Chapters 6-11 Flashcards
Name the members of George Washington’s cabinet
Vice President - John Adams; Secretary of State - Thomas Jefferson; Attorney General - Edmund Randolph; Secretary of War - Henry Knox; Secretary of the Treasury - Alexander Hamilton
The Great Triumvirate of the U.S. Congress during the first half of the nineteenth century was made up of
Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun
___ and ___ set out on their expedition to the northwest in ___ (year) to find the ___.
Merwether Lewis, William Clark; 1804; Northwest Passage
What were the first two American political parties, and who originally led them?
Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton; Republicans led by James Madison
The war was ended by the Treaty of ___, which was signed on ___ (complete date).
Ghent; December 24, 1814
the Vice President and intriguer who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel
Aaron Burr
a system in which power is divided among the branches of the government
a system of checks and balances
The ___ put European powers on notice to stay out of affairs in the hemisphere of the Americans.
Monroe Doctrine
The United States doubled in area when the ___ was added to the country in ___ (year)
Louisiana purchase, 1803
The 3 branches are of the U.S. government
executive, legislative, judicial
Two acts that hurt John Adam’s administration
Alien Act, Sedition Act
The biggest mistake of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency was the imposition of an __, which closed all American ports to foreign trade.
Three Americans who were made famous by their victories during the War of 1812
Oliver H. Perry, William Henry Harrison, and Andrew Jackson
The Battle of ___ was actually fought after the war was over because …
New Orleans; a peace treaty was already signed, but word of it did not reach the U.S. for several weeks
passed through the Cumberland Gap and did much exploration in Kentucky
Daniel Boone
The War of 1812 lasted from ___ to ___ and took place during the administration of President ___.
1812 to 1814; James Madison
one of the writers of the Federalist papers and was the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
John Jay
Known as Old Man Eloquent; the first son of a U.S. President to become President
John Quincy Adams