a level 2024 quetsions Flashcards
Give two differences between the modern model of an atom and the Thomson model of an atom.
protons in the centre of the atom/nucleus
electrons are in shells/energy levels (around the nucleus)
neutrons in the centre of the atom/nucleus
most of the atom is empty space/most of mass in nucleus
Tellurium has a relative atomic mass of 127.6
Iodine has a relative atomic mass of 126.9
Define relative atomic mass.
Suggest one property of tellurium that justifies its position before iodine in the
modern Periodic Table
Average / mean mass of 1 atom (of an element) (1)
1/12 mass of one atom of 12C (1)
A sample of tellurium is analysed in a time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer using
electron impact ionisation.
Give an equation, including state symbols, for this ionisation.
Te(g) + e– → Te+(g) + 2 e–
Suggest why the solution is kept until no more solid needs to be added
To ensure that) the solution/it is saturated
Which statement about kinetic energy (KE) is correct?
The KE of 126Te+ is greater than the KE of 124Te+
The KE of 126Te+ is the same as the KE of 124Te+
The KE of 126Te+ is less than the KE of 124Te+
The KE of 126Te+ is the same as the KE of 124Te+
Suggest why it is important to remove the undissolved strontium hydroxide before the
Otherwise, the titre would be larger
Would need a larger volume of acid/HCl
Because undissolved strontium hydroxide will react (with the
After the filtration, the solution is stored in a stoppered flask.
Suggest a reason for stoppering the flask.
To prevent reaction with carbon dioxide (in the air)
To prevent evaporation (of water/from solution)
Give an equation to show how chlorine forms an acidic solution in water.
Cl2 + H2O ⇌ HCl + HOCl
Give an equation for the reaction between chlorine and
cold, dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide
Cl2 + 2 NaOH ⟶ NaCl + NaOCl + H2
Give the equation for the reaction of solid sodium chloride with
concentrated sulfuric acid.
State the role of the chloride ions in this reaction.
NaCl + H2SO4 ⟶ HCl + NaHSO4
base/proton acceptor
Chlorine forms an ion with the Group 3 element thallium (Tl).
State and explain the bond angle in TlCl2
(2) bond pairs repel to be as far apart as possible
State the meaning of the term perfect ionic model
(Ions are) point charges
(Ions are) perfect spheres
No covalent character
State why the atomic radius of calcium is greater than the atomic radius of
more shells
more energy levels
Explain why the enthalpy of lattice dissociation for sodium oxide is greater than the
enthalpy of lattice dissociation for sodium chloride
Oxide ions
M1 have higher (negative) charge
stronger attraction between (O2– and Na+/oppositely charged)
Magnesium reacts with steam.
Give an equation, including state symbols, for this reaction.
Mg(s) + H2O(g) ⟶ MgO(s) + H2(g)
Similar-sized pieces of barium and magnesium are added to separate
100 cm3 samples of dilute sulfuric acid. In each case the sulfuric acid is in excess.
Explain why
* the barium initially reacts more quickly than the magnesium
* the barium reaction stops before all the barium has reacted
Ba is more reactive) because outer/valence electrons further
from nucleus/less attracted to the nucleus/lost more easily
M2 Insoluble barium sulfate (is formed)
Barium sulfate prevents further reaction (with sulfuric acid)
Sodium reacts with aluminium and hydrogen to form solid NaAlH4
Give an equation for this reaction.
Suggest why NaAlH4 has a high melting point.
M1 Na + Al + 2 H2 → NaAlH4
M2 contains oppositely charged ions/ Na+ and AlH4
– ions
M3 strong attraction between (oppositely charged) ions
Give the equation for the reaction between H3PO4 and an excess of NaOH
3 NaOH + H3PO4 → Na3PO4 + 3 H2O
In a lithium cell, a lithium cobalt oxide electrode and a lithium electrode are used.
Give the equation for the reaction that occurs at the positive electrode.
Li++ CoO2 + e–
→ Li+(CoO2)–
Commercial electrochemical cells can be rechargeable or non-rechargeable.
State why lithium cells can be recharged.
The electrode reactions can be reversed (by applying a reverse