Chapters 32-36 Flashcards
Special cell, sends and receives information
Parts of the neuron: \_\_\_\_\_ receive information \_\_\_\_\_ sends information \_\_\_\_\_ gap between neurons \_\_\_\_\_ protective sheath around axon
The _____ nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is protected by:
- connected tissue called _____
- the bony skull (brain)
- vertebra (spinal cord)
The three layers of the _____:
- pia mater
- arachnoid mater
- dura mater
Space between pia mater and arachnoid mater is filled with _____
cerebral spinal fluid
Controls the voluntary movement of muscles
- gives meaning to information received from eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and sensory receptors in the skin
- allows us to speak, remember, think, and feel emotions
The right and left hemispheres:
- communicate with each other
- are connected by a structure called the
corpus callosum
The diencephalon:
- the _____ sorts out the impulses that arrive via the spinal cord from other parts of the body
- sends them to the correct part of the cerebrum
- controls body temp, fluid balance, appetite, sleep cycles, and some of the emtions
- regulates pituitary gland
The ____ connects the spinal cord to the brain and has 3 parts:
- midbrain
- pons
- medulla
Controls respiration, heart best, and blood pressure
brain stem
The ____ helps coordinate the brains commands to the muscles, allowing for smooth and orderly movement
The ____ is the main connection between the brain and the rest of the body
spinal cord
Pathways of the nerve tissue in the spinal cord called ____ carry messages to and from the body
_____ tracts carry information from the peripheral nervous system to the brain
_____ tracts carry information from the brain to the peripheral nervous system
Part of the peripheral nervous system, carry information from the internal organs and the outside world, to the spinal cord and up to the brain
sensory nerves
Part of the peripheral nervous system, carries commands from the brain down the spinal cord, to the muscles and organs of the body
motor nerves
The _____ regulates what is going on within the body and make adjustments as necessary to keep things within the range of normal (homeostasis)
nervous system
When the central nervous system detects an imbalance, a special part of the peripheral nervous system, called the _____ is activated
autonomic system
The ____ nervous system starts actions or speeds things up (fight or flight)
sympathetic nervous system
The _____ stops those actions or slows them back down
parasympathetic nervous system
The ____ allows us to interact with the world around us
nervous system
The amount of _____ surrounding the axons decreases reducing the speed of the nerve conduction by 10%
_____ imbalances can interfere with the ability of nerve impulse to travel across a synapse, slowing conduction
Temporary episodes of dysfunction caused by a decreased blood flow to the brain
-takes 24 hours to completely recover
transient ischemic attacks
Common symptoms of ____:
- dizziness
- nausea
- blurry or loss of vision
- double vision
- paralysis on one side of body or face without loss of sensation
- inability to speak or swallow
Also known as a brain attack or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is completely blocked causing tissue to die
Possible signs of _____:
- personality changes
- drooping of the eyelid or corner of the mouth
- slurring of speech
- paralysis
- severe headache
- loss of consciousness
_____ is most often caused by a blood clot that blocks flow to part of the brain, or cerebral hemorrhage
- smoking
- atherosclerosis
- hypertension
- daibetes
Effects of ____:
- hemiplegia
- aphasia
- expressive aphasia
- receptive aphasia
Paralysis on one side of the body
A general term for a group of disorders that affect the persons ability to communicate with others
Inability to speak or form sounds into meaningful words
expressive aphasia
Inability to understand the meaning of words
receptive aphasia
A neurotransmitter called dopamine is not produced in sufficient amount
The brains instructions regarding muscle movement never reach the muscle
Progressive disease
Parkinsons Disease
The effects of _____:
- T: tremor
- R: rigidity
- A: akinesia-lack of movement
- P: postural instability-unable to maintain balance
parkinsons disease
- muscles become weaker and rigid
- person may walk with a shuffling,leaning gait
- hard for person to stop walking
- skin disorders
- sleep disturbances
- incontinence
- dementia
- immobility
Effects of _____
parkinsons disease
Characterized by chronic seizure activity
-head injury
-brain infection
-difficult birth resulting in the infant not receiving enough oxygen
-sometimes never determined
Characterized by generalized and violent contractions and relaxation of the bodys muscles
grand mal seizures
Seizures are mild and hardly noticeable
petit mal (absence)
Auto immune disorder
Immune system attacks and destroys the myelin sheaths that protect the nerves, resulting in faulty transmission of nerve impulses
Nerves in hands, feet, and eyes are usually affected first
Muscle weakness, tingling sensations, twitching of the eyes, and visual disturbances may be early signs
-paralysis in end stage
multiple sclerosis
______ has no cure, has meds to slow process
-one reasons young people become residents in long term care facility
Also known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease
- nerves are destroyed, resulting in progressive muscle weakness
- late stage person is totally paralyzed yet their mind remains sharp
- terminal illness
Amyptrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Deep state of unconsiousness from which person cannot be aroused
- Recovery depends on cause and person
- Totally dependent on others for all care
coma and persistent vegetative state
- May be related to birth defects, trauma, or tumors
- type depends on location and severity of injury
spinal cord injury
Paralysis from the neck down
