Chemical Analysis - Mass Spectrometry (10.4) Flashcards
What is mass spectrometry MS)?
- finding out the molecular formula of an unknown substance
What can mass spectrometry tell you?
- relative molecular mass of a molecule
- some information about the structure of the molecule
- isotope masses + isotopic abundance of an element
What happens in a mass spectrometer?
- ionisation - sample = ionised by a laser/electron gun, forming ions
- acceleration - ions + fragments = accelerated by an electric field, so they have the same kinetic energy (KE)
- separation - ions pass down a flight tube where they spread out according to mass
- detection - ions hit a detector sending an electrical impulse to a computer
What happen in a flight tube?
- ions set off along the flight tube
- lighter ions travel faster + start to separate out
- lightest ions reach the detector first
(lighter ions travel faster as Ek = 1/2mv2) - imputing a lower mass has a ke
What is a mass spectrum?
- a graph of the relative abundance vs. mass of the ion
What is the molecular ion peak (M+)?
- the relative molecular mass of the sample
What is m/z?
- mass divided by charge
- a 1= ion with a mass 12 and 2= ion with mass 24 both have an m/z value of 12
What is the molecular ion peak?
- molecular ion peak = the peak furthest to the right
- 1% of all carbon atoms have an extra neutron (carbon-13)
- therefore we see a secondary peak at [M+1]+ - with an abundance of the molecular peak
How do you find the molecular mss of an unknown substance?
- find the empirical formula
- find the molecular mass from the EF
- use the mass of the EF and divide it by the molecular mass to get the ratio
- use the ratio to multiply the EF to get the molecular formula
What is fragmentation?
- the peaks at lower m/z values arise because the molecular ion = very unstable
- molecular ions break apart upon ionisation
- ion + fragments can rearrange to give stable ions
What info does the fragment ion give?
- gives peak in MS
What info does the radical give?
- does not give peak in MS
What info do fragmentation patterns give?
- clues about the structure of the molecule
e. g. length of a carbon chain
What are the values of functional groups from fragmentation?
- methyl, m/z = 15
- ethyl, m/z = 29
- propyl, m/z = 43
- butyl, m/z = 57
What are some other aspects about fragmentation?
- presence of an ion peak does not always prove the presence of a fragment
> chance - some fragments add up to the same values
> ions + fragments can rearrange + refragment - absence of an ion peak does not always prove that the functional group = absent
> not all possible fragments always seen
> unstable fragments may rearrange + refragement
> more stable the ion, more likely it is to reach the detector + the higher the peak
> 3o > 2o > 1o carbocations - not always possible to assign every peak to a fragment
> unstable fragments may rearrange + refragement
What do you do if a structure of a compound is not immediately obvious?
- elemental analysis
- chemical test
- mass spectrum
> can deduce after this + after looking at the physical attributes of the unknown compound e.g. less dense than water?, colourless?