Characteristics of schizophrenia Flashcards
Paragraph one – positive symptoms 
Schizophrenia is a profound disruption of cognition and emotion which affects a persons language, the perception and sense of self. Schizophrenia can be split into two symptoms positive and negative positive symptoms of schizophrenia atypical additional experiences beyond those of ordinary existence for example hallucinations can be visual auditory ,olfactory or tail. Research found that tactile hallucinations are present in approximately 20% of schizophrenic cases and individuals can experience formication. Another example of positive symptoms of schizophrenia is delusions there are three types of delusions delusions of grandiosity, delusions reference, and delusions persecution. For example delusions of grandiosity is believing their important historical/political figure such as Jesus un Napoleon, delusions of reference is believing people are trying to send messages or make contact through radio/TV and delusions of persecution is paranoid delusions when they believe others are trying to harm them or plotting against them.
Paragraph 2 - negative symptoms
To continue negative symptoms of schizophrenia involve the loss of usual abilities or experiences for example this includes Alogia, Avolition, Andonia, flightless of effect and catatonic behaviour. Alogia focuses on the reduction in the amount and quality of speech a individual has for example a lack of words. Avolition is difficulty beginning or keeping up with goal directed activities, signs of this involve poor hygiene, lack of energy and persistence in work or education. Anhedonia is when an individual does not react appropriately to pleasurable experiences for example when a fan does not demonstrate any pleasure for their favourite football team winning. flightless of effect is when an individual appears to have no emotion showing Little to no facial expressions as well as the speech patterns becoming monotonous and catatonic behaviour is when a person can range from fast repetitive movements to no movements at all for example unexpected gestures and loud utterances
Classification of schizophrenia
The ICD – 10 is the international classification of disease edition 10. This states that then needs to be at least one month of schizophrenic symptoms being present to diagnose schizophrenia. It also says there needs to be at least one symptom from category one (for echo/broadcasting, delusions or hallucinations) or at least two from category two (persistent hallucinations and fleeting delusions, disorganised speech catatonic behaviour or negative symptoms) for schizophrenia to be diagnosed.
The DSM – five is the American psychiatric association manual edition 5. In this schizophrenic symptoms have to occur over at least a one month period and Six months of deterioration of functioning. furthermore two or more of the following have to be present for diagnosis which includes delusions, hallucinations, disorganise speech disorganise and cat on catatonic behaviour and symptoms