Paralysis from the waist down
Helps us to understand and interact with the world around us Helps protect us from harm Sense organs: -eyes -ears -nose -tastes buds -touch
sensory system
Part of nervous system, consists of sensory receptors
- specialized cells or groups of cells associated with a sensory nerve
- converts a stimulus into a nerve impulse, which is then sent to the brain for interpretation, via the sensory nerve
sensory system
Receptors that are responsible for general sense, such as touch, position, and pain, located throughout the body
general sense
Receptors that are responsible for special sense such as sight, hearing, taste, and smell located in the specific sense organs
special sense
Sense of touch is made possible by ______ found in skin
-some allows us to sense pressure, known as deep touch
tactile receptors
Intolerance to prolonged pressure makes us shift our ____
- found in the muscles, tendons, and joints
- keep the brain informed about the position of various body parts
- relay information to the brain about the degree of muscle contraction, especially when the muscle is contracting against resistance
position receptors
The bodies distress signal
- referred to as the fifth vital sign
- free nerve endings in the skin and the tissues of our internal organs allow us to detect ____
Occurs when the brain cannot pinpoint the exact location of pain coming from an internal organ
radiating pain
The senses of taste and smell are made possible by special cells in these areas called _____
_____ detect chemicals in the food we eat, drink, and air we breathe
The chemical signal is changed to an electric one and carried by sensory neurons to the brain, which tells us what we are tasting or smelling
Each ____ consists of about 100 chemoreceptors
- are bathed in fluid
- fluid contains dissolved chemicals
taste buds
Receptors that allow us to _____ are located on the roof of the nasal cavity
- stimulated by chemicals dissolved in the moist mucus membrane lining of the nasal cavity
- this sense is easily fatigued or worn out
The ____ is made of three layers of tissue”
- sclera
- choroid
- retina
Tough outer layer of eye
- made of connective tissue
- most of it is white, but the front is called the ____ is clear
- light passes through ____ to the inside of the eye
Middle layer of the eye
- contains the blood vessels that supply the ____ and other parts of the eye
- at the front this structure also forms the ciliary body and iris
Muscular structure that attaches to the lens and changes the shape of the lens, allowing the eye to focus
ciliary body
Colored part of the eye with an opening in the center (pupil) which controls the amount of light that enters the eye
Innermost layer of the eye
- contains receptors, called rods and cones, which turn light into nerve impulses
- pulses travel through the optic nerve to the brain for interpretation
Located between the cornea and the lens, contains aqueous humor
anterior chamber
Located between the lens and the retina, contains vitreous humor
posterior chamber
The _____ is the film
The ____ and _____ control the amount of light that enters the eye
The ____ and ____ work to focus light rays onto the retina resulting in a clear image
iris and pupil
cornea and lens
nearsightedness is called ____
farsightedness is called _____
When the lens becomes less flexible, affecting the ability to focus on objects that are close
The ______ consists of the:
- pinna and auricle
- collects sound waves and direct them down the external auditory canal to the tympanic membrane
outer ear
A short canal with small hairs and special glands that secrete ceremen, which helps to protect the ear canal by trapping dirt and other particles
external auditory canal
Eardrum, separated outer and middle ear
tympanic membrane
The ____ is an air space that contains:
- malleus
- incus
- stapes
middle ear
The opening of the _____
-connects the middle ear to the pharynx and serves to equalize the pressure in the middle ear
eustachian tube
The most complex part of the ear is the ______, which contains receptors that make hearing and balance possible
inner ear
Responsible for hearing, looks like a snail, filled with fluid
Two sac-like structures
3 structures containing fluid, for balance
Semicircular canals
Sound waves are captured by the ____ and sent down the external auditory canal to the _____, causing it to vibrate
tympanic membrane
Vibrations pass to the ______, the _____, and then to the _____ causing the oval window to vibrate, sending the vibrations through the fluid inside the _____
malleus, the incis, the stapes
The moving fluid stimulates the receptors inside the ____, which then send nerve impulses via the cochlear nerve to the brain
The brain interprets these nerve impulses as sound
When body position changes, receptors in the vestibular apparatus are stimulated, the receptors send nerve impulses via the vestibular nerve o the brain, the impulses tell the brain what the bodys position is relative to the ground
The tympanic membrane and ossicles become stiffer, and the number of sensory receptors decrease resulting on gradual loss to hear high pitched sounds
-person has trouble telling the difference between high pitched sounds like “th” and “s”
Conductive hearing loss, otosclerosis
Prolonged exposure to loud noise, presbycusis
sensorineural hearing loss
_____ produce hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream
endocrine glands
______ produce substances that are released into a hollow organ or onto a surface
-salivary glands and sweat glands
Are not part of the endocrine system
exocrine glands
- size of a cherry
- lies beneath the brain
- connected by a stalk, called infundibulum, to the hypothalamus
pituitary gland
Located underneath the brain
pineal gland
- located in the neck
- butterfly shaped, with two oval lobes located on either side of the larynx, connected by a narrow band of tissue called the isthmus
thyroid gland
