Choice Flashcards
What is a choice function with full domain?
A choice functrion with full domain is a function f: 2^X{∅} -> X that satisifies f(B) ∈ B for every B ∈ 2^X{∅}
When a choice function with full domain is rationanlizable?
Whenever there is a rational preference ≽ such that, for every B ∈ 2^X{∅}, f(B) is the unique ≽ -best element of B
What is the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference?
A choice function with full domain satisfies the WARP if, for every B’ ∈ 2^X{∅}, {f(B), f(B’)} ⊆ B ∩ B’ implies f(B) = f(B’)
A choice function with full domain satisfies the weak axiom of revealed function iff…
It is rationalizable. The rationalizing is unique
What is a choice structure (B, c)?
B - is a collection of nonempty subsets of X
c - is a correspondence B⇉X such that ∅⊂ c(B) ⊆ B
The revealed preference relatiopn for a choice structure (B, c) is defined as…
≽* = ∪ [c(B) X B]
≽* must be transitive
A choice structure satisfies the WARP if…
For every A, B ∈ scriptB and x,y ∈ A ∩ B, x ∈ c(A) and y ∈ c(B) imples x ∈ c(B)
What is the Sen’s condition α?
If X∈ B ⊆ A and x ∈ c(A), then x ∈ c(B)
What is the Sen’s condition β?
If x,y ∈ c(A), A ⊆ B, and y ∈ c(B) then x ∈ c(B)
What is the Sen’s decomposition lemma ?
A choice structure (scriptB, c) satisifies WARP iff it satisfies Sen’s conditions α and β
When a choice is rationalizable?
Whenever thre exists a rational preference ≽ such that for every B ∈ scriptB, c(B) is the set of ≽-best elemnts of B:
c(B) = {x ∈ B | ∀y ∈ B: x ≽ y}
If the choice structure is rationalizable the it satisfies WARP
If the choice satisfies WARP, then it is rationalizable
What is a cycle in (scriptB, c)?
If it can be written as Y={x1, x2,…, xn} for some N ∈ doubleN so that
x1 ≽* x2 ≽* … ≽* xN ≽* x1
When a choice satisfies the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference (GARP)?
If for every Y in (scriptB, c), A ∈ scriptB, x,y ∈ Y ∩ A and y ∈ c(A), we have that x ∈ c(A)
What is the GARP Theorem?
A choice (scriptB, c) is rationalizable iff it satisfies GARP
What is the weak rationalization?
A choice structure (scriptB, c) is weakly rationalizble whenever there exists a rational preference ≽ such that, for every B ∈ scriptB, every alternative in c(B) is a ≽-best elements of B:
c(B) ⊆ {x ∈ B | ∀y ∈ B: x ≽ y}
When a collection of preferences is identified?
if for every choice structure is weakly rationalized by at most one preference in P
When a collection of preferences is separated?
If for every distinct ≽1, ≽2, there is x,y in X such that x≻1 y ≻2 x
If P is a collection of rational preferences then P is identifcated on scriptB iff P is separated