Child Development Flashcards
Critical times of development
time in which the child can learn a skill
linguistics and vision have critical times
sensitive times of development
times when it is easiest to learn skill
begins and ends more gradually than critical times
cognitive development
major points for birth to 6 months
react to stimuli and interact with caregivers
check out environment
-close to age 6months will cry/whimper when held by unfamiliar ppl and develop preferences for faces
-2mo cooing noises,
-4mon babbling
-joint attention (communicate about same items or events; inant may change visual attention, engage by 6mon)
cognitive development
major points for 7mo to 1 year
- use toys
- OBJECT PERMANENCE understand that objects still exist when not seen
- peak a boo games, point at things, speak first word, respond to name
cognitive development
major points 13mo-18mo
- look for objects out of site
- memory storage and retrieval advance and typically 1st word 12-13month
- vocab about 200 words by 18mo
cognitive develpment
major points 19mo-2 years
- carry out actions/plans like building blocks
- interact with other babies; pretend play
- 2 or more words senstences
- learning and practicing pronounciation
social/emotional development
major points birth to 6mo
learn to regular
sleep unpredictable until 8wks old
eating about 5-8x/day first couple months then 3-5x/day by 6mo
GASE AVERSION: infant looks away from stimuli; method to regulate
-they can become easily overwhelmed
6wks match caregiver feelings
3-4mo start laughing
-see distinguishable frustration at 6mo,
-temperament develops
When is the first word typically spoken?
12-13 months
When do temperaments develop?
-between birth and 6mo
What is a highly reactive temperament?
express more negative, may be irregular sleep and eat
What is a easy temperament?
more regular, adapt well
What is a slow to warm temperament?
initially withdrawn, mildly negative reactions, eventually exhibit positively
Do temperaments stay with you until adulthood?
about 60% are same temperament when they get older
social/emotional development
major points 7mo-1 year
- stranger wariness peaks about 1 year
- seperation anxiety NORMAL UP TO TODDLERHOOD
- SOCIAL REFERENCING: baby looks at caregiver or adult before reacting
social/emotional development
major pionts 13mo-18mo
-self aware look in mirror play with peers start to develop empathy (usually age 2 start to read caregivers and comfort)
When do attachments develop?
7mo and 1 year
What is avoidant attachment?
no attachment
What is resistant attachment?
hesitant to explore while caregiver present and upset when she leaves, angry and aggressive when she returns
What is disorganized attachment?
confused, contradictory, dissociative, emotionally labile
social/emotional development
major points 19mo
knows names of various behavior states
uses language
separation anxiety decreases
cognitive development
major points 2-5yr
SOCIODRAMATIC PLAY: imaginative friend
- make believe play more complex
- 3-4 dual represenation
- magical thinking
- private speech/talk to self outloud
- use sentences
social/emotional development
major points 2-5yr
-struggle to be independent
-increase in aggression, resistance, tantrums, biting, and hitting 1-3 but this significantly declines by 4-5 yrs
-3-4yr can become calculative and goal directive anger
-empathy and sympathy start to develop
-develop friendships 3-4 yrs
-moral beliefs, recognize cultural differences/races
GENDER CONSTANCY: idea that gender cannot be changed
*ask about genetalia/show peers their privates but do not force or coerce or imitate which suggests abuse
cognitive development
major points 6-11 yrs
- typically able to stay on task by age 6
- 8-9 focus or atleast easily redirected
- 11 can finally hold sequence of steps
- have gist memory
- autonomicity (practicing new information)
- distinguish right from left by 6 yr and 7-8 distinguish right from left of others
- 7 understand calendar more and “wait 5 minutes”
- 11 understand double meaning of words
- 6 better at phone and age 11 offer info on phone
social/emotional development
major points 6-11 yr
- self esteem
- more mod regulation
- moral development
- peer relationships
- self control, delay of gratification and impulse control
- aware of gender, sterotypes and roles, gender identity
- 8 learn they can experience more than 1 emotion at once
- problem focused coping (identify the issue as changeable or make note of issue, think of solutions then carry out solutions)
- emotion centered coping (work to manage or control responses through social support)
- increase ability of empahty and perspective talking (understand themselves as they understand others)
- 10 yr understand views of impartial 3rd party
- moral development and normative beliefs (beliefs about appropriate behavior)
- increase focus on rules and laws
- peer victimization and bullying begin