Aggregation Flashcards
For what types of preference does the Wealth Expansion path are parallel and stright?
1) Identical homothetic preference
2) quasilinear preferences (with the same numraire)
A set of consumers has parallel and straight wealth-expansion paths iff …
Every preference admits an indirect utility of the Gorman Form with identical wealth coefficient:
vi = ai(p) + bi(p)*w
The aggregate demand satisfies the WARP iff…
for x(p1, w1) ≠ x(p2,w2) and p1x(p2,w2) ≤ w1
p2x(p1,w1) > w2
What is the uncompensated Law of the Demand?
(p2 - p1)*[x(p2, wi) - x(p1, wi)] ≤ 0
Uncompensated Law of the Demand implies…
Compensated Law of the Demand
Compensated Law of the Demand is equivalent to
If xi(p, w) satisfies Uncompensated Law of the demand then
Dp xi(p,w) is negative Semi-deinite
If Dp x(p,w) is negative definite then
It satisfies Uncompensated Law of the Demand
If each individual demand satisfies ULD, then
The aggregate demand satisfies ULD
If the preference is homothetic then
Satisfies ULD
If all preferences have utility function in the form v(p,w) in the Gorman form, then
There exists a utility function that yields aggregate demand as the solution to the UMP
When a positive representative consumer exists?
if there is a rational preference that generates a Walrasian demand function that coincides with the aggregate demand
What is a social welfare function?
is a function W that assigns a utility value to each possible vector (u1,…ui) of utility leves for the i consumer in the economy
The optimal wealth distribution solves:
max w1,…,wi {W(v1(p,w1),…, vi(p,wi)) | Σ wi ≤ w}
What is a normative representative consumer
If the wealth allocation used to cnstruct the aggregate demand solves the optimal weath distribution problem
If each indirect utility is in the Gorman Form, then
Any wealth distribuition rule is optimal for the utilitarian social welfare function Σui
Moreover preferences ofthe associate representatice consumer are indepndent of the choice of w
Como podemoes escrever a ULD em formato diferencial?
dp * dx ≤ 0
Apresente a derivada total de x
dx = Dpx(p,w)dp + Dwx(p,w)dw
No caso da Lei da Demanda não compensada qual o valor do diferencial total de x?
dx = Dpx(p,w)dp
Uma vez que não há alteração de w
Apresente o teorema do valor médio
existe c ∈(a,b) tal que
b-a) h’(c) = h(b) - h(a
Quando a demanda agregada pode ser escrita como função da riqueza agregada?
Quando a utildade indireta está no formato de Gorman
O que é o formato de Gorman?
v(p,w) = a(p) + b(p)*w
Quando existe um agente representativo?
Quando as utilidades indiretas estão no formato de Gorma e apresentam o mesmo coeficiente de riqueza
No caso de indvíduos idênticos exste um agente representativo?