Checking Out Me History Quotes And Ideas Flashcards
Anaphora of phonetic spelling in the beginning of the poem emphasises the difference (separation) between modern poets due to their pronunciation of words.
“Dem tell me Dem tell me”
- “1066” references to the Battle of Hastings
- “and all dat”; Vague and dismissive comment implies he sees these stories as insignificant compared to his own
“1066 and all dat”
The metaphor suggests that his history/ancestry has been stocked away. Additionally the repetition of the plosive sounds in ‘b’ portrays John Agard’s anger towards all this.
“Bandage up me eye with me own history Blind me to me own identity”
The ongoing continuous dynamic verb ‘carving’ shows the passion and power of his stand against prejudice and discrimination; expressing resistance.
“I carving out me identity”