China AOS2 Flashcards
What were the initial challenges facing the CCP
- Economic probs- Industrial production 50% less then pre-war figures, inflation @ 85,000% by 1949, large scale u/e
- Governance probs- break down of law + orders + most of world x recognize CCP as C gov (dec legitimacy) + communications + infrastructure destroyed by war
- -> lack of capable CCP memb (only 1% of pop= 4.5mil memb) + predominantly experienced w war time + rural governance
- Ppls livelihood- Food shortage (esp in cities) b/c of food production down 25% + pop growing @ rate of 15mil ppl p/y
How did the initial challenges cause probs for CCP leadership
- Eco probs- X able to fund dev + eco rebuild/ HI
- Admin probs- lack of experience + X effectively control t/f have to rely upon bourgeois
- ppl’s livelihood- X want to lose support of pub b/c only had 1% of pop in CCP, l8er X able to fund 5YP
Key features of C’s new pol system
1954 saw est of const @ 1st NPC –> CCP members t/f retain ult control- PARTY retains ult power + quickly supress opposition (e.g. 100 FC + thought reform + 3anti’s)
-Pol structures- National People’s Congress (NPC)- elected head of state (Mao) + had a standing committee to preside > matters of congress- overall acted like a parliament (h/w only rhetorically) + memb appointed by indirect elections (candidates always CCP memb)
o State council- cabinet of ministers- premier= Zhou Enlai (min 4 FA)
o Provincial, county + municipal gov created to help w implementing policies @ local levels
- CCP org- Standing committee of Politburo (inc Zhu, Zhou, Mao, Chen Tun, Liu Shaoqi)- made most sig decisions (Mao = chairman)
o National Party Congress- delegates rep ppl from lower level party bodies (6 regional committees, 29 provincial + 2500 county + city- all w chairman, secretary, pol commissar + mil commander = inc effective governance)
o Party Congress voted in central committee that debate key policies + elect polit memb
o Secretariat- headed by Deng Xiaoping- responsible 4 supervising _ facilitating communication b/w dif levels of party
o Mil affairs committee- ran by politburo (t/f inc alignment b/w party + mil)
How did the new pol structures help CCP 2 cons power
- Mil affairs committee- ran by politburo (t/f inc alignment b/w party + mil) –> mil used 2 bring ALL regions of C under control (inc Xingjiang + Tibet) by 1951 = inc ability to govern a united C
- All candidates for National People’s Congress memb of party t/f provide allusion/ ‘window dressing’ of dip t/f inc pub appeal b/c able 2 vote 4 those who vote 4 pol reps
- creation of coalition of 8 ‘democratic parties’ 2 govern alongside CCP = 11/24 ministers non CCP t/f seen as way to inc support from pub b/c only have 1% of pop in CCP (4.5mil)
How did CCP address challenges of setting up effective admin
-Admin system rebuilt (esp b/c CCP struggle w no. + experience going 2 cities post only war admin) via encouraging GMD civil servants to remain in role 4 $$ + ability 2 build new C
-appealed to expat edu C ppl 2 return home 2 build homeland
-Sanfan (from Nov ‘51)- aimed to purge of gov officials (esp 4 corruption, waste + bureaucratism = 3 evils)
o Inc id of corrupt CCP officials or those inc leniency + bribes from industry + derived excessive benefit from role
–> 1mil pub officials removed or executed
How did CCP address challenges of maintaining law + order
- Use of PLA- Inc control > rural areas by force so by ’51 all outlying areas of Qing Dynasty (inc Tibet + Xinjiang) brought under control + pol commissars oft held roles in both civilian gov + PLA
- Mil affairs committee- ran by politburo (t/f inc alignment b/w party + mil) –> link mil 2 gov
How did CCP address challenges of reviving eco
- worked w national capitalists (exploit their resources + expertise- also inc in dem class) - hoped 2 😊 support from managerial
- Inc control > banking, transport, electrify + gas supply + all industries owned by foreign powers nationalised (h/w x USSR)
- New Currency- May ’49 intro yuan or renminbi (‘ppl’s currency’) + inc control > currency in exchange + nationalised banks + banned foreign currency decreased paper $$ in circulation inflation dropped from 85 000% in 49 to 15% in 51
- Wages tied 2 value of 5 basic goods (flour, coal, oil, cotton cloth + rice) + price controls so wages stayed inline w basic goods
- Tax reform = inc fair t/f inc gov revenue from 6.5bil in ’50 to 13.3bil in ’51
- $$ from USSR= $300mil
Why did the CCP become involved in KW
- Mao belief that Kim Il-sung had secured support from Stalin + that the assurances from the US Secretary of State (Acheson) that SK wasn’t in the ‘defensive perimeter’ of interest t/f held naïve view wouldn’t need to provide troops + could focus on Taiwan (b/c ROC still viewed as legit gov)
