chp 1 Flashcards
unequal treaties
Treaties signed between westerners and China that allowed to free access ports , consular courts and low tariffs
Consular courts
A court presided over a foreign officials to protect the interests of their own countrymen, who where working in a said country(eg Japan).
Meiji restoration
A social, political, and industrial step forwards for Japan caused by the pressure of outside powers.
Those who believed that the Japanese state should modernize along European lines
effects of the Meiji restoration
A central administration was created ,which controlled local authorities , and ensured tax was being enforced.
New army was created with 200k Soldiers and a Navy of 28 warships and 24 torpedo boats.
Modernization of the textile industry and seam powered factories
When was the First Sino-Japanese war
Treaty of Shimonoseki
The treaty in which the Qing China and the Meiji Japan ended the first Japanese war , signed in 1895
Anglo -Japanese treaty
signed in 1902 between Britain and Japan as a defensive move by both countries to ensure there dominance and spheres of influence in East Asia remained safe.
Black Dragon society
A secret society founded in 1901 with goals of expanding Japan’s dominance to Manchuria ,Mongolia and Siberia
When was the Russo Japanese war
What did Japan do before the war started
Japan attacked Russia’s Far east fleet at port Arthur 3 hours before Russia received notice of a war.
How did Japan beat Russia in the war
Rapid Financial and Militaristic growth
Anglo Japanese treaty, Culture of sacrifice and And unequal treaties distraction to western powers of Japan’s growth.
Captain Alfred Mahan
Us naval officer and Naval historian ,whose book the Influence of sea power upon the USA History, Was very influential in both Europe and the USA.
Continentalist Strategy
A policy that was primary concerned with North American continent
What did the USA have in the late 1900s
The USA had developed a large industrial and economic as well as Agricultural sectors.
What book had a large influence on America’s identity in the late 1900s
Sea power upon history by CPT Alfred Mahan
What Markets did the US Gov’t Think would benefit the USA with its booming economy
Close-Domestic market, South America
Away-China , Europe
What happened in the USA between 1898-1913 Military wise
They Expanded from 11 battleships to 36
Special boats made for China concessions
What was the result of this economic boom
By 1912 the USA is a major trading power
National wealth doubles
Overseas investments go from 700Mil to 3.5 bil
The USA becomes a major industrial and technological giant.
What form of transport connects the newly formed American country
Extreme patriotism supporting an aggressive foreign policy
when was the Columbian exhibition held
Frederick Jackson turner
American historian who taught at the university of Wisconsin and Harvard. The focus of his work was the us Midwest
Internal development problems of the economic depression of 1893
Strikes , unemployment, unequal social problems , Slums
External development problems of the economic depression of 1893
Japan, Germany are empires , scramble for Africa and China.
Physic Crisis
a crisis caused for an individual by outside events, which he or she is unable to come to terms with
How long had Cuba been a colony of Spain
From 1492 - 1898 (406 years!!)
How many times and when did Cuba try to Gain independence from Spain
2 times in 1868 with the Ten year’s war
and in 1879 wit the little war’s.
what economic effects did the USA have on Cuba
Free trade between them, the USA introduces tariffs , Huge economic boom in Cuba
What effects did the Tariffs placed by the USA have on Cuba
Widespread economic devastation, political unrest, Jose Marti intervened
Jose Marti
Cuban nationalist, poet, philosopher, and journalist, leaders of the Cuban push back on the USA
yellow press
ITs a type of journalism that emphasizes sensationalism over facts
Reasons why the USA intervened
A policy of being more assertive, yellow press, divided political views between parties, USS Maine
What happened to the USS Maine
The USS Maine sunk in Havana Bay , Killing 266 sailors, USA blamed it on Spain(UNKNOWN). There saying was “Remember the Main , to hell with Spain”.
Teller amendment
An amendment set in place that allowed the USA to help Cuba, but not to annex it.
William McKinley
Republican president of the USA 1897-1901
Woodrow Wilson
Former republican president of the USA 1913-1921
Big Stick diplomacy
The having of power in the sense of military, and staying quiet ,but keeping your power where other people can see it military, naval power.
Dollar diplomacy
The furthering of diplomatic aims by using economic pressure through loans.
What colonies did The USA have
Hawaii, Philippines, Puerto RIco
Theodore Roosevelt
Republican president of the USA 1901-1909,First president to meddle with European affairs
What did the annexation of the Philippines do for the USA.
They became more powerful n Asia and East Asia, They negotiated the treaty of Portsmouth between Russia and Japan.
What was the US Reaction to WW1
They are relieved to not be in the war.
What did the USA give Britain.
They gave them loans for the war, 10mil new loans per day.
What are German U-Boats
they are Unrestricted submarine warfare, they are used for sinking allied ships of supplies.
What happed with the Lusitania
in may 1915 the German U-Boats slinked the Lusitania , a passenger boat killing 1198 people(128 Americans)
How did the Germans respond to the Lusitania accident
they argued that there was munitions aboard , and said they wouldn’t do it again…or would they.
Zimmerman telegram
A telegram sent by The Germans to Mexico asking them to invade USA, t distract them from the war in Europe.
What happened with the Zimmerman telegram
The telegram was intercepted by Britain and relayed to the USA , infuriating them and pushing finally into the war.
Why did Russia leaves the war in 1917
Because of the Bolshevik revolution(Communism)
14 points
The 14 main ideas that President Woodrow Wilson used at the end of WW1 to resolve problems and establish peace .