Basic and Applied Sciences Flashcards
basal ganglia
-brings together emotion, executive fx, motivation, and motor activities
-involved in posture, walking, eye movements, moderate motor expression of emotional states, memory, cognition, emotion controls extrapyrmadial motor tract
-subcortical group of gray matter nuclei, appear to mediate POSTURAL TONE
-motor and association areas
-components of corpus striatum (caudate and putmen)
motor and association areas, caudate acts as a gatekeeper and is goal directed motor
abnormal/impairment of basal ganglia
slow movements, rigidity, cog-wheel rigidity, dystonia
-striatum-OCD, TICS, tourrettes syndrome
cognitive and emotinal px, EPS
-pladium: flapping movements of arms and legs
-subthalamic nucleus: jerky movements
-substantia nigra: impaired production of dopamine (Parkinsonism sx)
Motor system consists of?
basal ganglia (striatum, pallidum, substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus)
motor cortex
autonomic motor system
corpus striatum (caudate and putamen)
contains both motor and association systems and is part of the basal ganglia
caudate nucleus
part of basal ganglia and acts as a gate keeper for goal directed movements
globus pallidus
contains 2 parts
-1 part in the putamen and receives input for corpus striatum and projects fibers to the thalamus
(Wilson’s disease can have significant damage to this area)
(damage will cause flapping movements and dystonic posturing)
substantia nigra
has two parts equivalent to globus pallidus interna and the other part is associated with PD (rigidity, tremors, depression)
subthalamic nucleus
yield ballistic movements, sudden limb jerks, projectile moevements
has simple 6 cell pattern circuitry replicate 10 million times; it is activated serveral miliseconds before planned movement
- px with cerebellum result in coarse, tremulous movements
- it modulates the tone of agnistic and antagonistic muscles by predicting relative contraction needed for smooth motion
- it is active even with just imagining moving
- cognitive learning, memory, impulse control
motor cortex
individual cells in motor strip cause contraction of single muscles
-the supplementary motor area, Brodmann’s area 6, contains cells that individually stimulated can trigger more complex movements by influencing a firing sequence of motor strip cells
Autonomic Motor system
sensory component and motor components, sympathetic and parasympathetic
-hypothalamus drives this system
frontal lobe function
determines how we act on our knowledge
contains 4 lobes (motor strip, supplemental motor area, Broca’s area, and PFC)
(PFC contains orbitofrontal, dorsolateral and medial)
-any changes effect personality
executive funcitons
sequential actions
limbic system
contains hippocampus, fornix, mamillary bodies, anterior nucleas of thalamus, and cingulate gyrus, amgydala, septum, basal forebrain, nucleus accumbens, orbitofrontal cortex
- emotional processing, assigns emotions, emotional association areas
- amygdala is gate for internal and external stimuli integration and puts emotional meaning, powerful influence on cortex, more potent than the cortex on the amygdala
- damage causes px to distinguish fear and anger in expressions and voices
- limbic systems houses emotional association areas that direct hypothalamus to express motor and endocrine components of emotional states
what side is language?
-left hemisphere
Broca’s: language production and comprehension
Wernicke’s: understanding meaning to words
Arousal and attention
brainstem 3 areas: ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) that projects to the intralaminar nuclei of thalamus to cortex
-during wakefulness ARAS stimulates the thalamus then stimulates regions of the cortex
immediate-few seconds
recent-minutes to days
remote-months to years
working memory: immediate and recent
-crtical formation: 1. medial temporal lobe which houses hippocampus
2. amydala-rates emtional importance of memories and activates hippocampus accordingly
3. diencephalon-dorsalomedial nucleus of thalamus and mammary bodies
Left and right hemisphere funcitons
Left hemispheres house analytical mind, less of emotion, more intelligence order; speech, knowledge of language, thinking math and reasoning; describe and explain things, places and places them in time and sequence, production of speech, writing, depression, frustration, sadness, apathy,
Right hemisphere dominant for affect, socialization, body image; right can recall nonverbal memories and negative memories; expression of emotions, recognizes facial expression, images, music, visual imagery, REM sleep and day dreams
damage to amygdala of limbic system
causes px to distinguish fear and anger in expression and voices
olfactory system
- odorant recpeotrs in nose, each neuron has unique odorant receptors, random in location
- odorant binding generates neural impulses that travel to olfactory bulb (unique to receptor), this projects to olfactory cortical calumn that is turned to differentiate
- the olfacotry signals do not project through thalamus but go straight to cortex, frotal lobe and limibc system, especially the pyriform cortex
- this role of limbic system innervation has significance because alot of smells have emotional responses
Visual systems
I. primary visual cortex-cells project to secondary visual cortex
II. cells respond specifically to particular movements of linfes and angles; they then project to two association areas where additional features are extracted and conscious awareness of images forms
-inferior temporal lobe detects what it is; shape/color/form
-posterior parietal lobe detects where it is: tracks location/motion/distance
-parietal lobe then decides to look deeper in part of the visual space or to reach for object
-inferior temporal cortices, adjacent to cortical columns respond to complex forms
-response to facial features: left inferior temporal cortices and complex shapes are in right
-visual spatial orientation involves both right and left hemispheres
(right exp parietal lobe contributes overall contour, perspective and right to left orientation)
(left adds internal detail, embellishment and complexity)
which hemisphere is involved in visual spatial orientation?
both left and right
- right, especially the parietal lobe, contributes to overall contour and perspective and right to left orientation
- left adds internal detail, embellishment, and complexity
sensory systems
somatosensory system-light touch, pressure, pain, temperature, vibration, proprioception
- has point to point connections from body surface to brain
- reciprical connections (fibers from cortex to thalamus and the thalamus to cortex) help to filter and sharpen internal representation of stimuli
neuroimaging of brain
CT-structural brain lesions (tumors, strokes)
MRI-distinguish gray and white matter better
-want to neuroimage if any examination can be localized to brain or spinal cord