chem definitions Flashcards
second stage of tof
pos ions acceleratrd by elecrirc firld so they have same ke
electron impact
the sample is dsssolved and pushed through a fine nozzle at a high pressure
high voltage applied to it causing it to hain h+ ion
then turned to gas
electron spray
sample dissolved and pushed through a nozle at high pressure
high votlage applied gain h+
first ionisTION
the energy needed to remove one mole of electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to form one mole of +1 gaesous ions
neg charged plate detects charged particlrs and mass spe produced
mass spectometer
gives accurate info abt rel sisoptoc mads and abundance
method of mass spectroscopt where an ions mass to chage ratio is dtrmines by a tof measurement
relative atomic mass
the average mass of an atom of an elemetn compared to 1/12 h the mass of an atom of carbon -12
relative molecule mass
the average mass of one moelcule of an elemetn or compiund compared to 1/12 th mass of an atom of carbon 12
difference in charge between two atoms in a covalent hond caused by a shift in electron density in the bond due to electronegacvity difference
permanant dipole
when molecules w polar bond interacts with dipoles in other molecules dipole-dipole imf
fluctuatipns of electron densiry within a non polar molecule
unevern electron disutribution producing an instantanoeus dipole
measure amount of energy absorves or rleeased during a chem reaction
enthalpy change
heat energy change measured under conditions of constant pressure
mean bond enthalpy
the enthalpy change when one mole of a specified covlent bond is broken averaged out acorss a range of compounds
rate of reaction
the measure of the amount of product fomred or reactant used over time
reducing agent
electron donors
oxidisng agemt
electgron acceptors
homogenous sytem
a system where all chemicals in same phase
heterogenous system
a system where all chemicals not in same phase