The atmosphere is a [] mixture of various gases. Its main composition has remarkably steady for ages with [] and [] being the main components. It is the abundance number of [] molecules in the atmosphere that makes life possible on earth.
Nitrogen oxide is a product of combustion through the oxidation of air. Nitrogen at high temperature and can also be produced by []. It can also oxidize into [] which is a precursor of [] and [] formation. Meanwhile, the [] is released by [] and can be converted as nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere.
Nitrogen oxide
nitrogen dioxide
acid rain
dinitrogen oxide
soil bacteria
[] are produced from the oxidation of sulfur-containing fuels and dihydrogen sulfide, H2S. [] is a toxic gas that is produced from biological decay of [] and various human activities such as geothermal and industrial processes.
organic matter
[] are complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. They are existing in different forms such as ocean salt, crystals, soil particles, minerals and metallic compounds. These small particles may come from wildfires, volcanic eruptions, incomplete combustion, mineral processing, industrial processing among others.
Particulates and aerosols
The [] is a natural process by which earth maintains the heat on its surface to make life sustainable.
greenhouse effect
The [] is the layer of atmosphere of constant temperature found between
the stratosphere and the mesosphere.
These are light hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons and are
precursors to smog formation and organic aerosols. They usually come from incomplete combustion processes, fugitive sources, industrial processes, petroleum processing and solvent intensive processes such as painting.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
OH radical with methane and nitrogen dioxide produces [] and []
carbon monoxide
nitric acid
It is in this layer where satellites orbit the earth.
On the other hand, O2 can be consumed if [] collides with [], the process known
as the [] reactions. This process is very slow and if it is the only means by which O3 is consumed, then the ozone layer will be [] than it really is.
An unwanted phenomenon may occur in the troposphere, known as [] This happens when the lapse rate becomes []; hence, the reversal of the normal behavior in the troposphere wherein the cold air at the surface of the earth is overlaid by the warmer air.
thermal inversion
However, in polluted environments, [] are also present which when dissolved in [], its pH goes below 5.7. This is how the
formation of acid rain occurs.
oxides of sulfur and nitrogen
rain droplets
Above the mesopause is the thermosphere with a lapse rate of [].
5 K/km
Processes occurring at the troposphere
The composition of the stratosphere is dependent on the properties of gases that
are present at the [] and the processes they undergo. If the trace gases in the troposphere are [] and do not react with the available [], they will be transported to the stratosphere.
Examples of these gases are
[] and []. However, there are trace gases
that readily react to free radicals and sometimes cause formation of unwanted
compounds in the atmosphere.
free radicals
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
methyl chloride
refers to the thin air that is made up of a low-density fluid that extends few hundred kilometers from the surface of the earth thus surrounding the planet.
The greenhouse effect is primarily due to the augmented emissions of [] and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
[] is the largest contributor to greenhouse effect because it absorbs infrared radiation. It helps in the maintenance of atmospheric temperature during nighttime when the earth’s surface is emitting radiation into space.
The second major contributor is the
[] due to the increase in energy production. Although [] is being absorbed by the oceans and is being used by plants during
photosynthesis, its generation is much faster than being absorbed or used.
CO2, NOx, water vapor
Water vapor
carbon dioxide
These may consist of hazardous particulate matter or vapors of metals such
as [] that are generated by combustion and
incineration processes, engine wear, lubricating oil components, lamp
wastes, and mineralization of geologic formations.
Metal and metalloid compounds and vapors
Pb, Hg, As, Ni, Be, and Cu
lowest part of the atmosphere. It is where the planet Earth’s weather and air pollution takes place.
Above the stratopause is the [] with a temperature profile that is like the [], that is the temperature increases as the altitude increases until it reaches the mesopause at an altitude of [] from the surface of the earth.
85 km
[] are products and by-products of different process such as combustion, industrial activities, natural resource processing and commercial services.
They can be classified as [] (those that are directly emitted to the atmosphere) and [] (those that are products of various chemical reactions in the atmosphere). There are [] groups of air pollutants according to the US EPA (Environment Protection Agency) official Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) list:
Air pollutants
primary pollutants
secondary pollutants
The [] is the layer of atmosphere of constant temperature found
between the thermosphere and the exosphere.