fluid means urinary elimination will be increased or decreased?
Decreased; look for S&S of hypovolemia
Alcohol suppresses ADH. T or F
What is necessary to be continent/ make it bathroom successfully cognition wise?
Does body position effect urinary elimination? Y or N
Yes; patients are typically laying down but men eliminate standing while women eliminate sitting
Patient Education for UTI
Wipe properly front to back
Avoid urinary retention
S&S of UTI Include
abdominal pain
urinary frequency
Low BP can result in decreased urine ouput. WHy?
Loss of fluids/blood can lead to low BP.. meaning low perfusion to organs and kidney has no perfusion of blood, 02, nutrients to function correctly
How much urine do u need to produce per hour?
At least 30 ccs
Spinal Cord Injuries can result in _____ due to affected messaging/signaling from the brain
Urinary incontinence
Urinary retention
Treatment for incontinence
Suprapubic catheter placement; reduces risk for infection
Treatment for retention
Self catheterize
What should nurse monitor after catheter removal?
That pt has void within 8 hrs post catheter removal
a PERMANENT surgical procedure that creates an opening in the abdomen to allow urine to exit the body
a medical emergency that occurs when the kidneys stop producing urine, or when urine output is less than 100mLs or 500 ccs in a day
excessive urination; when body produces more than 2,500 to 3,000 mL or CCs in 24 hours
Low urine output; less than 500 mL / ccs of urine in 24 hours
Painful voiding
blood in urine
involuntary voiding, With no underlying pathological cause, that occurs in children and adults who are old enough to have bladder control
at bedtime, its is bedwetting
Urinary retention primarily seen in
post op pts
spinal injurys
older adults
a condition where the bladder is unable to empty completely, causing urine to build up and eventually leak out uncontrollably
urinary retention w/ overflow
Triggers for urinary incontinence
a type of urinary incontinence that occurs when the bladder contracts without warning or the urge to urinate.
reflex urinary incontinence
you can’t get to or use a toilet in time to urinate in a normally continent person
functional urinary incontinence
a condition where you are unable to control your bladder and leak urine continuously.
total urinary incontinence