Chapters 1-7 Flashcards
The medical record where info on a patient is recorded
Objective data
Observations of a patient made by one’s senses, such as seeing a rash or hearing moans of pain
A computer screen (part of the patient record) that documents the actions and observations made at regular intervals; aka flow sheet
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Bottom to top
Physiological, safety & security, belongingness & love, self-esteem, and self-actualization
Age-specific Care Considerations
Attention to patient’s safety, communication, and comfort needs that takes into account the age of the patient and the patient’s stage of life
The invasion and growth of disease-causing microorganisms in the body
Microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, that can cause disease
Single-celled, microscopic organisms. Some beneficial, while others cause disease
The smallest known infectious agent
Microscopic, single-celled or multicellular plants that can cause disease
A type of bacteria that’s a common cause of chest and throat infections
Referring to a disease that can be spread; communicable
Chain of Infection
The process by which an infectious disease transmitted to and develops in a person’s body
Causative agent
In the chain of infection, the pathogen that causes the infection or disease
A person who had a disease that can be passed on to others but who doesn’t display signs or symptoms of the disease
Any object that’s contaminated with pathogens and can transmit disease
Portal of entry
In the chain of infection, that means by which the pathogens enters the host body
Susceptible host
In the chain of infection, the individual who acquires the pathogen; if the host is unable to resist the pathogen, it begins to reproduce and cause infection
Droplet transmission
Transmisson of microorganisms by droplet propelled through the air by sneezing, coughing, or talking
Healthcare- associated infections (HAIs)
An infection acquired while in a healthcare facility
Nosocomial infection
An infection acquired while in a healthcare facility
Removing personal protective equipment, following the correct procedure
A cleaning process that destroys most microorganisms through the use of certain chemicals or boiling water
Specific procedures and precautions designed to prevent a patient from infecting others or being infected by others
Standard Precautions
Guidelines that apply to the care of all patients, no matter what their known infection status is; every patient is treated as if they are potentially infectious
Transmission-based precautions
Isolation precautions used when caring for patients who have a contagious disease caused by an identified pathogen
Body mechanics
Special techniques to coordinate balance and movement so as to prevent strain and injury
Base of support
The area on which an object rests; when you are standing, your feet are your base of support
Belts, straps, or garments used to hold a patient in position or to restrict the movement of a limb
Chemical restraints
Certain drugs, such as sedatives, that restrain a person by controlling their behavior
Used to remember the steps for using a fire extinguisher
P- pull the pin
A- Aim the nozzle
S- squeeze the handle
S- sweep the extinguisher side to side
The body’s reaction to a strong and sudden disturbance, marked by rapid, weak pulse; shallow, rapid respirations; pale, cool, clammy skin; lowered blood pressure
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
An emergency procedure used to keep blood and oxygen flowing to vital organs during cardiac or respiratory arrest
Respiratory arrest
The stopping of breathing
Lethal heart rhythm
An irregular disturbance of the electrical sequences of the heart that can lead to death
Petit mal seizure
A type of seizure characterized by a loss of awareness for a short period of time, often less than a minute
Grand mal seizure
A type of seizure characterized by a loss of consciousness and jerky muscle contractions
Plan of care
A written plan that provides direction for each patient’s care, including the goals for patient and the actions required to meet them
The principle of not revealing private information to others
Standards of care
A set of guidelines that serve as a model for good nursing assistant care
A failure to provide the care that should be reasonably expected to provide, which causes harm to a patient or a patient’s property
Negligence by a professional person, such as physician, nurse, or pharmacist
False imprisonment
The illegal confinement or restraint of a person against their will
Any unusual event such as an accident or a situation that could cause an accident
Verbal communication
Communication that uses written or spoken words
Nonverbal communication
Communication without words; body language
Body language
Nonverbal communication, such as facial expression, tone of voice, posture, and gestures
Route of transmission
In the chain of infection, the way a pathogen is transmitted from the reservoir to the new host’s body
Airborne transmission
Transmission of microorganisms by evaporated droplets or dust particles moving through the air
Applying PPE
Cardiac arrest
The stopping of the heart function and circulation
Automated external defibrillator (AED)
A portable, lightweight device that can detect a lethal heart rhythm, deliver a shock that stops the lethal rhythm, and lets the normal heart rhythm resume
Heimlich maneuver
An emergency procedure involving the use of abdominal thrusts on a person who’s chocking to clear the obstructed airway
Prospective payment
A system for paying providers in which illnesses and procedures are grouped into related types, known as diagnostic-related groups (DRGs)
Managed care
A program in which the cost of health care goods and services are controlled
Acute illness
An illness that comes on suddenly and is generally of short duration
Chronic illness
An illness that develops slowly and continues over a long period of time
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Everyday activities or tasks, such as eating, dressing, bathing, and toileting
Scope of practice
The range of activities that can legally be performed within a particular health occupation
Subjective data
Information reporting by a patient about how they are feeling
Holistic health
The view in health care that regards the body, mind, and spirit as interrelated dimensions of a person’s being and considers the needs of the whole person
Living things so small that they can only be seen with a microscope; aka microbes or germs
Single-celled, microscopic animals, usually living in water, that can cause disease
A type of bacteria that’s a common cause of infection
Reservoir of the agent
In the chain of infection, the place where a pathogen (agent) can live and reproduce, such as in a person who has the disease, an animal, or a fomite
Portal of exit
In the chain of infection, that means by which the pathogens leave the reservoir
Contact transmission
Transfer of microorganisms by contact with body surfaces or contaminated objects
Referring to a disease that can be spread from one person to another, either directly or through an animal or object; infectious
PPP, such as gloves, gowns, mask, and goggles, designed to prevent contact with the body fluids of patients
A cleaning process that kills all microorganisms, including spores
Terminal cleaning
Thorough cleaning of the patient unit after the patient is discharged
Microorganisms normally present in or on the human body
Clove hitch
A type of knot that can be easily released in case of an emergency
Used to remember the sequence of actions to take in case of a fire:
R-remove patients to a safe zone
A-activate the alarm
C-Contain the fire
E-extinguish the fire
Carotid pulse
A rhythmic expansion of the carotid artery that can be palpated with 2 fingers placed lightly on either side of the neck close of the trachea
Sudden, violent contractions or trembling of muscles caused by a disturbance of brain activity; aka convulsions