Chapters 10,11, 12, and 13 Flashcards
An ______________ is a study in which at least one variable is manipulated and another is measured
A _______________ is a variable in an experiment that a researcher controls, such as by assigning participants to its different levels (values)
manipulated variable
A _______________ is a variable in a study which levels are observed and recorded
Measured Variable
_________________ is when another variable varies systematically
along with the IV and provides an alternative
explanation for the results
Design confounds
________________ is when participants in one level of the IV are
systematically different than the participants
in another level(s) of the IV.
Selection effects
______________ is when exposure to one condition affects
experience to other conditions
Order effects for within-subject designs
_______________ is a reduction in participant numbers
from pretest to posttest.
________________ is a statistical concept in which extremely
low or extremely high performance at
Time 1 is likely to be less extreme at
Time 2 (i.e., closer to average).
________________ occurs when an external or “historical”
event affects most members of the
treatment group during treatment,
making it unclear if the change in the
DV was the result of the treatment or
the result of the historical factor
Historical threats
_______________ is a change in behavior that emerges
spontaneously over time
_______________ is a type of order effect in which there is a
change in participants due to experiencing the
DV more than once
_______________ occurs when a measuring instrument
changes over time
– Ex. Observer scoring may become
more or less strict with time
________________ is when an outside event or factor systematically affects
participants at one level of the IV
Selection-history threat
________________ is when participants in only one experimental group
experience attrition
Selection-attrition threat
______________ is bias caused by researchers’ expectations
influencing how they interpret the results
Observer bias
________________ is when participants determine a research
study’s interests and change their behavior in
the expected direction, causing bias
Demand Characteristics