Four tiny glands that are embedded in the back of the thyroid gland
parathyroid gland
Located in the upper part of the chest above the heart
thymus gland
Located on top of the kidneys
adrenal glands
Located in the abdomen
Are the ovaries in women and the testes in men
sex glands (gonads)
The ______ controls many of the bodys processes, such as
- growth and development
- reproduction
- metabolism
endocrine system
Produce hormones, chemicals that act on cells to produce a response
- hormones are released into bloodstream
- hormone travels in blood until the target cell is reached
- it attaches to a special receptor in the cell wall
- attaching a hormone to a receptor causes a specific reaction in the cell
endocrine system
The secretion of many hormones is initiated by ____
feedback system
Acts of kidneys
- limits the amount of water lost from body in the form of urine
- causes kidneys to save body fluid by decreasing the amount of urine produced
- a lack causes the kidneys to produce more urine, eliminating excess fluid from the body
antidiurectic hormone (ADH)
Acts on uterus and mammary glands
- causes labor to begin
- lets down milk in the breasts of a nursing mother
Produces hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands
-helps the body to cope with stress
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Stimulates milk glands of the breast
Regulates sleep wake cycle
- stimulated by light and darkness
- secretes during dark park of the day
pineal gland
Produced thyoxine and calcitonin
thyroid gland
- sets the rate of metabolism for the cells of the body
- the more released the more the metabolic rate of cells increase, the less released the less the cell rate
The thyroid gland needs ____ to produce thyroxine
Can occur when a person is deficient of iodine
Regulates the level of calcium in the bloodstream
- transports the extra calcium to the bones
- too much calcium in bloodstream causes muscles to become weak and slow to respond
Cramping of the skeletal muscles and an irregular heart beat, may result if calcium level drops too low
Increases the amount of calcium in the blood
- causes calcium to be released from the bones into bloodstream
- helps kidneys to keep calcium
- stores calcium for later
parathyroid glands
The actions of ____ and _____ balance each other and help to keep the levels of calcium in bloodstream constant
calcitonin and parathyroid gland
If the _____ are surgically removed or become damaged by disease:
- hormone is not produced in adequate amounts
- calcium levels may drop, causing tetany
parathyroid gland
_____ of the PTH gland can cause an overproduction of PTH that resukts in:
- excess calcium being removed from the bones
- fragile bones
- formation of kidney stones
Secretes thymosin
- helps infection fighting T cells mature
- an increase in the secretion stimulates the body to produce more T cells during an infection or illness
thymus gland
Has two separate parts:
- medulla or inner portion
- cortex or outer portion
adrenal gland
The ____ secretes two hormones: epinephrine and norepinephrine:
- fight or flight
- help the heart and lungs deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles preparing the body to stand up and fight or flight
- dry mouth
- pounding heart
- help metabolize fats and proteins
- maintain a reserve of glucose for stress
- suppress inflammatory response
Are given in the form of drugs for severe inflammatory disorders:
- asthma
- RA
- severe allergic reactions
Ex: hydrocortisone
Help regulate the level of certain minerals in the body, particularly sodium and potassium
-Aldosterone is the primary hormone in this group, helps kidneys to reabsorb sodium and secrete potassium
Is both an exocrine and endocrine gland
- exocrine–produce enzymes into small intestne that help to digest food
- endocrine–produce insulin and glucagon
Special cells within the pancreas, called islets of langerhans, produce and secrete ____
- affects all body cells
- allows glucose to be transported from the bloodstream into individual cells, where it is used for energy
- lowers blood glucose level
Responsible for raising the glucose level
-when glucose levels drop because they have not eaten in a while, the ____ secretes glucagon
Glucogon stimulates the _____ to release the glucose that has been stored into the bloodstream for energy
______ or Graves disease caused by the excessive secretion of thyroxine
-metabolic rate increases
_____ results when thyroxine secretion is too low
-in children, if left untreated it can result in a condition called cretinism -lack of physical growth and mental development
_____ is more common in women and elderly
-treated by administering throxine in a pill form
Two most common _____ disorders are
- addisons disease
- cushings syndrome
adrenal gland
Adrenal cortex is destroyed, resulting in low levels of the adrenal cortical hormones
- muscle weakness and atrophy
- dark discolored skin
- disturbances in bodys salt and water balance
- hyertension
Person may need assistance with walking ROM
addisons disease
- excessive secretion of glucocorticoids
- disorders in pituitary gland
- high doses of steroid meds for a long time
cushings syndrome
- pocket of fat in the abdomen, on the back, and in the face
- increased facial hair
- high blood glucose levels
Signs and symptoms of _____
cushings syndrome
Results when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin
-most common of all endocrine gland disorders and leading cause of death among elderly
diabetes mellitus
Caused by destruction of the insulin producing cells of the pancreas
-most common in children
type 1 diabetes mellitus
Most common in overweight adults
- pancreas still produces some insulin but cells of the body are unable to respond to insulin
- unable to transport the glucose into cells
type 2 diabetes mellitus
If a person does not eat at the recommended time after receiving her insulin, her blood glucose level can drop too low, resulting in a condition known as ______
insulin shock