Chapters 14-17 Flashcards
The American Civil War lasted from ___ until ___.
1861 until 1865
The document that Lincoln signed freeing the slaves in the Confederate States was called the ___, signed in ___.
Emancipation Proclamation; 1863
Northern opponents of the were called ___.
The three years of the Mexican War were ___ to ___.
1846 to 1848
The idea that states should decide for themselves whether to be free or slave was known as ___.
Popular Sovereignty
The President during the Mexican War was ___, whose nickname was ___.
James K. Polk; Old Rough and Ready
The idea that the United States would control all territory between Canada and Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans was known as ___.
Manifest Destiny
The treaty that ended the Mexican War was ___.
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
accomplished very little during his one term as the 14th President of the United States
Franklin Pierce
The Civil War began when Fort Sumter was fired upon on ___ (complete date). The first state to secede was ___.
April 12, 1861; South Carolina
The first President of the Confederate States of America was ___, and his Vice President was ___.
Jefferson Davis; Alexander H. Stephens
The first capital of the Confederacy was ___, ___. The second and longest-lasting capital of the Confederacy was ___, ___.
Montgomery, Alabama; Richmond, Virginia
The first President from the Republican Party was ___. This political party is also known as the G.O.P., which stands for ___.
Abraham Lincoln; Grand Old Party
the anti-slavery fanatic who led the raid on Harper’s Ferry, VA, and was hanged.
John Brown
The Kansas-Nebraska Bill was propsed by Senator ___, from ___ (state), whose nickname was ___.
Stephen Douglas; Illinois; the Little Giant
The Confederate general admired by most people for his “nobility of character”
Robert E. Lee