- X want com ally to fall 2 capitalist US- ‘you are fighting the chief imperalist’ (Mao)
- X want hostile gov bordering Manchuria (imp eco region + boarders NK)
- 3/5 of Politburo standing com memb viewed it as necessary (Mao, Zhou Enlai + Zhu De)
- Belief that USSR would provide sov air force h/w when promise w/drawn viewed own withdrawal x pos
What were the pos impacts of involvement in KW
- Intensified land reform + pol movements esp b/c of inc paranoia about counter-revs perpetuated by the Com media (e.g. campaign to ‘Resist America, Aid Korea’) e.g. Davin est 2-5mil landlords killed as peasants inc violence of Fanshen
- Inc national morale b/c CCP had been able to credibly stand up to the ‘biggest imperialist’ (flow on from nationalist movement) –> inc support 4 ccp
- showed were a new force in int politics
What were the neg impacts of involvement in KW
- Reduced int standing + inc US antagonism - in ’51 US funded UN res declaring China an aggressor t/f excluded from UN until ‘70s t/f US strategic ambiguity in Taiwan vowing to support if C invades- X able to address GMD
- Economic cost- embargo enforced = decreased trade =set eco back (e.g. decreased $$ able to be invested into national reconstruction seen by Mao in ‘52 claiming that $$ in KW in ’51 = same as $$ 4 national reconstruction)
- Human cost- (esp due to use of human wave tactics + -30c temp + ill-equipped)- 900k dead, MIA or wounded (500k dead)
Key features of agrarian land reform
-Fanshen- peasantry lead land reform for themselves
-Mass campaign saw 1000s of cadres sent 2 countryside 2 help organise + facilitate the peasantry’s denouncement of landlords + redistribution of land
o Established Peasants Associations to identify reactionary + counter-revs in local area + inc trust in peas
-Speaking Bitter meetings- provided the op 4 peasantry 2 stand up + publicly express anger @ previous mistreatment by id’ed landlords
-Ppl’s tribunal decided fate of accused w ‘local despots’ and J collaboraters executed or beaten (est range b/w 1mil to 3-5mil deaths) + those less ‘despodic’ provided higher taxes, forced to give cheaper rent + cancel debts
What were the key features of the three Anti?
When- Start Nov 1951
Why- aimed 2 uncover politically unreliable + corrupt gov + party memb (esp GMD) 2 stop the growth of corruption + inc efficiency of gov + inc control > party
What- - purge of gov officials (esp 4 corruption, waste + bureaucratism = 3 evils) t/f id of corrupt CCP officials or those inc leniency + bribes from industry + derived excessive benefit from role
Impact- 1mil party memb removed (many executed) e.g. Liu Qingshan (secretary of Timjin Prefatory) + Zhang Zishan were ‘exagerant bourgeois lifestyle) + create culture of fear
What were the key features of thought reform?
When- Sep '51 onward Why- target intellectuals 2 create uniform thought + inc party control t/f reducing credible opposition + create culture of fear How- Asked intellectuals 2 self-criticize based upon Marxist texts (admitting had incorrect thought) @ mass meetings w smaller groups 4 intense discussion t/f struggle sessions afterward where report on progress 2 CCP cadres, peers, workers + students 2 be judged t/f if ID’d as x reformed re-edu via hard labour in countryside = USED fear of PUB DENOUNCEMENT Impact- Scared intellectual class into submission while preserving skills/knowledge e.g. Hu Shi (founder of NCM + popularised Baihua) + Liang Shuming (memb of dem league party) directly attacked by Mao
What were the key features of the 5-anti’s?
When- 1952 onward
What- aka Wufan- target businessmen + capitalists by expanding of 3 antis (target tax evasion, fraud, cheating [i.e. excessively profiting from gov contracts], theft of gov property + bribery-
Why- esp following KW + success of early rebuild (re-eco) Mao inc paranoid 2ward capitalists t/f target 2 reduce influence
Impact- 320k/450k businesses investigated found guilty of 1+ 5-A’s = removed untrustworthy ‘reactionary’ class (h/w punishments usually lenient (range from fines 2 imprisonment + inc nationalisation of business pressured) = step 2ward soc. + inc state control)
Why did land reform escalation?
- KW inc nationalistic sentiment + inc paranoia about counter-revs perpetuated by the Com media (e.g. campaign to ‘Resist America, Aid Korea’) –> inc rev of peasantry + harshness toward landlords
- Speaking Bitter meetings- provided the op 4 peasantry 2 stand up + publicly express anger @ previous mistreatment by id’ed landlords = inc class consciousness + t/f inc violence/extremity of peas toward landlords
How did land reform escalation?
