Chap 30- Altered Respiratory Fx Flashcards
Adult and older adult face structural changes like
-Lungs become more rigid/less able to stretch resulting in difficult expansion
- Decreased cilia activity
- More difficult to have productive cough
Smoking kills off both
alveoli and cilia
Smoking makes pt more prone to
Chronic Bronchitis
Lung cancer
CV diseases
Effects smoking has on airways
Inhibits mucus removal
Cause airway blockage
Promotes bacteria/infections
Forward leaning position indicates person is having difficulty breathing.
True- this position promotes expansion
Examples of irritants to respiratory system
Air Pollution
Second Hand SMoke
All cause mucus production
Bronchospasms result in … are are triggered by
airways narrowing & limited/no air exchange
It is triggered by allergic/ inflammatory response
FiO2 represents
% of oxygen in the air we breathe
% of O2 in room air
21 %
What to ensure when administering O2 to a COPD pt?
Nurse should make sure COPD pt is not given too much O2
Patients w/ disease process of COPD breathing …
COPD patients do not exhale fully enough , SOB, and used effort to breathe.
They retain lots of CO2; Lungs become more rigid
Factors that interfere w/ Respiratory Fx/ Effective oxygenation
Body Position
Obesity (limited chest expansion)
Drugs & Alcohol (CNS depressant)
These things depress CNS, respiratory fx and respirations
Alcohol (decreases body’s protective reflexes)
Smoking makes pt more prone to
Lung/ Oral Cancer
Chronic Bronchitis/Sinusitis
Drugs & alcohol can lead to respiratory ____
How does stiffness affect lungs?
Stiff lungs dont allow lungs to expand fully
A result if lungs do not expand fully?
Collapsed lungs
If lungs collapse, what collapses also?
Alveoli collapse
condition of collapse of alveoli where gas exchange occur; reduces amount of space where gas exchange occur
Causes of stiffened lungs include
Smoke/CO2 inhalation
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Resp Distress Syndrome of lungs
Abdominal distention
Restrictive Lung Disorders
disease of progressive scarring of lungs
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Must do’s for a post op patients
Be mobile
Deep Breath
Medicate for pain
Partially occluded airway results in which adventitious breath sound?
Stridor (obstruction in upper airway)
cough that produces mucus
productive cough
non productive no much mucus
clear/white mucus
Non infectious/ normal
yellow/green mucus
Infectous/ abnormal
Adventitious breath sound examples
Pleural Rub
Central Cyanosis , bluish of color in
Chest wall
a condition that causes the skin on the hands, fingers, toes, and sometimes the nose to turn bluish or greenish
peripheral cyanosis
Clubbed fingers result from
long term decreased oxygenation
Signs of Hypoxia
Dyspnea/ SOB
Increased respiratory rate/ pulse rates
Palor w/ regions of cyanosis
Common Manifestations of Altered Respiratory Function include
Sputum Production
Chest Pain
Emotional Changes (anxiety, panic, depression)
Result of irritant to airway; clears which part of airway?
Cough is a response to irritant in airway; cough clears lower airways
Inflammatory mediator/ allergic response that effects & triggers airway
All irritants to airway cause
Mucus production
Shortness of breath from lying down
Causes of dyspnea include
-Increased work of breathing
-Reduced Lung Capacity
-Alterations in O2 and CO2
- Excess fluid/ poor circulation in pts w/ lung.heart disease
-Emotions like panic/anxiety
Breathing DOES NOT require more effort. T or F
True- It does
Ideal position for lung expansion/ breathing
Upright posture (standing or sitting erect)
As altitude increases, what happens to oxygen?
With altitude increasing, there is less atmospheric pressure which means less oxygen available for gas exchange
How does nutrition effect respiratory muscle strength?
-Sufficient caloric intake needed to maintain strength
-Malnourished intake can result in increased risk for infections
-Obesity makes it harder to breathe increasing O2 demands for the respiratory muscles
Is adequate fluid necessary to maintain clear airways?
Yes, keeps secretions thins and easy to cough up and out.
How does increased work of breathing effect oxygenation?
Increased work of breathing demands more respiratory muscle use, thus demands more oxygen to perform needed use resulting in depriving other body tissues of oxygen
Pts who dx w/ increased work of breathing are at risk for
Oxygen deprivation
and exhaustion
Causes of increased work of breathing
Restricted Lung Movement and airway obstruction
Restrictive Lung Disorders cause lungs to be
stiff and swell
Stiff lungs require more work for expansion? T or F
How can abdominal incisions can contribute to restrictive lungs?
Painful incision may force shallow breathing due to pain and can lead to atelactasis
How are airways obstructed?