- Inc hard-line approach against L.lords = 2-5mil killed (Becker)
- Some landlords allowed to keep land cultivated by immediate fam + any rented land or fields farmed by hired labour provided X 50% of holdings
How did women’s rights imp under CCP?
- May 1950- Marriage Law- gave women same legal rights as men, banned customs e.g. arranged marriages, polygamy + footbinding (LT trads in C), permitted women 2 divorce abuse husbands + chose own partners
- W right’s enshrined in const Art 48- ‘W in PRC enjoy equal rights w men in all spheres of life… state protects the rights + interests of women, applies to the principals of equal pay
- Additional laws- equal pay, maternity benefits + in some cases work based childcare
- Inc work opportunities- e.g. in street committees + responsibilities w/in party (i.e. actually have administrative role esp in lower level/local gov roles
- 1949 creation of All-China Women’s Federation- set up 2 support pursuit of women’s rights= 76mil memb, offices in every level of gov + own magazine (Women of China)- sig b/c provided platform 4 women 2 voice on own opinion
Limitations to imp in women’s rights under CCP
- Difficult 2 gain state recognition 4 rights e.g. divorce
- All-China Women’s Fed- rubber stump org x develop own pol sig policies
- Domestic work still seen as responsibility of women + inc demands under cleanliness drive t/f limited op 2 contribute 2 soc
- Rural areas staunchly patriarchal t/f limited success
- Limited 2 lower roles in party/society
How did the gov address cleanliness + pub health?
- Cleanliness- Danwei street committees (workplace) had imp role in social welfare- roles inc explaining gov decrees + organsising mass meetings (e.g. speak frankness) –> inspected homes/workplaces + encouraged pub 2 spend time cleaning pub spaces + home
- Pub health- mass inoculations e.g. cholera + small pox, edu campaigns re spitting in the street t/f dec TB, inc edu of imp 4 midwives 2 use sterilised birthing equipment, close brothels + retrained sex workers, opium addicts put into rehab + those selling op severely punished
- Inc disease prevention t/f LE inc from 36 in ’50 2 57 in ‘57
- STD rates dramatically dropped
Origins/Why of 1st FYP
Why-Success of early social + pol campaigns (mass campaigns) t/f able to inc consolidation of power, inc eco strength b/c inflation managed + mil inc unity of nation
- Mutual friendship treaty w USSR + desire 2 progress 2ward socialism in Oct ’53 (PCR’s 4th anivessery) viewed Stalinist model of 5 yr plans as best approach 2 begin the ‘general line for the transition to socialism’ (Mao)
- Belief peas would revert to capitalism + belief ‘socialist technique’ would produce superior farming method t/f inc harvest t/f X need 2 fund ag development - IE BASED ON R MODEL of fund via ag
Key policies of 1st FYP
- Prioritise HI- received 89% of gov capital + created construction of 700 new industrial enterprises e.g. oil refineries, coal mines + power stations (11% capital 4 manufact)
- Production quotas- Stalinist model of quotas via central admin (State Planning Commission) which heads of ind required 2 meet
- Ag reform/Staged collectivisation- approached collective farming in more gradual + persuasive manner- e.g. start @ mutual aid teams (6-10 fams) then inc 2 lower coop (10-40 fam) + then finally higher coop (100-300 fam) t/f X need to invest in ag b/c would inc production (+ advance soc b/c higher coop = only paid 4 labour X own land)
- :) w sov= 3% of investment (alt. loans) + inc role of experts = 10k sov engineers from USSR + 28k C 2 USSR 4 training
Pos impacts of 1st FYP
- HI- exceeded or meet targets- inc of 10-16% p/yr in annual production + laid basis 4 future eco growth = inc coal production from 66mil met tonnes in ‘52 to 130mil in ‘57 + 4 1st time R able to produce cars, trucks etc
- High tide of soc- e.g. Mao set goal of ½ rural workforce collectivised by end of 1957 h/w outcome= 97% peasantry collectivised by end of 1956 + almost all businesses joint coop b/w state + priv by Jan ‘57 (1month post announcement) = laid foundations 4 ‘great leap’
Neg impacts of 1st FYP
- Progress limited b/c lack of investment into ag t/f X inc yields = farming production inc 4% p/an, grain prod inc 2-3% p/an + cotton/soybean prod dec + inc pop (2.2% p/an) t/f X surplus 2 fund industry = Liu- ‘no collectivisation w/o modernisation’
- Inc debate around collectivisation = gradualists v Mao= dems lack of unity w/in party- e.g. by early 1955 Politburo agreed Ag Coops should be implemented carefully + gradually h/w Mao still disagree =inc autocracy + Gao Gang affair
- Inc discontent among peas b/c of forced collectivisation